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1、(完整word版)英语介词专项练习题小升初英语介词专项练习一选词填空:1My father usually goes to work _ (at, in, on) 8:00。2 The party will begin _ (at, in, on) 2:00pm.3.We never go shopping _ (at, in, on) the evening.4. I get up at 7:30 _ (at, in, on) the morning.5.Christmas is _ (at, in, on) December 25th.6. What is the first lesson

2、(课)_ (at, in, on) Tuesday? 7。 Mr. Web will go to Shanghai _ (at, in, on) Oct. 22nd。8。He often plays football with his friends _ (at, in, on) Sunday。9.Children dont go to school _(at, in, on) New Years Day.二选择题:( ) 1。 The girl usually practices the piano _ Saturday morning。 A. on B. in C。 at( ) 2. .H

3、e left home a cold winter evening。 A. at B. on C. in( ) 3. Is there a river _ the house? A. toB。 ofC。 inD。 behind( ) 4. Theyre running _ the playground。 A。 with B。 in C。 at( ) 5. Can we eat _ Guangzhou Restaurant today? A. to B。 of C。 at( ) 6。 She studies English _ Rose School _ England。 A。 at, from

4、 B。 in, in C。 at, in( )7 。A plane is flying _ the city。 A。 on B. over C. above( )8 .There are many apples _ the tree. A bird _ the tree is picking an apple。 A. in ; on B. on ; in C。 in ; at( ) 9。 Its time _ supper。 A. atB. inC。 onD。 for( ) 10。 Its no time _ school。 Its time _ go back home。 A。 to, fo

5、r B。 to, to C. for, to( ) 11。 Mr Brown comes _ America. A。 atB。 fromC。 inD. to ( ) 12。 Whats this _ English? A。 inB. atC. onD. under( ) 13. Sometimes I go to school _ foot. A. byB。 inC。 onD。 with ( ) 14。 Count (数)_ one _ ten。 A. from, byB。 from, toC. to, toD。 at, to( ) 15.My sister is looking _ her

6、new shoes now。 A。 atB。 afterC。 forD。 to( ) 16。 Its cold outside. Please _ your warm clothes。 A。 put inB. take offC。 put onD. put up( ) 17. The classroom is quite different _ that one. A. ofB. fromC。 withD. like( ) 18. A: Do many children in our class often skate _ winter? B: Yes, they usually have f

7、un _ winter. A. in, in B。 on, on C。 at, at( ) 19. A: Does the autumn start _ August? B; Sometimes it does. But usually it starts _ September. A. in, in B. on, on C。 at, at( ) 20。 I usually play table tennis _ school。 A. after B。 when C。 by( )21。 I like summer. Is it cool autumn? What summer? Oh, it

8、is too hot。 A。 in, about on B。 on, about on C. in, about in( ) 22. A: Do you listen to the radio _ a long time? B: No, I often listen to it _ twenty minutes. A。 for, to B。 for, for C. to, for( ) 23. When is May Day? Its _ the first of May。 A。 on B. in C。 at( ) 24。 They will move to the new school _ next Monday。 A。 on B. in C。 /( ) 25。 He always goes to school at 7:00 _ every day. A. on B. in C. /( ) 26. She does her homework _ half an hour every day. A. in B。 for C。 /


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