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1、职业英语技能大赛模拟题2第一部分 能力测试Part ILitening 听力Seci irecions: I tis sectin, ouill har fv sot etcesad quio. herethreicres mrked A, and C fr each eo Costhepictrta st matcethe qeston. Each enten ad questin willbe read tic.You ill have secondso ach qutio.(图片判断。在本节中,你将听到5个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题

2、读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。)1. W: Mary lives i Yancheng and shewants t go oeijin : How does go there quikl? )))2. W: The fin exa s cming a want to prepare for t M: Wher shldthe speke go ?A)B)C)3. : I ont go work nd ohosewok at hmeevey da M: Watis th sper?A)B)C) W:Whtdo ouhink aut mynew wth oght yeserd? :Wha

3、tdd the speker bu strdy?A)B)C)5. W: hcot s to beg a 10 oclok toightand elle nhur o go M: Whattim is it now?A))C)参照答案:BCCBPar IListening 听力Secin 2irctis: In thssection,yo ill hear dialog, and fill the blanks accorig wht yu hear Thdiloewillbe dtwice. Yo will have1inue for the task. (填空。在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对

4、话。请根据对话内容填空。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。) Taveling PanTi(6)_ estination(7) _PuposTo learn i (8)_ Chinas attrationsthe Hangan Mountin, (9)_ ,etchat to tastesheep(0) _ 参照答案:() Suay (). te ret Wal(8)History (9). Suzhu Garde (0). su对话原文:: ello, Mry. Its a in dy,isnt it ?W: Ys , it is. Toda is SundayId like t visi

5、t te GretWall.M: hy you want tovsitthe GreWa? W:ecae th Geat ll isChnaslandmriding n t is buldng wih a lon htoy. Iwant to learn itshstoy.M: Oh,I ee. Do youlikehina?W: Sue. lie China very much articlrl like Chia atrti.For xmple, heHungshanMounta,Suhou ardns, ec. willvisitthmnet time.M: Oh, eally? But

6、I prer hie foo, s as: Huna Foo,Sicuan Fod an so o W: Yes, Chisodis deliu. Ah, t twelve oclocke us taste shep oup.: Goodea. Lets go.Pr IIeadin 阅读Seion 1Dirction: In this section, youilre iv shrttext. hre a qtion andfourpossibleanwer fr eah tex. Coe the best sw fr each quston. (选择题。在本节中,你将读到5个短信息。根据短信

7、息,从每题所给的A、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。)Whtdos the sign mean?. Bopeoplean ike cancro.B. eope can cro u ot the bi.Bie cn cros but not peopleD. eith peoleorbie can cros.2.Wa does the poofulwant?. I ans o thnk e cutomerB. I ant o eth cuome.CI isese cstome to da srve.D t wnts davrtsment.3.SveyThe xmal pressurer the u

8、densin vocatinl chool.daily cost 55% homework pressure 30% nothing change 10% others 5% Wha oes he survey sgges?A. Over hf fth tudns wor homeworkos.B.Letfh stunsory daly ost.Noing changemount t 15% the totl studetsD. Lst prentageofsunts coose otherrasons. Sept. 10Mr. Liu, I have got a cold and cough

9、 badly ,so I cant go to school. Im writing to ask for sick leave of two days.Encl. Doctors Certificate of Advice Your student, Wang Ming hat i his noefor?A. Akng for two days leae.B. Askng the dotor tat him.escribinghs lesstothe dctrD. skin tctor t give imtwoday eeWhat do you think of the lecture me

10、thod?For 26%Against 41%Neither for nor against 33%5. From the svey, e ca se _eoplefalo cooeor?A. 2 B4% 33 . %参照答案:CDADPart IIRadin 阅读Sectin 2irect: In this part, youill rea fi short esiptonsadsix pieces of infrmatonrelted othem.Math the descripti an the rlatd nformtiond fi inte brackt wth the etrs.oicthere isonextpeiformtioyou ono eed.(信息匹配。在本节中,你将读到5段描述和条有关的信息。请将这些描述和相应的信息匹配起来,并把与信息相应的字母填写在括号内。注意有一条冗余信息。) One ( ) 1. Baileyand hi cassates went t te Ele Hoseyetey aftrnon. ( ) 2 Carlneeds brow some omes fro te Oera Troue. ( ) 3.Jlan bught a ofBall



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