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1、四年级英语上册第九周周练习Class: Name: Mark: 一.选择正确字母补全单词。(共10分,每 小题2分)( )1.g t A. e B. a C.u ( )2.br kfast A. ee B. ea C.cr ( )3.sch l A. oo B.ye C.ey ( )4.h e A. mo B. em C. om ( )5.di er A. nn B. kk C. u u 二.用下面括号的词填空,使句子通顺。(共18分,每条横线2分) ( to, What time, go to school, at, do,what)1、- is it?- Its 17:10.Its tim

2、e get home.2. - What time you go to school?-I at 7:50.3. - are you doing?-Im writing.4. I have dinner 18:30.三.单项选择。(12分)( )1、-_ _time is it?-It is 7:20.A. What time B. What C. Whatre( )2、-What time is it?-Its 12:20p.m. Its time to_.A. have dinner B. have lunch C. go to school( )3、-What time _ she ge

3、t home?-At 6:20p.m. A. do B. does C. is( )4、Were _ to the lake.A. go B. Go C. going四.根据情景,选择最佳对话。(共20分,每小题4分)( )1.你想知道几点了,你应该问:A.What subjects you do like? B. What time is it? C. What are you doing?( )2.是起床的时候了怎么说: A.Its time to get home. B.Its time to have dinner. C.Its time to get up.( )3.别人问你 Wha

4、t time is it? 你应该怎样回答: A.Its time to get up? B .Its 8:20. C.Its red.( )4.你想知道别人几点吃午餐,你应该怎么问:A.What subjects do you like? B. What time is it? C. What time do you have lunch.( ) 5.我下午6:10吃晚饭,怎么说:A.I have dinner at 6:10. B. I have dinner at 18:10. C. I have dinner at 17:10?五.仿照例句写句子。 (共20分,每小题5分)Model

5、1:What time is it? Its 7:10 . _(8:20)Model 2: Its time to have lunch. _(have breakfast)Model 3: I go to bed at 12:00. _ (go to school)Model 4: What time do you go to bed? _ ( have dinner ) 六.阅读理解。(与短文内容相符写“T”,与内容不相符写“F”)(20分)Today is Sunday. I dont go to school. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast

6、 at about 6:30. Then I go to the lake with my friends. Look!Gogo is playing ping-pong with Jenny. Im fishing near the lake. In the afternoon,I get home at 5:10. After dinner,I do homework for one hour and then go to bed at 9:30.Today Im very happy.( ) 1.Today is Saturday.( ) 2.I get up at 6:30.( ) 3.Gogo is fishing near the lake.( ) 4.I get home at 5:10.( ) 5. I do homework for two hours.


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