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1、句型特惠套餐Super Food for Readers1. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming the chairman.女士们,先生们,请和我一块来欢迎董事长。2. So what do you say when you are recruiting a candidate for financial services who raises that kind of problem?假如面对某个应征者提出这样的问题时,你该如何回应?3. I dont wanna miss out(遗漏)!机会不容我错过!4. You know

2、, were going through(经历) a transition right now.你要知道,我们正处于一个过渡转型期。5. So let me put it the other way.让我换而言之。6. Its very awarding, very thrilling.这是最大的回报,真是令人激动。7. Its amazing.真是绝妙。8. Thats really a fun trip of the imagination.那简直是一次愉悦的梦幻旅程。9. You seem a little on edge.你似乎有点紧张。10. Me just so smiling t

3、o seeing you Sir! / Its a bursting with happiness seeing you again.见到你们真是(说不出的)高兴!11. Good to see you again. / Its a great pleasure to see you again, my lady.再次见到你真是高兴,(我亲爱的女士)。12. You will pay attention to my lead.你得听我的指挥。13. You will learn your place, young one.年轻人,你得了解自己的身份。14. Now if youll excus

4、e me, I will retire.对不起失陪,我要告辞了。15. Be mindful of your thoughts.当心你自己的想法。16. All right, I get the picture哦,我明白是怎么回事了17. How would you have it work?你如何让它发挥作用呢?18. Youre making fun of me!你在取笑我!19. Were not supposed to eat this stuff. 我们不该吃这种东西。20. So, in truth, theyre dying out there?那么,实际上,他们是在坐以待毙吗?

5、21. Its extremely shortsighted.这是极端的短视行为。22. Theyre in terrible shape.他们体形很差。23. Hows the diet going this week?这一周的减肥进行得怎样了?24. We have no idea how serious it is.我们不知道问题究竟有多严重。25. Im pretty disturbed by it, yeah, eh, I think at this point we have to take these things fairly seriously.这事让我心神不宁,唉,在这个节

6、骨眼上,我想我们还是得认真对待,小心为妙。26. It sure is wonderful to be here with my friend!和我的朋友在一起简直就是妙不可言。27. Everybodys got a lot of energy, a lot of spirit, a lot of heart and some mental toughness.每个人都养精蓄锐,满怀信心,士气高昂,意志顽强。28. Baby fat is no laughing matter.儿童痴肥决不是儿戏。29. Now Im feeling like asking my mom for apples

7、 and grapes with my lunch.现在我喜欢向妈妈要些苹果和葡萄当午餐吃。30. Wow! This is not the kind of life that I want to live.哇!我可不想要这样的生活。31.So far, so good.还算可以。32.That sounds fine. 这主意不错。33Theres no great urgency. 不急34Ill ask him to give you a ring. 我会叫他打电话给您的。35 Hows your first day on the job so far? 到目前为止你第一天的工作怎么样?

8、36Mr. Zeng has been expecting you. 曾先生正等着您。37I guess Ill have to face the music。 我想我得面对现实了。38Cool it. You are driving me mad. 冷静一点。你快把我逼疯了。39Dont have a cow! 别大惊小怪的!40Dont try to push me around!别想耍我!41.Im just taking one day at a time.我只是过一天算一天罢了。42Hows life treating you?日子过得还算惬意吗?43.Im not myself t

9、oday. 我今天没心情。44. The magazines were dispatched yesterday and should be with you later today or tomorrow. 杂志已发出,今天晚些时候或明天就可收到。45.He asked me to show you to his office.他要我带你您去他的办公室。46When are you going to swear off cigarettes?你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?47We were supposed to have a chemistry class, but Mr. Anderson w

10、as out of town for a meeting, so we had a history lesson instead. 我们本来要上化学课,不过安德森老师出城去开会,所以我们改上历史课。48While we get on well with a number of people, we are usually friends with only a very few. 我们虽然与许多人相处融洽,但称得上朋友的却为数不多。49People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise. 人们希望助朋友一臂之力,不愿意违背诺言。50 I cant wait until pay-day; Im almost broke. Speaking of which, did you ever get that raise you wanted? 我不可能捱到发工资的那一天;我都几乎快破产了。 说到这,问一下,你有没有获得你期望的加薪呀?



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