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1、2023年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、My mother asks me _ computer games before finishing my homework.Anot to play Bnot play Cto not play Dnot playing2、-Who should be responsibl

2、e for this terrible traffic accident?-Its not the right time to discuss that. _, we should send her to hospital.AAs a result BAll in all CAbove all3、Whenever you feel like criticizing_, just remember that not all the people in this world have the advantages that youve had.AsomeoneBanyoneCno oneDever

3、yone4、- I knew you lived on the 17th floor just now. And I live on the 19th floor.- Really? Just two floors _ me?AbelowBonCunderDabove5、- _ you often go to school by bike?- Yes, but sometimes I go by bus when it rains.ADoBWillCHaveDAre6、Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunc

4、iation?Abag Bmanage Clazy Dcarry7、Going to _ high school for one year in Britain was quite _ exciting experience for me.A不填; an Ba; a C不填; 不填 Dthe; a8、I have got an “A” in my English test. _ATake it easy.BHave a good time.CIs that so?DCongratulations!9、- Excuse me. Could you tell me the _ of the foo

5、tball game yesterday?- Sure. Chongqing Siwei won the game by 2 to 1.AdifferenceBruleCresultDeffort10、My father usually plays _ basketball to relax after a weeks hard work.AaBanCtheD/. 完形填空11、 Wood- block (木版) printing was invented sometime between the 4th and the 7th century in China. The earliest b

6、ook that we have was 1 in 868 and was discovered in a Dunhuang cave. Wood-block printing took a long time because a new block was needed for every 2 in a book. By the 11th century printed books appeared all over China. They 3 books of Confucius thoughts, dictionaries, and books on maths. In 1340, bo

7、oks could be printed using two 4 , black and red.Although the Chinese learnt about printing so 5 , printing was not introduced into other parts of the world for hundreds of years. It is thought that when the great Italian traveler Marco Polo 6 China in the 13th century, he saw printed books. It is p

8、ossible that Marco Polo brought that 7 to Europe. But printed books did not come to Europe 8 1450 when a German called Johann Gutenberg invented a printing machine. Twenty-four years 9 , in 1474, an Englishman called William Caxton printed the 10 printed book in English. His second book was about th

9、e game of chess. Caxton printed about a hundred books, and some can still be seen today in museums.1AboughtBprintedCcalledDreturn2ApageBletterCpaperDband3AmarkedBaddedCincludedDplaced4AtypesBfactoriesCtastesDcolours5AnewBearlyCyoungDslow6AstoredBcontrolledCvisitedDwrote7AtoolBmachineCbookDtechnology

10、8AuntilBwhileCafterDsince9AforwardBlaterCbackDago10AsameBexcitingCfirstDlast. 语法填空12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过2个单词)Many people catch a cold in the spring or fall. It makes us wonder: since scientists can send a man to the moon, why cant they find a treatment for the common cold? The qu

11、estion is easy 1 (answer)-there are hundreds of kinds of cold viruses(病毒) out there. You never know 2 one youll get, so there isnt a treatment for each one.When a cold virus 3 (try) to hurt your body, your body will work hard to fight against it. Blood rushes to your nose and brings congestion(堵塞) w

12、ith it. This makes you feel terrible because you cant breathe comfortably, but actually, your body 4 (eat) the virus. Your body temperature rises and you get a fever, but the heat of your body is killing the virus. You also have a runny (流鼻涕的) nose to stop the virus 5 (get) close to the cells(细胞). A

13、nd as a 6 , your body may be very painful. But it is actually doing everything it can to get a victory over the cold.Different people have different ways to 7 with colds. Some have chicken soup to feel better, some take hot baths, and many other people take medicine. However, some scientists say tha

14、t taking medicine when you have a cold is actually 8 to health. The virus stays in your body even longer because your body cant do its 9 to fight with it and kill it. Bodies can do an amazing job on their own. Theres a joke about taking medicine when you have a cold. It 10 (go) like this.It takes ab

15、out 1 week to get over a cold if you dont take medicine, but only 7 days to get over a cold if you take medicine. 阅读理解A13、One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then rode off to a forest to see how the trees were growing.In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their camp, it started to sno


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