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1、关于见面的英语情景口语 我们学习英语一定要坚持下去,因为英语是很重要的,我今天带来的是英语的口语,这样才能更快的提升英语成绩哦,大家快点行动起来吧,有需要的可以学习起来 一好久没见到你了 AHi! Susan! I havent seen you for ages! 嗨!苏珊!好久没见到你了! BIve been really busy. How is everything? 我一直都很忙。你都好吗? AOh, fine. Hey, why dont we grab a bite to eat and do some catching up? 不错。嘿, 我们是不是去吃点什么,好好聊聊天? B

2、Yeah, why not? Ive got a little free time on my hands. Where do you want to eat? 好啊,为什么不呢?我正好有点时间。你想去哪儿吃? 二见面 AHey, whatre you doing here? 嘿,你怎么在这儿啊? BWhy? Its my room. 什么意思?这是我房间啊. AI mean Jack is downstairs. He must be waiting for you. Besides, theres a big bunch of roses and a box of chocolate in

3、 his hands. 我是说,杰克在楼下等着你呢,抱着一大束玫瑰花,手里还拿着一盒巧克力,你怎么还不下去? BReally? 真的吗? AYes! 嗯! BOh, no,hes not waiting for me. 可他不是在等我 AOf course he is. He is your boyfriend! 不等你等谁,他是你男朋友. BActually we broke up the day before yesterday. 其实我们前天已经分手了. AIm sorry to hear that. But maybe hes regretful now, so hes come he

4、re to apologize. 这样啊,那也许他现在很懊悔,所以特地过来给你道歉呢. BLets talk about something else, shall we? Is that your new ring? 算了,咱们不说这个了。好吗?那是你的新戒指?巴嗯,好看吗? AOh, yes. How does it look? 看起来怎么样? BGreat, but you had your birthday last month. 不错,是生日礼物吗?可是你上个月已经过完生日了啊. AIts a gift for Valentines Day. 这是情人节的礼物。 BIs it today? Oh. Im so pathetic. I didnt even receive a card. 情人节?今天吗?哎,我真可怜,连一张卡片都没收到. AThen why not go downstairs and give Jack one more chance? 那就下楼去,再给杰克一次机会吧!


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