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1、课时素养检测 十二Unit 3Period 4. 阅读理解Ten minutes of gentle exercise can immediately change how certain parts of the brain communicate and coordinate (协调) with one another and improve memory function, according to an encouraging new study. The scientists invited 36 people of different ages to the lab and had

2、 them sit quietly on a fixed bicycle for 10 minutes or, on a separate visit, pedal the bicycle at a pace so gentle that it barely raised their heart rates. It also was short, lasting for only 10 minutes. Immediately after each session of the sitting or slow pedaling, the people completed a computeri

3、zed memory test during which they would see a brief picture of, for instance, a tree, followed by a variety of other images and then a new image of either the same tree or a similar one. The people would press buttons to show whether they thought each image was new or the same as an earlier shot. Th

4、e test is difficult, since many of the images closely resemble one another. It requires rapid, skillful scanning recent memories to decide whether a picture is new or known. Next, the scientists had each people repeat this processriding or sitting on the bike for 10 minutes and then completing memor

5、y testingbut the testing now took place inside an M. R. I. machine(磁共振成像仪)that scanned the peoples brains while they responded to the images. Then the researchers compared results. The effects of the exercise were clear. The people were better at remembering images after they had ridden the bike, es

6、pecially when the images most closely resembled one another. In other words, the harder their memories had to do their best, the better they performed after the exercise. The M. R. I. scans showed that memory parts of each peoples brain lit up at the same time with parts of the brain associated with

7、 learning, indicating that these physically separate parts of the brain were better connected now than when the people had not first exercised. 【语篇概述】这是一篇说明文。一项新的研究表明, 哪怕是仅仅十分钟的轻度运动也会提高人的记忆力水平。1. How did the researchers conduct the study? A. By filling up questionnaires. B. By interviewing many peop

8、le. C. By comparing experiment data. D. By referring to historical reports. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Then the researchers compared results. ”可知研究者通过对比实验数据得出结论。2. Who might benefit most from the study result? A. The marketers promoting fixed bicycles. B. The young people crazy about body building. C. Th

9、e white collars doing long-term mental work. D. The blue-collars doing heavy physical labor work. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。一项新的研究表明, 哪怕是仅仅十分钟的轻度运动也会提高人的记忆力水平。因此可推断这对于长期从事脑力工作的白领们是一个福音。3. Which of the following statements agrees with the study result? A. The light exercise is only good for young people. B. The m

10、ore the exercise is, the better the brain works. C. The exercise can coordinate different parts of the body. D. The exercise has more positive effect when the brain works harder. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第三段第四句“In other words, the harder their memories had to do their best, the better they performed after the

11、 exercise. ”可知大脑使用的程度越高, 运动对记忆力的影响就越大, 即当大脑工作更努力时, 运动有更积极的效果。4. What can be the best title for the text? A. Even ten minutes exercise may be good for the brainB. There is no need for humans doing exercise every dayC. Only ten minutes light exercise benefits the young mostD. Exercise can change peopl

12、es brains and minds in a long time【解析】选A。主旨大意题。根据第一段可知, 本文主要介绍了一项研究成果: 短时间的轻度运动就会提高记忆力水平, 故A选项符合题意。. 完形填空The accident happened on a September night in 2013. A vehicle struck my car from behind 1 I was driving home. At the hospital, the doctors 2 I was a quadriplegic(四肢瘫痪者) and told me I wasnt going

13、to be able to move anything from my neck 3. I had lost the use of almost every muscle and was very weak. I realized that my life was different. My head 4 like a heavy ball and I couldnt hold it up. I was unable to use a phone, and unable to 5 or wash myself. I couldnt grasp anything: a fork or spoon

14、 was too 6 to pick up. However, I saw a glimpse hope and was inspired by other patients with 7 like mine in the recovery center. The first year was slow and I didnt see much 8. But I had to learn to be 9 with myself and to enjoy every 10 going forward. I was determined to walk again, so giving up wa

15、s no longer a(n) 11. I struggled hard on my recovery(康复) and still do to this day. Im now moving my legs and arms on my own, doing things like swimming and yoga. All of this is 12 my doctors wrong, and is turning the page from the impossible to the possible. My family, friends and team encourage me

16、to 13 to work harder. I believe that this difficulty is an opportunity to 14 and become stronger. Im sure my story will inspire others not to 15. If I learned one lesson from my car accident, its this: never give up on hope. 【语篇概述】本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了作者在车祸中严重受伤, 医生下结论说他将四肢瘫痪, 经过一年的阴霾后, 作者受到其他病人的鼓舞决心重新站起来, 最终他成功了, 他从这场车祸中学到最宝贵的一课就是永不放弃, 并希望自己的故事鼓舞别人不要放弃。1. A. whileB.


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