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1、伤感有哲理的句子篇一:经典语句 搞笑中带有伤感的哲理句子 Obviously not strangers, but strangers also installed than strange. 不要拿过去的记忆、来折磨现在的自己。 Dont take the memory of the past, to torture yourself right now. 分手时,别和我说“不合适”,我TM火星人啊!和地球人不合适? Break up, dont say inappropriate, I TM the Martians! but the interpretation of the love

2、cannot withstand a single blow. 现实告诉我们说。有什么别有事。没什么别没钱。动什么别动情。 Reality tells us that. What dont you. Not what dont have no money. What still love. 爱情就像沙漏,心满了,脑子就空了! Love is like an hourglass, with the heart, the brain is empty! “五一过得真快乐”,现在最有感触的是前六个字,最后一个早没感觉了 Five one really happy, now the feeling i

3、s the first six words, the last one had no feeling 西游记告诉我们,凡是有后台的妖精都被接走了,没后台的都被一棒打死了 Journey to the West tells us, those who have the background of the goblins have been picked up, no background will be a great shot. 女人没魅力才觉得男人花心,男人没实力才觉得女人现实。 Women do not have the charm that bring men, men think wo

4、men do not only real strength.希望有一天我爱你可以倒过来写. I hope one day I love you can write upside down. 你不是环保袋、不要总是装啊装啊装啊装。 Youre not environmental protection bag, dont always pretend pretend pretend. 慢慢的,长大了,却感觉变沉默了,懂得多了,却不快乐了。大家都是这样的么、? Slowly, grow up, but I was silent, understand much, but not happy. Eve

5、ryone is like, what? 不要总嫌父母脏、嫌父母丢面子、父母的恩、是我们一辈子都还不清的 Dont always think parents too dirty, parents losing face, the parents of grace, is our life are not clear. 不要轻易评价别人,因为你没有经历过他的人生。 Do not judge others, because you have not experienced in his life. 每次考完试我都安慰自己没关系、众在参与.。 Each exam I comfort myself n

6、ever mind, all involved. 我相信你、信到怀疑自己 I believe you, believe to doubt yourself 我心疼每一个不快乐却依然在笑的孩子。 I love every unhappy but still laughing children. 老师说:快要考试了,早恋的就不要吵架了,以免影响心情;没早恋的就不要表白了,以免被拒绝影响心情。 The teacher said: going to test, puppy love will not quarrel, so as not to affect the mood; not puppy lo

7、ve is not expressed, so as not to be refused to affect the mood. 真想指着心脏、骄傲的告诉沵、这里换人了。 Really want to point at the heart, proud to tell you, here the substitution. 颠覆不了的结果,是最开始的伏笔, Subversion. Results, is the beginning of foreshadowing, 最好笑的是隐身对其可见,可你却视而不见。 The most funny is invisible to the visible,

8、 but you have to pay no heed. 绊倒我的人,我让他永远起不来,扶起我的人,我让他永远不会摔倒。 Trip my person, I let him never rise, to help me, I let him will never fall. 在人之上要看得起人,在人之下要看得起自己。发这条的兄弟,我很感谢你。这才是人该领悟的。 To look up to people in person, to think highly of their own under the people. Send this brother, I thank you. This i

9、s the realization of. 其实吧、自己什么都懂、有的时候就是心里过不去那个坎 In fact, what all understand, sometimes is the heart not to the ridge 不求一生富贵荣华,但求一世家人安康。 Not for the life riches, honour and splendor, but for a family in Ankang. 跟自己说声对不起、这些年一直没学会爱自己、 Sorry, these years have not learn to love himself with his, 我很想告诉你,

10、我好想你,可是我怕得到的只是一个简单的哦字, I want to tell you, I miss you, but Im afraid to get just a simple Oh word, 女人,不需要倾国倾城,只需要一个男人为她倾尽一生 The woman, not beautiful, only need a man for her whole life 在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想 Care will Luanxiang, dont care would not even think of 心里有座坟,葬着未亡人 There is grave, buried the surv

11、ivors 凡我放不下的,必是因为我拥有不了。 And I cant put down, it is because I have not. 原谅是容易的。再次信任,就没那么容易了。 Forgiving is easy. Trusting again, not so easy. 不要辜负了本该奋斗的青春 Dont let the struggling youth 有些事,做了才知道。有些事,错了才知道。有些事,长大了才知道。 There are some things, do know. Some things, wrong just know. Some things, grow up to

12、 know. 不要为了一个不值得的人丢了你最美的微笑 Do not for one person is not worth losing your most beautiful smile 为什么同样一件事情我们能去安慰别人,却怎么也说服不了自己。Why do the same thing we can go to the comfort of others, but also how to convince yourself. 有时候,我们会觉得自己不够快乐,那是因为我们追求的不是幸福,而是比别人幸福。 Sometimes, we will feel not happy, it is bec

13、ause we do not pursue happiness, but more than the happiness of others. 感觉世界真的很小,好像一个转身我们就能遇见;世界也真的很大,也是一个转身我们便消失在人海,就这样的擦 肩而过? Feel the world is really small, like a turn and we will be able to meet; the world is really big, is also a turn and we will disappear in the crowd, just pass by. 爱情其实就像一种习

14、惯,你习惯了生活里有他,他习惯了平淡中有你。 Love is like a habit, you get used to his life, he used to have your light. 有时候受了委屈本来不想哭,可是别人一问你怎么了就会忍不住流下眼泪。 Sometimes the wronged didnt want to cry, but others ask you how you couldnt hold back my tears. 什么是真正的好朋友?就是你想让他帮忙时,不需要通过吃饭、烟、酒这些东西来做“铺垫”,而是直接找他。 What is the real good friends? Is that you want to let him help, does not need to eat, smoke, wine these things to do good, but directly to look for him. 年轻不胡作非为、到老了拿什么话说当年。 The young do not play the gangster, to the old saying that what. 当一个女人的嘴里反复频繁出现一个男人的名字的时候,无论是夸那个男人还是骂那个男人,潜台词都是:我爱他 。 When a womans


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