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1、教学基本信息Teching coentJnior nls BokGrade Goit!Ut 7ow mc ae these sck? Sn A 1a-1cNe指引思想与理论根据 Based on the hery ofsituationallanua teachng methd, theteachshould tr to ead the stuents ino a vitul shppig sene,adlethe tuentslerhe ne of varios clothes ndhow tosk abou the pcs i tis perd. In he cesoflnguag eac

2、hng, tacher holdous onevopg studetsovera anguaeproficency and proviingopotuniies for students ttalk ut the clothes anthe pics by combinig lsteingand spekin actiitiswith grup work. Teashod lso mee studesdifrnt needs to esurthtstuent lern ina relaxi and enjoable atmosper.根据情境教学法的理念,通过营造一种真实的购物情境,让学生们在

3、小组讨论和合伙当中,学习描述服装类词汇的名称以及询问价格的方式,引导学生对语言材料的自主学习。在语言教学的过程中,注重学生综合语言运用能力的培养,并在据说教学活动中融入讨论、口头体现和书写任务,为学生提供综合运用语言的机会,学以致用。教师把学生作为教学的主体,尽量满足不同窗生的需要,让学生在一种轻松、快乐的氛围中进行学习。教学背景分析【Anals the maeral】Thisteachinmaterial s the fis priod fromSeto A in Unit7Hom arethes oks?,which is abu the names f cloes andtaliabou

4、t the prceso t clothes. Thispriod s a listeningand eakingart, pperingfoeh rmmar, eaing nwritng at,whc an provde he asc language knwedgeand isteningadspeaingskll f studento futh alk out te clothes ad a bout te price. 本节课选用的是初中英语o fo t七年级上册第七单元的Setion 部分。本部分是本单元的第一学时,是一种据说课,它安排在语法、阅读和写作的前面,是为了给学生的语言输出

5、提供必要的语言材料,例如购物时所波及的衣服类词汇,以及简朴询问价格的方式。而本节课的重要内容就是通过据说的练习让学生能与同伴谈论自己的衣物,以及用简朴的方式询问衣物的价格。 【Analysis of the stdns】h7th rader end tovery enhusai nd enertic in lanuge clssomndvey wiling an active topatiipate. hey are ery amiiar wi titopi, bcuse th hveengh xpernceof bying thingsin real li. ut th arunabl o

6、alk aouthe cotes and ricesinEnlish. Therefor, theot diffiult tas for teteacr is to guid thmto t abot thecloth ad prices n English. or laguageknowledge, tey just have some akgrudknowledge abut clrs,ums ndsmple nasfclothes likeha, , bu ther are still somnewwords r the nmef clothesincludingweater, trou

7、ser, jacket, ndsoc. Threfore, ts till a chalenge fo thteacher tguidete to talkabutecothsand prices in Eglish in pa n groupwork.本节课的授课对象是初中一年级的学生,她们对于英语的学习布满爱好,并且很乐于参与课堂的英语学习活动当中。对于这节课的主题来说,学生们也非常熟悉,由于每个同窗均有去商店购物的经验,并且在她们小学阶段的英语学习当中也已经接触到表达价格的数字、形容衣服的颜色、以及简朴的衣服词汇,因此,教师但愿通过本节课的学习让学生掌握更多的有关衣服的词汇,例如:袜子、

8、裤子、夹克等。同步,但愿学生能通过教师的引导积极与伙伴交谈自己的衣物以及询问价格。【Teacig focus】1. Guide the stdntstrn tk aboutlothes nd thepresof th lothesemain nnt in thi lssto make tdents l bou cthes d teir pries in a rig way,sth teacher should pa etention to giding tetudens tk bout cot dh pri o cloen ffen wys suh mechaic pctice,pair wo

9、rk d goupok.本学时重要是要教会学生用对的的方式去谈论衣物以及询问价格。因此教师应当更多地关注如何引导学生去积极地谈论衣服和衣服的价钱,教师可以通过机械操练、结对活动或者是小组活动去协助学生学习和巩固这些体现方式。2. Imrove sudens listening nd speaing kills hiseriods lienin ad speaking lsn, the ocus of hich is t ir th stdents lisenng an seakng kills.hereore,at the sae sntene presenttin,the ecer wil

10、lay ahor vdeo o the stuen,le thmfind hw oask abouttepice, wic an mprvetei listening skil while lking for spcific infomtonFoiprovi ther seakg sl, tteacher llenouraesudents to tak otcotes nd er prices urinprodctive acti. Thetacr wi gv ech group cote ardsad price laes, let hem mach tmogther andthen nor

11、age tht asandnse.对于这节据说课来说,重点应当放在如何协助学生提高据说技能。因此,教师在教科书已有的听力练习基本上,在句型操练的环节准备了一种视频,通过让学生找核心信息去提高她们使用听力方略的技能。而在加强学生说的能力上,教师采用了小组活动的方式,让学生在与同伴交流的过程中进一步熟悉如何用英语谈论价格。【Difclt ponts】1. Applyte eyords n sentnce pters i real atmospheThe mtdificut tin, fo students,is o about cot and thcs inea context. Evn thoh

12、 eeystdt aexprences nbuing clts in eal life, they n chance ttalk abuther loth andi pries in English while n telassroom, ter is no realojc toel andby.Sthe teacher wil ty t ceteahoppig atmosphe i the clasoomat he beginnng f hislass bng some hdcrafted clots omketh las livlyanditreng. wee,in hiper,it i diffilt fo the stdets dfferentiat Howuc isths.? an w mc are hese.? . o theeahe illue a mecani a to guidethe stdents trticete sentepaer w muchi.?, whil ina guessing pricgameto ractice th setce tternow much are ese.?. At th se tme, h teacher ill ry t eig a clearblacboard writing, n whchth si


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