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1、苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案20116A Unit6 教学方案(第二课时)第一部分 简要提示一、 年级:六年级二、 单元:Unit6三、 课题:Holidays四、 课型:新授课五、 教学内容:Part BCD六、 教学目标: 掌握单词、词组:Easter, May Day, Childrens Day, National Day, Dragon Boat Festival, eat a lot of delicious food, dress up in costumes, watch the moon. 进一步巩固掌握句型:Whens.? Its in . What do people us

2、ually do at/on.? They . Did you . last.? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.七、 重点、难点:1、各节日读法及意义。2、进一步巩固掌握句型:Whens.? Its in . What do people usually do at/on .? They . Did you . last.? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.第二部分 教学过程用时:25分钟第一步:复习课文 用时:5 分钟T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 很高兴再次与你见面。Last lesson,

3、we learned something about holidays. 上节课我们一起了解了有关节日的一些知识。Now lets watch the cartoon again and review. 现在,我们一起再来看一遍动画,回顾一下吧。(PPT课文动画) T: OK. Do you remember the following holidays? 你还记得以下节日么? (PPT显示五个节日图与字) Good, they are Christmas, Halloween, New Years Day, Spring Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival.

4、Can you answer my questions? (PPT)T: Whens Mid-Autumn Festival? T: What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival? T: Did you play with lanterns last Mid-Autumn Festival?T: Now, can you make dialogues like this? 你会不会像这样编个对话呢?Please use the following sentences: (PPT: Whens.? Its in . What do people

5、 usually do at/on .? They . Did you . last.? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.) Choose one of them, and work with your partner. 现在请你来从中选个喜欢的节日编个对话吧。此处暂停(本步骤设计说明:本课时重点学习九个节日名称, 其中有四个已在A部分出现并学习过,因此在本环节,教师安排对这几个节日的名称进行复习,从而引出话题谈论这些节日,即巩固了旧知,在复习旧知的基础上为将要学习的五个新的节日做铺垫。最后请同学选择一个喜欢的节日与同伴对话,既尊重了学生的意愿,也体现了学生在教学中的主体作

6、用。)第二步:词汇学习 用时:8 分钟T: Well, boys and girls, from lesson 1, the students have known some holidays: Christmas, Halloween, New Years Day, Spring Festival, and Mid-Autumn Festival. Now the students are looking at a book about holidays, they want to learn something more. 现在孩子们正看到一本有关节日的书,他们想了解更多的节日。T: (P

7、PT儿童节) What festival is this? Its Childrens Day. 儿童节(教授新单词Childrens Day)T: When you talk about Childrens Day, what can you say? 当谈论儿童节时,你能说出哪些相关的词或词组?(稍停)T: Maybe “happy, play games, have parties, sing and dance, beautiful clothes, , no school”T: Can you answer my questions: Whens Childrens Day?(稍停)

8、Yes, its on the 1st of June.T: What do people usually do on Childrens Day? 在儿童节中,孩子们通常会做些什么事情呢?Talk about it. 跟你的同桌说说看。T: 你知道这个节日吗?(PPT劳动节)教授新词May DayT: Whens May Day? Good, its on the 1st of May.T: What do people usually do on May Day? 在五一劳动节中,人们会做些什么事情呢?Talk to your classmate.T: 同学们,中国的传统节日你知道有哪些?

9、Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. There is another traditional Chinese Festival. 今天我们将要介绍另外一个中国传统节日。First, have a look. (PPT端午节)Dragon Boat Festival,教读新词。简介:农历五月初五,是中国民间的传统节日端午节,也叫龙舟节。每到这一天,家家户户都挂艾叶,赛龙舟,饮雄黄酒关于端午节的由来,说法甚多,其中之一就是纪念历史上伟大的民族诗人屈原。在这一天人们会煮糯米饭投入江中,以祭祀屈原,因而吃粽子的习俗才流传至今。粽子,rice dumplin

10、g, 端午节这天,赛龙舟是人们最爱看的节目,龙舟,dragon boat, 端午节因此而得名。 T: Dragon Boat Festival是中国传统节日,西方国家也有自己的传统节日,Look.(PPT复活节) 教授新单词 Easter. Do you know when Easter is? You may ask me.S: Whens Easter?T: Its in March or April. 复活节是在每年春分月圆后的第一个礼拜天。复活节,是庆贺耶稣复活的日子。复活彩蛋、复活兔是Easter的象征。Did you make Easter Eggs last Easter?(稍停

11、) 现在就让我们一起来了解一下复活节的小知识吧。(PPT知识卡片)T: 上节课和这节课所学的节日名称你都掌握了么?(PPT全部节日) 试试读一读。(稍停)T: 现在请跟我读。(读完一个词稍停)T: 复习完了我们学过的节日名称,现在我们一起来玩个游戏吧。Now lets play a game: Quick respond 快速抢答。在老师的描述中,比比谁最先猜到是哪个节日。Ready? Go.准备好了吗,现在开始。T: Eat moon cakes and watch the moon. (答案是Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节,你答对了吗?)T: Eat rice dumpli

12、ngs. (Dragon Boat Festival端午节)T: Go to parties and dress up in costumes. (答案是Halloween )T: 现在你能不能像老师一样,出几道题考考你的同桌?此处暂停T: 现在请你和同桌合作完成下面的问题:中外分别有哪些传统节日呢,讨论后各列举三个例子。(参考答案:Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival,Dragon Boat Festival/ Easter,Christmas, Halloween)T: 在这些节日中,Whats your favourite holiday? 哪个是你最喜

13、欢的节日? And tell us why, 并说出原因。(本步骤设计说明:B部分不仅要求学生掌握节日的名称,更需要教师在直观形象的影像材料中引导学生结合情景理解节日习俗,从而为接下来的CD部分做好铺垫。在巩固操练中,用闯关游戏的方法把节日按照不同的标准来分类,解放了学生的思维,让学生学会从多方面看问题。)第三步:句型操练 用时:7 分钟T: Boys and girls, now Liu Tao is asking Gao Shan about his Spring Festival last year. 刘涛正在询问高山有关他上个春节的事情。(PPT 出示图) What are they

14、talking about?让我们一起来想想他们有可能用到哪些句型呢?当我们在谈论节日时,常用到的句型是: A: Whens ? B: Its in . A: What do people usually do at/on ? B: They A: Did you last ? B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.请跟我一起读一读。 好,请你仔细读一读这幅图中他们的对话。 (PPT 出示图和对话Model) Liu Tao: Whens Spring Festival? Gao Shan: Its in January or February Liu Tao: What d

15、o people usually do at Spring Festival? Gao Shan: They eat a lot of delicious food. Liu Tao: Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival? Gao Shan: Yes, I did. T: 好,同学们,下面请你也来仿照他们编一编刘涛和高山之间的对话。这里还有3幅图,请你任选其中的几幅来编对话,注意你所用到的句型是 OK, you can begin.此处暂停Lets check the answer. 下面让我们逐幅图看看正确答案吧。(PPT)T: 好了,这几幅图中,你选择了几幅又说对了几幅呢?课后你还可以来说一说。T: Boys and girls, now Mike is reading a letter from his pen friend Danny to his mum. First, look at the following three pictures and read these sentences, then guess


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