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1、白鲸读后感英文版篇一:白鲸读后感英文版 白鲸读后感英文版 白鲸主要叙述了主人公以实玛利受雇于“裴廓德号”出海猎鲸的经历。船长亚哈航海经验丰富,性格固执,他计划向一只之前航中咬去他一条腿的巨鲸莫比迪克复仇。“裴廓德号”的大副斯达巴克及其他船员却想着多捕些鲸鱼,多取些鲸油风光地回家乡,但疯狂的船长对莫比迪克的仇恨已经使他失去了理智,他胁迫其他人一定要遵守命令。“裴廓德号”在寻找白鲸的途中遭遇了暴风雨、海啸等各种自然灾难,但却被英勇、团结的水手们一一克服了。船行驶了三年后,终于发现了白鲸,船长亚哈带着必胜的信心和白鲸开始了较量,最精彩的情节也从这里开始了。号称海上巨怪的莫比迪克对捕鲸船根本不屑一顾,


3、把两支鱼叉又扎入了白鲸的身体,不料其中一支鱼叉上的绳箍正好套住了亚哈船长的脖子,船长就随着白鲸一起消使了,最后只有以实玛利抓到一块浮木活了下来。 大海平息了,“裴廓德号”消失了,亚哈船长和白鲸也消失了踪影,只有一些水手的尸体偶尔漂浮在海面上,这个故事就以这样悲惨的结局告终了。(到这里,作者终于将故事情节复述完毕了。下面应该是开始写自己的体会和想法?)我猜想以实玛利或许就是作者的化身,作者也有过传奇式的经历,才会把这则小说写得如此惊心动魄。作者赞扬了那些英勇的水手们,虽然他们永远也回不了自己的家乡了,但对他们来说,大海才是他们的故乡,他们团结协作、英勇无畏、敢于牺牲的精神将永存世间。(这句蓝色标

4、出的话放在此处,与上下文好像连得不够自然,我觉得可以放到文末处,你觉得呢?)作者描写的船长亚哈真是让人又可敬又可恨,明明可以避免这场灾难,船员们可以带着满船的鲸油回到家乡过幸福的日子,可他却一意孤行,一定要捕杀白鲸,结果却葬身海底。但正是因为他的执著,才能使莫比迪克早日被杀,再也伤害不了人。虽然船长亚哈是残疾人,但每次像白鲸战斗,他总是冲在最前面,全然不顾自己的安危,他又是如此的英勇和善良。我的心里其实暗暗地有点敬佩这位船长,他的执著可不是常人能做到的呀! 不知怎么的,最近总是喜欢看关于冒险的书籍,妹妹便跟我介绍了一本名叫白鲸“冒险性”的书籍。接下来,我就给你介绍一下这部作品。 这部书的原名是

5、莫比迪克(moby dick),是美国作家赫尔曼麦尔维尔再距今一百多年前创作的长篇小说。白鲸不知在美国文坛上有着崇高的地位,也成为世界海洋文学的代表作。 这本书大概讲的是:一头恶名昭彰的白鲸莫比迪克经常在海上兴风作浪,因此夺取了无数捕鲸人的生命。捕鲸人都很惧怕在海上遭受到白鲸莫比迪克的猛烈袭击,那么后果将不堪设想。亚哈船长也在一次捕鲸中,被白鲸莫比迪克咬掉一条腿。从此,他发誓不杀死白鲸绝不罢休。故事才刚刚开始?以实玛利因为缘分亚哈船长、魁魁格和斯达巴克相遇,结成好友并加入了捕白鲸莫比迪克的队伍中。通过向海洋的挑战,最终搜寻到了白鲸的踪迹,最后经过与白鲸的生死较量,裴廓德号沉入海底,只有以实玛利

6、一人幸存? 亚哈船长是裴廓德号的船长,为了追捕夺取几十格水手的白鲸,而航遍世界各海洋,是一位勇敢而富有同情心的独脚老人,也是因为如此,导致他的脾气变得很暴躁。他更是一位敢于挑战大自然的老人。以实玛利和船长与白鲸搏斗的青年。它本身是商船上的水手,但对捕鲸很有兴趣,于是转投入捕鲸这一行,他也是这次捕鲸中唯一存活下来的人。魁魁格十印第安人,是个酋长的儿子,也是掷鱼叉的好手。他机智,英勇,赢得全船人的敬重。莫比迪克就是被称为“海上魔王的可怕的白鲸,他全身雪白,额头和背上满是皱纹,凶猛无比,夺取了许多水手的生命。篇二:白鲸记英文读后感 Moby Dick Brief Introduction The n

7、ovel, Moby Dick, was written by Herman Melville, an American writer. The book I read was published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research in 2021. The book contains 286 pages. Main Contents Ishmael was the only surviver in that wreck. The story was told by him. Ishmael worked as a schoolmaster, b

8、ut sometimes he liked to adventure. Whenever he felt a little down from life, he would stop his work and head for the sea that brought back and restored his spirit. This time he decided to go aboard a whaling ship. In a hotel he met with Queequeg, a harpooner. Later on they became closed friends. Is

9、hmael and Queequeg reached the Pequod. Captain Peleg was one of the two owners of the Pequod. Another was Captain Ahab. Actually Ahab was the captain of this ship. A white whale, Moby Dick often killed people and he ate Captain Ahabs leg. He had promised he would chase him round the Cape of Good Hop

10、e and round Cape Horn and round the flames of Hell before He gave up. He had signed the men aboard his ship to chase that White Whale over all sides of the earth until he coughed black blood and rolled over. During the sea travel, they also killed many whales but Ahab still insisted to kill Moby Dic

11、k. Ahab looked after the trail of the White Whale. In the first day of hunting Moby Dick they had a fierce fighting with Moby Dick. Fedallah disappeared.On the second days chase, all the crew except Ishmael were dead. It was Queequegs coffin life saver that saved him. Finally Ahab did not kill Moby

12、Dick. Excellent episode 1.I worked as a schoolmaster, but sometimes I would feel that I needed a bit of change. So, whenever I felt a little down from life, I would stop my work and head for the sea. There was something about the sea that brought back and restored my spirit, my drive in life. For th

13、is I could always count on the sea. 2.No, my way of escaping the reality of my hometown of Manhattan, New York, was going to sea as a plain, ordinary seaman. I liked the exercise of being a seaman. Mostimportantly, I was able to travel to far-away places and experience things that I would never expe

14、rience if I stayed in my hometown. 3.Floating all alone at sea, I had much to think about. I thought of Ahab going after his goal even thought it meant death, and of the White Whales answer of revenge. The memory of Queequegs kindness protected and kept my spirits alive, just as his coffin chest now

15、 kept my body above the sea. Reflection When I am reading the fighting between the crew and whale,especially the White Whale, I feel I am one of them. After reading the novel I want to talk about it from different sides. Ishmael was a schoolmaster but he liked to adventure. If his life was smooth, h

16、e would feel bored. He liked to head for the sea. There was something about the sea that could bring back and restore his spirit, his drive in life. Today we are in a comfortable society and we enjoy the comfort. We live without passion.However, we lost our soul. We do something against morality. Our material life is rich but we are lacking morality. Society


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