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1、月 高三各区统作文题 海淀区书面体现(共两节,分)第一节 (15分)假设你是红星中学学生会主席李华。由于天气因素,你校原定于本周五举办的活动有所调节,请用英文口头告知留学生有关事宜。内容涉及:1. 公园5公里慢跑调节为校内观看中国电影;电影名称,观看时间和地点;观看该电影的理由。注意:.字数不少于5;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。ear all, ay I aeyou attentin, pase?_ _ Thas all. hank o.(范文)Der ll,ayI have your ttntion es? I amL Ha, predentof he StdentUionand I

2、ahe t tel yu sometinimptant. As y yhae knn frthe wathereor, th wll e a heav rainthis ridy. Thu, th schoolhas decideto showamvi then i pla of the originaly planed acty o 5k ogi in t ark he movie wel se s Amerca Deams n Chia. Thimoie wll defitely help yu n moaout China asit s baon a realstor tat appen

3、d aftr the plc ofRform andpeing Up wasintrdued.H three ambitious youn mn builtan glish-utorng empir claryreflects Chnascent develmen h attractiv plot a outandig prformancewontlt you dow nt themewl certaingive yousome food fo thogh. Tobeter eoy the mvie, lse arriveat th schol auitoumat1:50 pm. Theflm

4、 strts :00p.m. sharp and il ls or two hs. Have fun dno ourseves! Tatsal. Th you. 注:Americn rams iChina为电影中国合伙人 第二节(20分)假设你是红星中学高三()班的学生李华。请根据如下四幅图的先后顺序,给校刊“英语角”写一篇英文稿件,记述你在社区发现并救济流浪狗的全过程。注意:词数不少于0。提示词:流浪狗 strayog_ (范文)O day ftercool, just ee Iarivd h,notieda pupy beside ecomunty gat. Seeingit hivein

5、ginh rezng wind, flt sympatheior ad ecided to lp. Conce that it might e ick, I rushd itothe eihborhoodve n seing th sknn ogwt irty hair,the vetreconizd it as sray og H prasede fmy nnessand ofereto examneit or ree.Forunatey, th wa fine excpt for beng all unerwight Since I cdntafforthe timand nergy, h

6、loving vt agreed o keep it until ounit a ome. ha ight, psted seapicturs o the uppy with a dsiti a local ebsite,hoping soeone woulddoptit. To y grea surprise, within few ursm ost eceive ndeds ofclicks anddozenso etizesaplied to be th owner. Atersveral teephone “intees”, cupe ecame my final choice sin

7、e thehv rih eeriece in og raiin. e me the next dy at e v. ortheoupe, i alov a firsight.h ppp, asif awreofwh wasgoio, kponwaggin it tail.As Ived he contete ailygobye,I fel aoa off my min d prden yhart. If eryo cantrea ania ith love,twold wll surlybeaner place. 西城区第四部分:书面体现(共两节,分)第一节(1分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李华

8、。你的英国朋友J即将过生日。你打算送给她一件具有中国特色的礼物。请给她写封信,内容涉及:. 生日祝愿;2. 礼物简介;3. 选择该礼物的因素。注意: . 词数不少于0;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dar Jim, NextModay isyour ia Im sendingyouait. Itlacur egavng handcraf pla. Lcqur engrving isrdiinaChiese olkcrafart. h ngrvi is dne n layr ofre cquer aintd on wooden base. Yu know, colorf red stn

9、s or happes andoorune and s especially fored by Cinese ppl. Doyou kno why Ihosethis gif for you? It beaue heres trn o he Grat Wal on the pl. still emember yu astihed o en both usfinlly mde it to th ghesbecn tweof the Grat Wall, eingthespcalarscne. Ihop yl like i. Happ birthda ai! 第二节(分)假设你是红星中学高三学生李

10、华。上周,你班同窗为迎接新年的到来,为元旦联欢会精心筹划准备。请你按照如下四幅图的先后顺序,以“eparofor N YearsPay”为题,给校刊写一篇英文稿件,简介准备联欢会的全过程。注意:词数不少于0。(请务必将情景作文写在答题卡指定区域内)内容要点:1 讨论 2.购物 3布置 4. 赞扬Preparaion for New YeasPaty Las Mody, realizig h new year of cmng, some f my lsatsand I came p whanidea tha e huld d ary o celrate it. Without nydelay had headiscussion abot whattoprepareand put wn the things neded on a it.Rigt fer schol,e eaded to th



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