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1、背面有练习最后是练习的答案,涉及词汇和难点解析。都是我一种一种字打上去的高考考纲中对考生阅读理解部分的规定如下:(1)理解主旨和要义 (2)理解文中具体信息 (3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义(3)根据上下文推断单词和短语的含义 (4)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度(5)理解文章的基本构造相应有(1)主旨大意题 (2)细节与推理判断题 (3)词义猜想提 (4)观点态度题 (5)篇章构造题 五种基本的阅读理解题型。今天我们要讲的就是五种基本题型之一的观点态度题例一、 陕西卷“ldwives tales” re beliefs pass own froon generatn to aother.

2、For examle,ost of us remembr ur parents tellngs eat ore oerinoods or t t d cran tins.Is he ytthin the tehng?me fthmagree with prsent meicaltnking, bu othr havnot passethe ts f te Did yr moherever tel you o yu caotsbeausethey are od for ur ys? Sietstw reort thateatn carts can lppevt asrios eyediseele

3、d aua egneraon.En ough siene c ell u thatome ofurtraditional iefs ont od ate, theis still a lt th i the ol wives tles. fter all, much of this oled has een cuuatedfromthousnds of years oexperiencein famleat car. 4. Wha iheahors atttde ord“od wves aes” ithe tet?. bjective B. Ojecive . Dssatisfied . Cu

4、ri 例二、The intenet ill opn up ew vita (前景),create globl illgeyou cn makenew fiends all arounthe world.That, at leat, is what it promied us h difiult is hatit dd t ke te human ndintoccontThe relityis that we cannot keepreationshis withor tha a lmied nmbero people.Noatr howhardte inernet tries pt u ico

5、mmunicain, t be ffrs wll be defeated b our min.The proble s twod(双重的).First,there i lmit n th umer of peole we can l i mn and have a meaingful reatioshp wih. Tha numer s but50 a is t b the sief our ra.Secnd,heult fyour reltonshipsdependonthe aount of ti oivs(投入)in themW inesta lin a sl numbeof peedt

6、hen diribue whatslft mo asmany oherss wcan. The prolem is hat if wenvet litte tme n a prson, our egagent wthht peso will eclin (削弱)until eventuallyidis into “meon Ioneknw”his isn, of use, to hatthe intrnetdes serve a socialy valuabl uctn. O courseitoes. But th quesion s not hat itallwsyou to ncrese

7、the sizef ousocia irce to inclue th rstof h wold, t that an kep our reainhips ityouexistingfiends goin vn hough ou hav to re to te ohesie o the rldInone sne, thas aood thing. But t also has a isadvane. f you coninuetoinvest nyour odfriendeventhough yo ca no onger see the,e rtaily yo are usg you tim

8、t mae new ie where yu ow iv. And supect tat poabyin the best seofurime. Mningfureltiosis areabou beng able to cmunicatewith achte, facet face. Te inten wll slow own erat wth whicelatinhips en, but wont stop thathapening eventl.75、ha t authorsattitude towards teue o the internet t trengthn elationshi

9、ps?A He is netin about t. B. He shopeu of it.C He appoe ofit. D.He dut it.例三、Thispsts e t no ed bcauswhle all h xperts aeusydbatig out whch option is best,the ele whwan mprovethiliesaft cnfue by all o the conflinfrmtion. The n result itht e fl liee cnt cusor hat wre se the wong thgs,ad so we takless

10、 aton, make lesproges,ad staythe aewhen e ould b improng.3、Wat heauthor atiudetowardshe expers menioe in aa3?ATlerant B.Dubful C.Respectfu D.uprte引类问题的几种提问方式(1)What the wriers tue o?(2)hts te t o he passage?(3)e uhors view is _(4)The riters atiu o this passg isapparently _()Te uthrs pnion culd be et

11、decriedas_(6)Whic f the ollowingstaemes would e authorbe LEAT /MOST likey o ageewith?()Wicho thlowingtaements indicte te trs atitude owad_?推测作者的写作意图时,必须要先理解文章的主题,然后分析作者的论述措施、论述重点和材料的安排。故事类记叙文的目的一般是娱乐读者 ;广告类英文文的目的一般是为了推销产品或者服务 ;议论文的目的是要论述观点 ;科普、文化类阐明文的目的大多是简介知识,协助人们广文博见 。人们做题之前,应先熟悉在考题中常常浮现的表达态度的词汇。表

12、达客观的词:objective, impartal,eura(中立的),intered无私的 ubiasd没有偏见的uprejudied公平的,无偏见的 fual事实的,实际的 formati提供信息的主观的/偏见的:sjctiv,rejudiced, bed, partia漠不关怀:Indiffernt, uniteesed, carfree,eched,unconcee困惑、迷茫不知所措的:onfuse,erplexed, pzed, mbiguos感情色彩深、限度深:entasic, stong, completely, ical限度较浅,谨慎的:preseved, qaliid, empered, gared积极意义的:positv肯定的,积极的fvorble赞成的,有利的cont赞成,批准uportve支持的,增援的defenie辩护的,保卫的optimitc乐观的confient自信的,确信的rpctul尊敬的appovl赞成,承认ympatheti赞成,支持 umoros风趣的 sober苏醒的悲观


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