平板电脑Android BSP底层驱动开发.doc

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1、 平板电脑Android BSP底层驱动开发平板电脑Android BSP底层驱动开发摘要Dynabook是艾伦凯于1968年所提出的电子书的概念,他想像这是一台可以带着跑的电脑。但这款平板在市场并没有什么人气。1984年首款在消费者平板市场获得成功的产品KoalaPad,允许小孩利用触笔或者手尖在家庭电脑的屏幕上画画,售价比较合理为195美元(约合目前425美元)。第一台商业化的平板电脑是1989年9月上市,由GRiD Systems制造的GRiDPad,它采用了与当时个人电脑相同的MS-DOS操作系统。2001年,微软公司CEO比尔?盖茨第2次提出平板电脑概念,并推出了Windows XP

2、 Tablet PC版,使得一度消失多年的平板电脑产品线再次走入人们视线。2010年1月27日,苹果公司发布旗下平板电脑产品iPad。同一时期,其他品牌厂商也已经着手准备进入这一全新市场,甚至更早展示了设计原型,但最终产品发布和正式销售均落后苹果公司较长时间。与其争锋的便是谷歌的Android系统,谷歌的模式和当年的微软比较相似,虽然其并不生产硬件的平板产品,但其系统开源性和免费性聚拢了一大批的厂商。戴尔、惠普、苹果为代表的欧美PC厂商以及智能手机厂商代表摩托罗拉、黑莓,联想、汉王为代表的国内厂商都发布了多款平板电脑。可以看出这个时代是平板电脑的井喷时代,各种产品层出不穷,因此看出这是平板电脑

3、的黄金年代。近两三年内,谷歌安卓系统平板电脑阵营不断壮大,国内平板自主开发已是热潮;平板电脑开发流程越是熟练,android系统框架实现的研究更透彻;使得强大的linux操作系统快速进军消费电子领域的具体实现;ARM架构的CPU平台应用最广范。现在追逐的是硬件及配置,Android系统升级, linux BSP底层驱动的稳定;导致是Android上层的Applications品质不断提高;linux BSP底层驱动开发技术更有水准;熟练的平板电脑开发正进入白热化阶段。关键词:平板电脑的发展与开发流程;ARM架构的CPU平台硬件配置android系统框架实现;linux操作系统;linux BS

4、P底层驱动开发; TABLET PC ANDROID BSP UNDELYING DRIVER DEVELOPMENTABSTRACT:According Tablet PC (English: Tablet Personal Computer, referred to as a Tablet PC Flat PC, Tablet, Slates Only), is a small, portable personal computer, touch screen as the basic input device. It has a touch screen that allows the

5、user through a stylus or digital pen to the job rather than the traditional keyboard or mouse. Through the built-in handwriting recognition, on-screen soft keyboard, voice recognition or a real keyboard (if the models so equipped). Tablet PC by Bill Gates, should support chips from Intel, AMD and AR

6、M architecture, from Microsofts Tablet PC concept product point of view, the Tablet PC is a not a flip, no keyboard, small enough to put ordinary people handbags but fully functional PC devices. In 1964, the RAND tablet, no keyboard design, equipped with a digital stylus. Use the the Zhezhi stylus u

7、sers can make menu selections, charting, and even to write software and other operations.Dynabook proposed by Alan Kay in 1968 by the concept of e-books, and he imagined that this is a computer with a run. But the tablet in the market and no popular.1984s first successful product in the consumer tab

8、let market KoalaPad, allow children to use the stylus or fingertips to draw on the computer screen in the family, the more reasonable price of $ 195 (about $ 425).The first commercialization of the Tablet PC is listed in September 1989, manufactured by GRiD Systems GRiDPad, it uses the same MS-DOS o

9、perating system with the PC.2001, Microsoft CEO Bill? Gates 2nd Tablet PC concept, and the launch of Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, making it once disappeared years Tablet PC product line into sight again.January 27, 2010, Apple released its Tablet PC product - the iPad. During the same period, the o

10、ther brand manufacturers have also been preparing to enter this new market, or even earlier demonstrated prototype, but the release of the final product and the official sales behind Apple long time. Its Commander is Googles Android system, Google is quite similar to the model that Microsoft, althou

11、gh its not flat products production hardware, but its system open source and free to gather a large number of vendors. Dell, HP, Apple, represented by the PC manufacturers in Europe and America as well as representative of the smart phone manufacturer Motorola, BlackBerry, Lenovo, HW, domestic manuf

12、acturers have released a variety of Tablet PC. It can be seen that this era is the era of Tablet PCs blowout, the endless variety of products, so to see that this is the golden age of the Tablet PC.The past two or three years, the Google Android system Tablet PC camp growing domestic flat-panel self

13、-development is the craze; Tablet PC development process more skilled, more thorough the android system framework to achieve the research; powerful Linux operating system to quickly enter the consumer electronicsthe concrete realization of the field; chase the hardware configuration of the Android s

14、ystem upgrade, the the linux BSP underlying driver stable; the lead continuously improve the quality of the Android upper Applications; skilled Tablet PC development is entering linux BSP underlying drive to develop more technical level;The white-hot stage.Key words:Tablet PC development and the dev

15、elopment process; ARM architecture CPU platform;Hardware configuration;framework of the android system implementation; linux operating system;the linux BSP underlying Driven Development; 目录1绪论71.1平板电脑发展71.1.1 平板电脑用户应用特征71.1.2 慧聪邓白氏预测平板电脑发展趋势81.2平板电脑开发流81.2.1 平板电脑产品定义及评估91.2.2 平板电脑ID设计91.2.3 平板电脑MD设计101.2.4 平板电脑硬件设计101.2.5 平板电脑物料采购111.2.6 平板电脑软件开发111.2.7 平板电脑产品测试111.3平板电脑ARM架构的CPU平台111.3.1 cpu架构111.3.2平板电脑ARM架构处理器121.4平板电脑配置141.4.1平板电脑硬件明细141.4.2平板电脑配置参数182 ANDROID系统框架实现192.1 Android系统192.1.1 Android的概述192.2 Android的层次划分202.3 Android开发级别及层次23


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