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1、一、单项选择(一)特点:语境化 语用化 交际化 文 化 综合化从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. (1)My cousin is such honest man that all of us like to get on with him.A. a B. an C. the D. /(2)I think its _ useful advice, so I will always remember it. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 (3) _ big fish youve bought for me! Im glad you like them.

2、 A.How a B.What a C.How D.What2.(1)Would you like to tell your problems to your mother or to your father? _. I usually keep it deep in my heart.A. Both B. Either C. None D. Neither(2)_of them knows French, so I have to ask a fourth person for help. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None (3) Did your p

3、arents go to the film yesterday evening? No. We _ stayed at home watching TV.A.either B. all C. both D. neither(4) Did the actor live alone in his house? Yes. He has a wife and two children. But _ of them live with him.A. none B. all C. both D. no one3.(1)Something is wrong with my computer. Ill hav

4、e it tomorrow.A. repair B. to repair C. repaired D.repairs(2) Im sorry. I.cant help_ the room.A. cleaning B. clean C. cleaned D. cleans4. (1)Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It _ be very expensive.A. must B. can C. cant D. musnt(2)Dont worry. Its nothing serious at all

5、and you take any medicine.A. cant B. shouldnt C. mustnt D. neednt5. I didnt go to the barbecue last night_ I had something more important to do.A. so B. if C. because D. but6.(1) Is Mr. Green really very ill? . He has to stay at home for a good rest.A. I dont think so B. No, he isnt C. I hope so D.

6、Im afraid so(2) Do you know _? Listening to music is his favourite. A. what he is like B. what he likes C. how he looks D. A and C7. (1)His parents couldnt if they would buy a secondhand car. A. decide B. discover C. describe D. disappear(2)There is something wrong with my recorder. Can I_yours for

7、two hours?A. keep B.lend C.borrow D.take8.(1) There are _ in that restaurant, so children like to eat there.A. toy animalsB. toys animalsC. toys animalD. toys animals(2)Its _ news that he can hardly fall asleep. A.so good B.such good C.so a good D.such a good9.(1) What do you think of Miss Lis teach

8、ing?Oh, no one teaches _.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best (2)In our study, the _ we work, _ mistakes well make. A.more hardly, the less B. harder, the less C. more hardly, the fewer D. harder, the fewer 10.(1)Could you please tell me _ yesterday? Because the traffic was so busy.A. why did you come lat

9、e B. why you came late C. why do you come late D. why you come late(2) Can you tell me _? Two weeks ago. A. when you bought the toys B. who did you buy the toys for C. how much the toys cost D. how many toys did you buy (3) What did he say? He told us _.A. there were four seasons in a year. B. light

10、 travels much faster than sound.C.how can we get to the Peoples Park. D.great changes had been taken place in our hometown recently.11.(1) _ do you study in your English classes? I usually study by working with a group.A. How B. What C. Whom D. Where(2)“_ youve made! But you should work still harder

11、,” the teacher said to the boy. A. What a big mistake B. How big mistakes C. What great progress D. How great progress(3)(变式题)_ great fun we had _ snowmen! A. What, making B. What a, to make C. What, to make D. What a, making 12. (1) Mary was heard _ just now. What happened? John was telling a joke.

12、 A. cry B. to cry C. laugh D. to laugh(2)Few students can understand the sentence until it _ twice or three times. A. explains B. is explained C. will be explained D. has explained 13. George, _all the tables to the next room. Im coming.A. take B. to take C. taking D.takes14. My bike is broken. May

13、I go _ yours? Sorry, mine _ broken down.A. on, is B. by, is C. on, has D. by, has15. It is summer now in China, it is winter in Australia.A. before B. until C. while D. since口诀:1.特指双熟悉,序数最高级. 上文已提及,某些专有名,世上独无二,习语及乐器.2.下列情况应免冠,复数名词表泛指,代词限定名词前,两节,星期,月份前,专有名词不可数,颜色语种及国名,学科球类三顿饭,称呼习语及头衔.3.人称代词 单数二三一, 复数一二三.4.名前such和what, 形, 副前so和how, 多多少少要



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