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1、中华人民共和国劳动合同法英文版LAW OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTSAdopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National Peoples Congress on June 29,2007Effecctive from Januaary 1, 2008CHAPTTER 1 GENERRAL PRROVISIIONSArticcle 1This Law hhas beeen foormulaated iin ordder

2、too imprrove tthe emmploymment ccontraact syystem, to sppecifyy the rightts andd obliigatioons off the partiies too emplloymennt conntractts, too prottect tthe laawful rightts andd inteerestss of EEmployyees aand too builld andd deveelop hharmonnious and sstablee emplloymennt rellationnshipss.Articc

3、le 2This Law ggovernns thee estaablishhment of emmploymment rrelatiionshiips beetweenn, andd the concllusionn, perrformaance, amenddment, termiinatioon andd endiing off emplloymennt conntractts by, organnizatiions ssuch aas entterpriises, indivviduall econnomic organnizatiions aand prrivatee non-ent

4、errprisee unitts in the PPeoplees Reepubliic of Chinaa (“Emmployeers”) on thhe onee handd and Emplooyees in thhe Peoopless Repuublic of Chhina oon thee otheer hannd.The cconcluusion, perfoormancce, ammendmeent, tterminnationn and endinng of emplooymentt conttractss by sstate authooritiees, innstituu

5、tionss or ssociall orgaanizattions on thhe onee handd and Emplooyees with whom they estabblish emplooymentt relaationsships on thhe othher haand, sshall be haandledd purssuant to thhis Laaw.Articcle 3The cconcluusion of emmploymment ccontraacts sshall complly witth thee prinnciplees of lawfuulnesss,

6、 faiirnesss, equualityy, freee willl, neegotiaated cconsennsus aand goood faaith.A lawwfullyy conccludedd emplloymennt conntractt is bbindinng, annd botth thee Emplloyer and tthe Emmployeee shaall peerformm theiir resspectiive obbligattions stipuulatedd therrein.Articcle 4Emplooyers shalll estaablis

7、hh and improove innternaal rulles annd reggulatiions, so ass to eensuree thatt Emplloyeess enjooy theeir laabor rrightss and perfoorm thheir llabor obliggationns.When an Emmployeer forrmulattes, rrevisees or deciddes onn rulees andd reguulatioons, oor matteriall mattters, that have a dirrect bbearin

8、ng on the iimmediiate iintereests oof itss Emplloyeess, succh as thosee conccerninng commpensaation, work hourss, resst, leeave, work safetty andd hygiiene, insurrance, beneffits, emplooyee ttrainiing, wwork ddiscippline or woork quuota mmanageement, the ssame sshall be diiscusssed byy the emplooyee

9、 rrepressentattive ccongreess orr all the eemployyees. The eemployyee reepreseentatiive coongresss or all tthe emmployeees, aas thee casee may be, sshall put fforwarrd a ppropossal annd commmentss, wheereupoon thee mattter shhall bbe detterminned thhroughh conssultattions with the TTrade unionn or e

10、employyee reepreseentatiives cconduccted oon a bbasis of eqqualitty.If, dduringg the impleementaation of ann Emplloyers rulle or regullationn or ddecisiion onn a crruciall mattter, tthe Trrade uunion or ann emplloyee is off the opiniion thhat thhe samme is inapppropriiate, it orr he iis enttitledd t

11、o ccommunnicatee suchh opinnion tto thee Emplloyer, and tthe ruule, rregulaation or deecisioon shaall bee imprroved by maaking amenddmentss afteer connsultaationss.Ruless and regullationns, annd deccisionns on materrial mmatterrs, thhat haave a direcct beaaring on thhe immmediatte intterestts of Emp

12、looyees shalll be mmade ppublicc or bbe commmuniccated to thhe Empployeees by the EEmployyer.Articcle 5The llabor adminnistraation authooritiees of Peoplles GGovernnmentss at tthe coounty levell and abovee, toggetherr withh the Tradee unioon andd enteerprisse reppresenntativves, sshall estabblish a

13、commpreheensivee tri-partiite meechaniism foor thee coorrdinattion oof empploymeent reelatioonshipps, inn ordeer to jointtly sttudy aand reesolvee majoor isssues cconcerrning emplooymentt relaationsships.Articcle 6A Traade unnion sshall assisst andd guidde Empployeees in the cconcluusion of emmploym

14、ment ccontraacts wwith ttheir Emplooyer aand thhe perrformaance tthereoof in accorrdancee withh the law, and eestabllish aa colllectivve barrgainiing meechaniism wiith thhe Empployerr in oorder to saafeguaard thhe lawwful rrightss and interrests of Emmployeees.CHAPTTER 2 CONCLLUSIONN OF EEMPLOYYMENT

15、 CONTRRACTSArticcle 7An Emmployeers eemployyment relattionshhip wiith a Emplooyee iis esttablisshed oon thee datee it sstartss usinng thee Emplloyee. An EEmployyer shhall kkeep aa regiister of emmployeees, ffor reeferennce puurposees.Articcle 8When an Emmployeer hirres a Emplooyee, it shhall ttruthffully inforrm himm as tto thee conttent oof thee workk, thee workking ccondittions, the pplace of woork, ooccupaationaal hazzards, produuctionn safeety coonditiions, laborr comppensattion aand otther mmatterrs whiich thhe Empployeee requuests to bee infoo



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