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1、简单学感叹句一、两个句型:How _What _把感叹句从后面把主语和谓语(句子)挑出,然后看前面的感叹部分,若有名词,就用what;若无,就用how。感叹句中常见的不可数名词:food , work , weather , fun , music , information , news , advice二、将下列句子改为感叹句1. Tom is a clever boy. _!2. The wind is blowing strongly. _!3. These cakes are very delicious. _!4. He is a strange man. _!5. It is a

2、 pity to miss the play. _!三、选用what, what a(an), how, how a(an)填空1. Look! _ fast the boy is running!2. _cold day it was yesterday!3. _ heavy the box is! I cant carry it.4. _ interesting story he told us!5. _ nice the moon cakes are!6. _ bad weather!7. _ clever children all of you are!8. _ important n

3、ews that is!9._ time flies!10. _beautiful flowers you bought me!四、把下列陈述句改为感叹句1. These flowers are so beautiful.2. The room is big.3. It is a very interesting film.4. We have a good teacher.5. This question is very easy.6. The TV play is too long.7. The building is so tall.8. Lucys handwriting is very beautiful.9.My dog is very smart.10. The snow on the land is very thick!1 / 1


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