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1、Environmental Protection Bulletin BoardLearning Aims:(学习目标)1.To be aware of some disasters in history.2.To learn the use of “strike”and “occur”.3.Try to write something about disasters.(重难点)Step1:Revision(知识回顾)not onlybut also的用法。Step2: Check preview(检查预习)Step3:LeadIn(导入)Lets read about some disaste

2、rs in history on page 17.Step4:Self-study and Cooperation(自主学习与合作探究)Read the passages and translate them into Chinese in your group.读下列句子,掌握occur和strike的意思和用法。occur vi.occurred.occurring发生:I dont want such a thing to occur again.我不希望再发生这样的事情。出现;存在:Disputes occasionally occurred between us.我们之间偶尔也会有一

3、番争论。Fish doesnt occur in the river.这条河现在已经没有鱼了。(想法、主意在某人脑海中) 突然出现It never occurred to me that he would become a singer.strikestruck-struck击,打,敲击:Hes struck by his father.他挨了父亲的打。使想起;使突然想到;使认为:A happy thought struck her.她的心头突然涌出一个愉快的念头。It strikes me that hes right a tough nut to crack.在我看来,他可是个难对付的家伙

4、。 (钟等)敲响报(时):The clock struck 2.钟敲两点。(疾病等)突然侵袭The plague struck the whole of Europe.瘟疫袭击了整个欧洲。Flood struck the town this summer.今年夏天该城遭受水灾。罢(工、课等);在罢工(或罢课等);罢工反对(雇主):The trade union decided to strike the whole country.工会决定在全国举行大罢工。on strike 在罢工记忆:sinksanksank( unsinkable) sweepsweptswept pile up swe

5、ep awaysunbather, cottage, deadlydeadlierdeadliest, leave millions homeless Step5:Showing and explaining(展示与点评)Ask sevral students to translate them in the class.Step6: Doing exercises(课堂检测)翻译句子:你为什么打他?钟一敲十二点我就走了。3.飓风袭击了该城市4.我看着他们时,产生了一个想法。5.我突然想起我还没有及时交论文。6.这样的事几乎不发生。Step7: Summary and Homework(小结作

6、业)Write a passage about a disaster that you know.1.Why did you strike him?2.I left immediately the clock struck twelve.3.A hurricane struck the city.4.As I watched them, an idea struck/occurred to me.5. It occurred to me/struck me that I had not handed in my paper.6.Such a thing hardly ever occurs.- 1 -


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