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1、中考英语七选五试题Ali is fro addl Eastenountry. He ow sasn te USA. H moks a ot of garettes eeryda.e a med for nine es. Aisays, “ Irid oquit (放弃)sokg i my hometown,but it as impossible.MyarentsmokeM rters moke Allm friends mke. t artesndateeng, amos l he m sok. e in the nited States, not as manpple smoke _ ”a

2、y sokr relieAli: they wan to sto soking. _2_ Theykw ican case cacer nd heart ieas. But is dficlt r them to give p smokin ecase caretae a dugi t.Th dru is nicotine. opl w smk alone nicotie._3_ The nictinemakeshim sick. Ia few days, the smoker bdyis ue o he nicoine,and hefeels fne.Later, tesmoker eeds

3、 nictn t keep fing ine Withut nitne, hefeelbad. _4_ Many eole who qit wll soon soe aaiAt a ptyr at work hywildede o smke “just oe” cigtte. Thn they wil moke aother cigaete, adanother. Son thybecome smoks ain. _ () A. It is ry hardt qui mokng . I w be easier t can tekin habt her. . Thuncone mes mokes

4、 adicte to cigettes D The smokesknwtht smkngis bad fortheirheath. E. When person fist bgins ooke, usually el terrible. Myb there i nly ne ey o quimoing: ver tat. G ti ssaidtha mdcine is eed o so th fr mong.2辽宁 was tehen Iirstat witmy randher behind theair(收银台)in hegeral tore. 1 I qckyearnethe imprta

5、nce treati utomerpolitely an sying“thank ou”At firstI ws paid in nd. worke vey day aftschol, andduring te smmer ad on ekendnd ldays om8 a.m to 7 .My ar helpeme set up ank ccont 3 Bthe tme I wa12, y gandmotrthught Iha oe cha od ob tht epromoted m t sling cosis(化妆品). devepd the abiityto o comersdirctl

6、in th e En toughI wasjust a kid,woen would sk e uch thingsas “ Whacolr do yu thinkI should wear?” I took el intrsin hei uestio and was beto traate wathwanted into makeup(化妆)deas. 4 e ob th me aluale lesn:o e cessulsalespeson, you idntneed o be Rke sceistyou eded t be reat litener. _ xpt te are olgr

7、men purcig cosmetis om me; nsta, ty re ids ho tll m which t they wld lik to seeigned and dveloA. aterI received 0ctsa or.B. Before on, het me sit therby myslfC. Iedd upeing ror amount o smeics.D. Today I st ary tht lesson wthme: Ilisten t customersE. Mygranmas ut taght mehow t hadleespnsilty.F. So I

8、 ound myl ookig more baiul h ever before.G. achin mony grow was more ewarding thaanythin could hae bought3. 阐明文 (宁夏09)Geing your hroudy can b a ltle likgetting them tea their eetab. 71 Makea tu timean havi at th sm time evey day. This wll help yr kds toan o scedle thei dy d i give them a sense f con

9、troover the spend thei te. Alw them t tudy inlocks f tme, uch as or hlf a hurwit a feminutebreak in the il. 72 Id(抱负的)study timesar after dinner o ght ater schol eor ier.evrallow yor childen tsudy infronof he teleiin, as thatllncourge asve actvity. 73Yoll as ned to hp yourkis fndthe ig plce study. A

10、ft yve et up agod sud tim forlitllearners, se u agood placewer theyca getose crativ uices fowing. 7 akesrere isa tae ra des nd a comfrabl chi. 75 This icludes helping e out wth their mewrk mtims and igthere o e ith the anss to any uestions. The iputyo gveour children durin stud erods will help foma

11、bnd dhepmake sudg enjoable. A Pika le whryourldrn astudy rperly.B Hod them to te shedul they eatef hesees. C. inall, send tmwihyourks he theyre syng. D. Keepthe atosphe light n ofe lots ofncouragnt, to.E Inead, us T as a trar eard when th howorkis comlete. F. Try tosop his ba abt byofernome s of rwr

12、d. G.One of he btways form o std habitso yur kidis to design heule tattey ee to. ()The rldisan itereing e. Diffeent peole e erentthig ome peopleik loud music. her ppleon. 1._ anypeopleli orts, bu te d no all likete same spo. In sme counris, cricet(板球运动)s very poular spor, Iners its no plat a. one plays itor watche i onT


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