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1、 必修三写作专项 Unit1假设你是李华,你的笔友Tom对中国文化非常感兴趣,他和他的家人准备今年来中国过春节,写信向你咨询相关事宜。请根据所给提示,用英语给他回一封电子邮件。内容包括:1. 春节在中国文化中的重要性;2. 主要的庆祝活动和方式;3. 旅游注意事项:选好参观的城市、提前预定宾馆等。Dear Tom,Im glad to hear that you and your family are visiting China during the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is one of the most important festi

2、vals in China. It is an occasion when family members get together and have a good rest. Before the festival, we clean our houses and decorate them with red couplets and pictures, which express our best wishes for the coming new year. During the festival, we visit relatives. Children are given lucky

3、money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, from which you can learn more about Chinese culture. In the north of China the special food for the Spring Festival is dumpling.Please decide which cities you are going to visit and book the hotel rooms in advance. I wish you a pleasant jour

4、ney in China. Unit2假设你是李华,是某国际学校的学生会主席。针对不少同学爱吃快餐及经常不吃早饭的情况,请你代表学生会写一篇倡议书,呼吁同学们培养健康的饮食习惯。Dear friends,Some students in our school prefer eating fast food and others often skip breakfast, which is bad for our health.Fast food is considered to be junk food because they dont provide enough of the nutri

5、ents we need in a day. The negative effects of skipping breakfast can also be serious. Experts say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, without which our body cannot function properly.Lets develop a healthy lifestyle from now on. Remember: eat meals on time, have a balanced diet and take

6、 exercise regularly.We are what we eat. Lets take good care of ourselves in order to keep fit. Students Union Unit 3用事实说话谈广告写作假如你的一位朋友在杭州开了一家名为“陶园”的饭店,请你为他写一则英语广告以吸引来自国外的游客。广告应包括以下内容:饭店提供丰富多样的中国食物;食物美味可口,营养均衡;用餐环境好;服务质量高。Once tasted, always loved. Taoyuan Restaurant is the home of good food. We prov

7、ide fast food from all over China and our specialties include Xiaolongbao and Won Ton soup. We also offer a great variety of other Chinese traditional foods with super flavors. A balanced diet in our restaurant will give you enough energy as well as fiber. This is a fun place to eat, especially at l

8、unchtime when its filled with people, locals and tourists alike, giving the place a lively atmosphere. Best service is guaranteed. Our restaurant is by the lakeside with great views of Hangzhous most famous site. Why not pay us a visit?Unit4说明文写作如何解决问题根据目前对某市高中生的心理状况调查显示,大部分学生普遍存在的最严重的心理问题是自信心不足。其主要

9、原因有:1.学生交际范围狭窄;2.家长的期望过高;3.学校存在不恰当的比较和评价(evaluation)方式。According to a recent survey, most high school students in our city appear to lack self-confidence,which has been the most serious psychological problem. The reasons can be listed as follows.The narrow range of interpersonal communication is one

10、 of the main reasons.The high expectation from parents is often said to be another cause. Also,there still exist some improper comparison and evaluation methods in many schools.Its high time thatsomething were done to solve the problem.First, students should communicate more with others. Second, par

11、ents shouldpay more attention to their childrens thoughts.Finally, schools should change their comparison and evaluation methods.In my opinion, all these changes will certainly help students build up their self-confidence as long as they are done properly.Unit5如何写描述性旅游报告假设你是李华,在“十一黄金周”期间,你和父母一起去湖北宜昌

12、参观了著名的葛洲坝水利枢纽工程。请根据所给提示要点,为校报的英语专栏写一篇旅游报告。 1. 参观葛洲坝经过;2. 印象最深刻的景点;3. 这次参观的体会。During the National Holiday I went to Yichang, Hubei Province and visited the famous Gezhouba Project. We first took a high-speed train to reach Yichang, where we joined a guided trip by ship to enjoy the view along the Yan

13、gtze River. The scenery of the Three Gorges was breathtaking and it was a feast for the eye. What impressed me most was when the ship we were taking was raised up to the river which is 50 metres higher. It was so magical that I couldnt help thinking how great the engineers who built the ship locks were. Later we visited the Three Gorges Dam and learned how water is used to produce electricity for us. My trip to Gezhouba Project was impressive because it broadened my horizon.


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