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1、六年级上册总复习Unit1:mother母亲;father父亲 ;parents父母sister姐,妹;brother兄,弟;Uncle叔叔;aunt阿姨;cousin堂表兄.妹;visit拜访;airport飞机场;who谁;1.John has two aunts. 约翰有2个姨妈。2. -Who are they? 他们是谁? -They are Aunt Maggie and Aunt Lucy. 他们是麦吉姨妈和露西姨妈。3. Who is Cousin Harry? ( is, am ,are) 谁是哈利表弟?4. They are coming to visit us next

2、week. 他们打算下周来拜访我们。5. Aunt Maggie has got curly yellow hair. 麦吉姨妈有卷卷的黄头发。6. They are at the airport. 他们在机场。Unit2:beside在.旁边;next to紧挨着;east东方west西方;north北方; south南方7.Harry finds the way. 哈利找路。8.He is from England .他来自英国.9.We are in the east of the city. 我们在城市的东边。10.Beside the shopping mall is a famou

3、s park. 购物中心的旁边是一个著名的公园。Unit3:clothes shop服装店;shoe鞋子;cake蛋糕noodle面条bread面包 toy玩具11.-What does your uncle do? 你叔叔是做什么的? -He works in a toy shop. /他在一家玩具店工作.12.-Is it a cake shop? 它是一家蛋糕店吗? - No, it isnt. It is a toy shop. 13.What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?Unit4: jelly果冻 pancake煎饼 pie派 ;soup汤;salad沙拉

4、 cold dish凉拌菜 14.It is like an English pancake. 它像一份英式煎饼.15. This is a Chinese cold dish. 这是一道中式凉菜16.Is a cat like a lion? 猫像狮子吗?Unit5: fast food快餐 Western food西餐 Chinese food中餐 fast-food restaurant 快餐店 Western restaurant西式餐厅 Chinese restaurant中式餐厅 prefer更喜欢17.-Do you prefer Chinese or Western food?

5、 :你更喜欢中餐还是西餐?-I prefer Western food. 我更喜欢西餐 。 18.译:What do you prefer? 你更喜欢什么?Unit6:face脸 knee膝盖 shoulder肩膀 neck 脖子head头 finger手指;hurt受伤19. I hurt my knee. 我的膝盖受伤了。20. He hurt his finger.他的手指头受伤了。21. She hurt her face.她的脸受伤了。22. Help me /her/him! 帮助我/她/他! Let me help you! 让我帮你!23, She is hurt. 她受伤了。

6、 24. I am hurt. 我受伤了。 Unit7: ill生病fever发烧cough咳嗽stomachache胃疼headache 头疼 toothache牙疼25.I am ill today. 我今天生病了。 He is ill.他生病了。26.-Do you have a headache? 你头痛吗? -Yes, I do; I have a headache. 是的,我头痛。27.I cannot come to school today. 我今天不能来上学。28.Please stay at home and rest. 请呆在家里并且休息。29.He has a feve

7、r. 他发烧了。30.How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样? Unit8: Principals Office校长办公室;Teachers Room教师办公室 washrooms洗手间; go upstairs上楼 go downstairs下楼 2nd floor第二层 Excuse me打扰一下where哪里 31.Where is the Teachers Room,please? 老师办公室在哪里 ? -Its upstairs. Its on the 2nd floor. 在楼上。在二楼。32. -Thank you very much. 非常感谢 -Youre welco

8、me. 或者 Thats OK. 不用谢。33.Can you show me the way to the washroom? 你能给我指一下去卫生间的路吗?34. The building has 3 floors. 这楼房有3层楼的。35. The Music Room is on the 2nd floor. 音乐室在二层楼。36.The classrooms are on the 1st floor. 教室在一楼。37.There are 10 new classrooms on the 2nd floor. 二层楼有10间教室。38. Look at this building.

9、看这建筑。39A visitor wants to go to the Principals Office. Unit9. 1st第一 2nd第二 3rd 第三 sport运动 game比赛 arts and crafts工艺品40.Today is the school Sports Day. 今天是学校运动会。41. Im good at sports 我擅长于运动。42.Joe and I are going to run in the race. ( is, am, are) 乔和我将要参加赛跑。43. -Are you good at swimming ?你擅长于游泳吗?. Yes,

10、 I am. 44.-Is he good at basketball? 他擅长于打篮球吗? - Yes, he is45.Joe is the first in the race. 乔在比赛中得了第一名。46. She studies hard. 她学习刻苦。Unit10. skate boarding滑旱冰 roller skating滑板 flying a kite放风筝;volleyball排球 tennis网球table tennis 乒乓球 enjoy喜欢 fun有趣47. -Do you enjoy playing tennis? 你喜欢打网球吗? - .No, I dont.4

11、8.I enjoy flying a kite. 我喜欢放风筝。49. Lets play volleyball this afternoon. 让我们今天下午打排球吧。50.The 2008 Olympic Games is in China. 2008年中国奥运会。Unit 11. February二月June六月 January一月 April 四月 March三月 May五月 birthday生日gift礼物 game-boy游戏机 buy买;interesting有趣的51.- When is your birthday? 你什么时候生日?-Its in January. 在一月。5

12、2.Lets buy him a new school bag. 让我们给他买一个新书包.53 He will enjoy playing with the game-boy. 54. Li Weis birthday is on March 12th . 李伟的生日在三月十二号。55.We will buy a toy panda for her. 我们将要给她买一只玩具熊猫。Unit 12. July 七月August八月 September九月 October十月 November 十一月December十二月The Spring Festival春节 Fireworks Day烟火节

13、Halloween万圣节 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 National Day 国庆节Thanksgiving Day感恩节Tree-planting Day植树节Childrens Day儿童节 April Fool Day愚人节 Mothers Day母亲节Christmas Day圣诞节Australia澳大利亚 favourite最喜欢的 month月份56.- What is your favourite month? 你最喜欢几月份? -My favourite month is August. 我最喜欢八月份。57.The Spring Festival holidays are coming. 春节假期就要来临。 58.May Day is on May 1st . 劳动节在五月一日。


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