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1、关于雾霾的报道篇一:雾霾新闻(英文版) China Environmentalists Slam Inaction over Smog 2021-12-09 19:24:42 XinhuaWeb Editor: Xing Yihang The smog that blanketed over 100 cities in half of China last week has rekindled 重新点燃criticism of insufficient efforts in the fight against air pollution. Among urban residents, seve

2、rely polluted air has become a main source of complaints and frustration over health concerns. Late last week, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in dozens of cities in eastern China topped or neared 500. AQI of over 300 cities is defined as serious pollution. Many rushed to buy face masks and air purifier

3、s to ward off 避开,挡住the choking smog, a result of decades of breakneck economic growth. The dirty air even forced all primary and middle schools in the eastern city of Nanjing to close for two days. The smog is everywhere, said Xiong Yuehui, head of the science and technology department of the Minist

4、ry of Environmental Protection, at a meeting on Sunday in Shanghai. If one place isfree of smog, then it will be a news, he said. The worlds second-largest economy does not lack the technology and funds needed to clean up the air, but lacks the implementation of concrete efforts, Xiong said. About 2

5、2 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide二氧化硫 are emitted 向空气中发出。into the air untreated each year while the remaining two thirds of the total emissions, or 40 million tonnes, have their sulfur removed, according to data from the ministry. However, Luo Jianhua, secretary-general of the China Environment Ser

6、vice Industry Association of the All-China Federation of Industry Commerce, expressed doubt about the authenticity of the sulfur removal rate. He believes that many polluting companies often shut down their pollution treatment facilities to cut costs. Bian Cheng, chairman of environmental protection

7、 equipment manufacturer Keda Industrial Co., Ltd., blamed loose supervision for the smog and called for tough law enforcement. Wu Xiaoqing, vice minister of environmental protection, said the agency was working to put in place a responsibility system to punish government officials for environmental

8、degradation.Xiong said the ministry was also working to toughen environmental protection standards. The new standards approved last week called for some 2,000 cement plants nationwide to improve pollution treatment facilities, the official noted. Meanwhile, many cities nationwide will enforce limits

9、 on emissions of fine particles in mid-2021, forcing many highly polluting plants to upgrade their pollution treatment facilities, according to Xiong. Many blame Chinas coal-dominated energy mix 能源结构,混合能源for the pollution, and Bian agrees that coal is the main cause of smog. However, he said, China

10、can only go so far in minimizing coal consumption. It cannot be completely replaced by gas and therefore the current priority is to promote cleaner use of coal. If coal can be used in a cleaner way, the air quality would then see a dramatic improvement, according to Bian. Coal can be converted into

11、gas and with high standards on desulfurization烟气脱硫 and denitrification 脱氮in place, he added.篇二:描写雾霾的句子 1. 好像是从去年开始的吧,雾霾这个词和它灰蒙蒙的影子,就常在人们身旁缠绕。它来时,真的像西游记里描写的魔鬼施魔法,云郁郁,雾腾腾,天空像得了抑郁症,压抑、憋闷、扭曲。夏天的雾霾,像地沟油一样粘腻;冬天的雾霾,像盔甲一样沉重。这东西,真是烦透了。 2. 早上,我发现外面雾蒙蒙的,连山都看不清楚,太阳也懒洋洋地躲在被窝里不肯起床,能见度非常低。 3. 雾霾天气的空气中,包含了一些尘土形的微小颗

12、粒,这些微小的颗粒是我们用肉眼无法看见的。这些微小的颗粒足以使人们得上肺病。它们,可称得上是无形杀手。那么,雾霾天气究竟是由什么而引起的呢?其实,雾霾天气就是由汽车尾、炒菜的油烟、还有吸烟吐出的烟、烟花的烟形成的,从而引发雾霾天气的出现。 4. 我很奇怪,就跑去问妈 妈,妈 妈告诉我:“通常人们说的雾霾实际上是由雾和霾这两种天气组成的,雾霾天气看起来像起了大雾一样,但实际上有很大的区别。大雾是由地面空气中的水汽凝结形成的,而霾则是因为空气中极细微的灰尘颗粒,细沙颗粒,病毒颗粒等均匀地悬浮在空气中,他们交织在一起就是雾霾天气。这种天气对人体的危害非常大,我们如果吸入了这些细菌,病毒,就很容易生病

13、,严重的话还会致死。” 5. 走着走着,就感觉胸口很闷,看东西就像飘起来似的,头晕晕的。天空中飘的不知是泥土还是灰尘,有一丝恐惧。天空灰暗,空气潮湿,给人一种很压抑的感觉。 6. 不要说雾霾天气是杀手,更不要说雾霾天气很可怕,其实,真正的凶手还是我们人类,是人类不懂得保护环境,是人类要破坏自己的家园,所以才引起雾霾天气,这些都是人类自食其果。 7.一棵树赶走一片雾霾,一片绿色创造美丽家园。一条短信祝福赶走一丝烦恼,转发这条祝福,传递更多快乐。植树节,让我们栽下一棵树,传递一份微笑。 8. 大早,我出了门便拥抱了一大堆的雾气,我迷茫的看了看身边的环境,一片白花花的,这让我始料不及,我凭着自己的记

14、忆力找到了车站,我心里一边想着为什么今天雾这么大一边走来走去,后来到学校上地理课,恰好今天讲气候,所以老师便和我们说:“形成雾霾的主要原因是因为我们没有好好地保护环境,导致环境快速恶化,以至于空气中都弥漫着细菌,所以出门一定要记得戴口罩,所谓病从口入?” 9. 雾霾是个淘气包,天天都不安分。这几天,它又窜到了我们南京,一会儿挡住太阳公公的光芒,一会儿又为湛蓝的天和雪白的云朵涂上了一层灰色的颜料,不时还让一片片的雾霾缭绕在天空中。高楼大厦淹没在浓雾里,我们的呼吸也变得不畅快了。 10. 但是雾霾带给我们的一种伤害更大,它污染了环境,会让我们的呼吸系统受到伤害、使交通受到阻塞?该怎么让这个调皮的孩

15、子变乖呢?雾霾有这几个臭味相投的 朋友:工地扬尘、汽车尾气、工厂废气,烧秸秆产生的浓烟等等。如果我们能够想办法把它们管住,那么雾霾自然就会听话了。 11.尽管风儿刮一次,天气冷一次,树叶掉一些,我还是希望它刮吧,刮吧,因为有风的日子和风儿刮过的日子,就有蓝天白云,就有流畅的空气,就有太阳。我宁愿风儿把时间吹凉了,也不愿意那浑浑噩噩的雾霾把时间凝固。 12.多栽一棵树,多一分绿色,少一分阴霾,少一分污染。植树节,让我们共同栽下绿色的小树,对晴朗招手,对阳光微笑,将雾霾赶跑,将环境保护好。 13.我们共有一个家,它的名字叫地球。工业发展污染增,地球不再美如画。雾霾严重呼吸难,出门害怕健康丢。湖水污浊鱼虾逃,饮水担心水安全。世界环境日,快快行动起来,保护我们的家园! 14.环境在改变,气候在变暖。水质变恶劣,大气多雾霾。疾病在增加,人类眼泪多。寻找新能源,减少废污染。关灯一小时,警惕全世界。大家都节约,改变在今天!篇二:描写雾霾的句子集锦 描写雾霾的句子集锦 描写雾霾的句子集锦 早上,我发现外面雾蒙蒙的,连山都看不清楚,太阳也懒洋洋地躲在被窝里不肯起床,能见度非常低。 雾霾天气的空气中,包含了一些尘土形的微小颗粒,这些微小的颗粒是我们用肉眼无法看见的。这些微小的颗粒足以使人们得上肺病。它们,可称得上是无形杀手。那么,雾霾天气究竟是由什么而引起的呢?其实,雾霾天气就是由汽车尾、炒菜的油烟



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