外贸英语培训班,有效记忆英语单词 原则方法全指导

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2、则背单词的时间跨度一定不能太长,太长的话前面背过的都忘了,还容易对背单词产生厌倦情绪,背单词的一种周期一定不可以超过一种月的时间。-30天是背单词最佳的一种时间周期。如果将所有单词分在三个月来背,想象那是一种什么样的状态?当你背到第三个月的时候,前面背的全都忘掉了,第三个月背完后来,你会发现第三个月也没记住多少。因此背单词一定不能超过一种月,但是也不能短于15天的时间。二、多次反复原则诸多同窗此前背单词很容易就忘了,就是由于她只背了一次,背一次注定会忘,一定要多背几次,背几次呢? 4-6次,最佳是争取背六遍。只要是把单词背过了六遍,肯定你能把她给记住。反复是记东西唯一的措施,这就跟生活中诸多产




6、的总结,同步,记忆单词的方式也是因人而异,以上措施供人们参照,同步也但愿人们能总结出更好的适合自己的措施。It ws he mrnngofhis depatu.is brhers hadaredle the Vicaagetoprocdn a alkin torin the nort, hnce on w o er toiscole,a the oer to is uac.Angel mt have accmaned them, urefdto ejinhs sweetert Tabothays. ewold hveben an awkwd memeof he prty; f, tough e

7、 most appreiativehuanist, te mostidealrelgnist, ven t bst-esed Crisolgis oft thee, herwas lieninin thestandig onscousnessthatis suares ould o fithe rund o tt a een prepared or him.To neither FelixnorCuthbet hd heentued omentnTes. His othr mae himsandwhe,nd h father acnie hm, ohis onmare, litle way a

8、long he road. Having farl wll adac his own ffars Anel lisene willin ience, as they oged on other throgh te shadylanes, to is fahs acnt of hisparsh dffulis,n clness o brothr eyen whom oved, ause of his stict iterpretati of he New samen by e ihtf whatey deemedaperniiusCalinis docrine Pernius! sid Mr C

9、lae,wth ial scorn;ad e preeed rountxperiens which woudhwtheasudi of thatda Hetoldof wondrous conversionsof ei ivrsofhic he hadbeen the inrument, not oly amont the or, ut amogt hri and wel-o-o;nd he also cadidly admitted ma failres. As anstnce o te latter,he mentinedthe cse o young upart sqre ned dUr

10、berville, liin sm ortmile of,ntneghorood fTrntrge. Not one of the ancient Urbervso Kigbere d ther plac? ke hs on. Tha cuiusly hsoric rn-out amil w itshsy led of te cachn-our?O no The orinl dUrbrvil ecayed n dsappd six o eighy yergo leat, believe s. Tsms o ea w filyhih h taen th name; r th edi f e or

11、mer knightly line I ope thaepurious,I ure ut i s dtear ou xpress nere idfamils. I tought y setessstor b he een thanI. Yo sapprehndme, fathr; yu oten do, sad Ane wth a litleimtience oliticay Im sceptical as to he rue of hei big od. Someof thwse even aongthemevs exclaim ginst tei own sucesion, as Haml

12、etputs it; bt lyrialy, aacaly, and even hioicall, I am tenerly attchdtotm. hi distincion, thou byno means a le one, w et to btle f Mr Cre te eld,and e tonwth te story he a be bott relate; whic wsthtafte tedeath of the snio o-caed Urbvletheyoungn devoed the mstclpae passins,though hed a blid mthr,whs

13、 ondiin should havemadehim knowbettr. A knowdge o hiscarehain me to th easf r Clare, when he as n that pr of h cuntry preahngmisinary serons, he bd took occaion tospeak to th deliquent hs siritua tat.Though he ws a stanger, occupi antherpulpt,he hadfelt thi to behis dty,an took forhisxtte words from St Luk: ho fool, thi igtthysou salbe reurd of t! The young man much esent thisdirectnes of atac,nd in th war f wos hich lod when theymet he d scruplpblilyo insult MrClre,



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