卷二、五言乐府 Volume Ⅱ. Five-Folk-song-styled-verse.doc

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《卷二、五言乐府 Volume Ⅱ. Five-Folk-song-styled-verse.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《卷二、五言乐府 Volume Ⅱ. Five-Folk-song-styled-verse.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、卢纶: 塞下曲四首(之一)/ Lu Lun: BORDER-SONGS I塞下曲四首(之一)卢纶鹫翎金仆姑, 燕尾绣蝥弧。 独立扬新令, 千营共一呼。 BORDER-SONGS ILu LunHis golden arrow is tipped with hawks feathers, His embroidered silk flag has a tail like a swallow. One man, arising, gives a new order To the answering shout of a thousand tents. 卢纶: 塞下曲四首(之三)/ Lu Lun:

2、BORDER-SONGS III塞下曲四首(之三)卢纶月黑雁飞高, 单于夜遁逃。 欲将轻骑逐, 大雪满弓刀。 BORDER-SONGS IIILu LunHigh in the faint moonlight, wildgeese are soaring. Tartar chieftains are fleeing through the dark - And we chase them, with horses lightly burdened And a burden of snow on our bows and our swords. 卢纶: 塞下曲四首(之二)/ Lu Lun: BO

3、RDER-SONGS II塞下曲四首(之二)卢纶林暗草惊风, 将军夜引弓。 平明寻白羽, 没在石棱中。 BORDER-SONGS IILu LunThe woods are black and a wind assails the grasses, Yet the general tries night archery - And next morning he finds his white-plumed arrow Pointed deep in the hard rock.卢纶: 塞下曲四首(之四)/ Lu Lun: BORDER-SONGS IV塞下曲四首(之四)卢纶野幕蔽琼筵, 羌戎

4、贺劳旋。 醉和金甲舞, 雷鼓动山川。 BORDER-SONGS IVLu LunLet feasting begin in the wild camp! Let bugles cry our victory! Let us drink, let us dance in our golden armour! Let us thunder on rivers and hills with our drums!孟郊: 游子吟/ Meng Jiao: A TRAVELLERS SONG游子吟孟郊慈母手中线, 游子身上衣。临行密密缝, 意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心, 报得三春辉。A TRAVELLERS SO

5、NGMeng JiaoThe thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother Makes clothes for the body of her wayward boy; Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends, Dreading the delays that will keep him late from home. But how much love has the inch-long grass For three spring months of the light of the sun? 孟郊

6、: 烈女操/ Meng Jiao: A SONG OF A PURE-HEARTED GIRL烈女操孟郊梧桐相待老, 鸳鸯会双死。贞妇贵殉夫, 舍生亦如此。波澜誓不起, 妾心井中水。A SONG OF A PURE-HEARTED GIRLMeng JiaoLakka-trees ripen two by two And mandarin-ducks die side by side. If a true-hearted girl will love only her husband, In a life as faithfully lived as theirs, What troublin

7、g wave can arrive to vex A spirit like water in a timeless well? 崔颢: 长干行二首(之一)/ Cui Hao: A SONG OF CHANGGAN I长干行二首(之一)崔颢君家何处住, 妾住在横塘。 停船暂借问, 或恐是同乡。 A SONG OF CHANGGAN ICui HaoTell me, where do you live? - Near here, by the fishing-pool? Lets hold our boats together, lets see If we belong in the same

8、 town.崔颢: 长干行二首(之二)/ Cui Hao: A SONG OF CHANGGAN II长干行二首(之二)崔颢家临九江水, 来去九江侧。 同是长干人, 生小不相识。 A SONG OF CHANGGAN IICui HaoYes, I live here, by the river; I have sailed on it many and many a time. Both of us born in Changgan, you and I! Why havent we always known each other?李白: 关山月/ Li Bai: THE MOON AT T

9、HE FORTIFIED PASS关山月李白明月出天山, 苍茫云海间。长风几万里, 吹度玉门关。汉下白登道, 胡窥青海湾。由来征战地, 不见有人还。戍客望边色, 思归多苦颜。高楼当此夜, 叹息未应闲。THE MOON AT THE FORTIFIED PASSLi BaiThe bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven In an infinite haze of cloud and sea, And the wind, that has come a thousand miles, Beats at the Jade Pass battlem

10、ents. China marches its men down Baideng Road While Tartar troops peer across blue waters of the bay. And since not one battle famous in history Sent all its fighters back again, The soldiers turn round, looking toward the border, And think of home, with wistful eyes, And of those tonight in the upp

11、er chambers Who toss and sigh and cannot rest. 李白: 子夜吴歌/ Li Bai: A SONG OF AN AUTUMN MIDNIGHT子夜吴歌李白长安一片月, 万户捣衣声。秋风吹不尽, 总是玉关情。何日平胡虏, 良人罢远征。A SONG OF AN AUTUMN MIDNIGHTLi BaiA slip of the moon hangs over the capital; Ten thousand washing-mallets are pounding; And the autumn wind is blowing my heart Fo

12、r ever and ever toward the Jade Pass. Oh, when will the Tartar troops be conquered, And my husband come back from the long campaign!李白: 玉阶怨/ Li Bai: A SIGH FROM A STAIRCASE OF JADE玉阶怨李白玉阶生白露, 夜久侵罗袜。 却下水晶帘, 玲珑望秋月。 A SIGH FROM A STAIRCASE OF JADELi BaiHer jade-white staircase is cold with dew; Her sil

13、k soles are wet, she lingered there so long. Behind her closed casement, why is she still waiting, Watchiing through its crystal pane the glow of the autumn moon?李白: 长干行/ Li Bai: A SONG OF CHANGGAN长干行李白妾发初覆额, 折花门前剧。郎骑竹马来, 绕床弄青梅。同居长干里, 两小无嫌猜。十四为君妇, 羞颜未尝开。低头向暗壁, 千唤不一回。十五始展眉, 愿同尘与灰。常存抱柱信, 岂上望夫台。十六君远行,

14、瞿塘滟滪堆。五月不可触, 猿鸣天上哀。门前迟行迹, 一一生绿苔。苔深不能扫, 落叶秋风早。八月蝴蝶来, 双飞西园草。感此伤妾心, 坐愁红颜老。早晚下三巴, 预将书报家。相迎不道远, 直至长风沙。A SONG OF CHANGGANLi BaiMy hair had hardly covered my forehead. I was picking flowers, paying by my door, When you, my lover, on a bamboo horse, Came trotting in circles and throwing green plums. We live

15、d near together on a lane in Chang-kan, Both of us young and happy-hearted. .At fourteen I became your wife, So bashful that I dared not smile, And I lowered my head toward a dark corner And would not turn to your thousand calls; But at fifteen I straightened my brows and laughed, Learning that no dust could ever seal our love, That even unto death I would await you by my post And



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