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1、献给实习生的职场生存法那么献给实习生的职场生存法那么Its a mon conundrum for young professionals: you cant get a job without experience, but you cant get experience without a job. One way that many college students overe the experience gap is by pleting internships, in which they learn the ropes in a professional enviro_ent w

2、hile building their portfolio and making valuable working contacts. Regardless of whether your internship is at a major corporation or a small local business, there are some basic principles to follow that will ensure that you succeed and the internship coordinator believes that you are a great inte

3、rn.对于年轻人来说总有这样一个悖论:假如你没有工作经历,你就找不到工作;同时,假如你找不到工作,你就不会有工作经历,献给实习生的职场生存法那么。对于大学生来说,要 逾越工作经历这一鸿沟,最好的做法就是去做实习工作。实习工作不仅可以告诉你职场的生存法那么,还会为你提供珍贵的人脉。无论你的实习工作是在大企业还是小 公司,以下几点根本守那么你一定要知道,这可是确保你能成功完成实习工作并获得肯定的良方。1.Treat the internship as you would any other job. Take your assig_ents seriously, even when it seem

4、s that youre doing busywork. Maintain a professional attitude anddemeanor.认真对待你的实习工作。即使你的工作都是些琐事,你也要严肃认真地对待,表达你的职业态度和素养。2.Arrive on time, or a few minutes early. Strolling in to the office late gives theimpression that you dont care and that you arent serious about the internship or your career. And

5、 stay all day - leaving early because you are bored or have other plans isunacceptable.准时或提早上班。慢吞吞地去上班、上班迟到给人留下的印象就是:你不重视这份工作,你对实习工作或职业生涯满不在乎。上班时间不要早退。你不能因为工作无聊或者你有其他安排就提早下班。3.Dress appropriately. Sweatpants and a baseball cap are fine to wear to class, but professional office enviro_ents generally

6、have dress codes. When in doubt, err on theconservative side. If you dont have a full professional wardrobe yet, now is the time to start acquiring business attire.穿着得体。运动裤和棒球帽穿去上课可以,但是职场上有职场的穿衣法那么。假如你不清楚的话,穿得保守一点总没错。假如你如今还没有购置一橱的正装的话,那如今就是你置办正装的好时机了。在办公室里把手机、音乐播放器,或者其他电子设备都关掉。你可能觉得没有人会注意到你在不停地发短信,事

7、实上不然,资料共享平台献给实习生的职场生存法那么(s:/.)。你必须全神贯注地工作,社交生活要留在下班后进展。5.Think twice before using social media to discuss your internship. Some panies even have policies forbidding interns to blog, tweet or discuss the pany online. Be careful what you say online, as negative ments can affect your standing with the

8、pany.用社交工具讨论实习工作,三思而后行。有些公司出台政策制止在网上用博客、微博等讨论实习工作。你在网上说的每一句话都要小心慎重,尤其是那些关于公司的负面消息,这会影响到你在公司里的地位。6.Ask questions. If you dont understand something, or need help, asking for guidanceis better than making a mistake. Asking questions demonstrates your desire to learn, an important trait in any intern.多问

9、问题。假如你有不明白的地方,或者需要帮助,那就去找人给你指导,总比因为不知道而犯错来得强。不懂就问彰显的是你的求知欲,这在实习工作中是很重要的一种品质。7.Maintain a positive attitude, even when youre doing menial tasks. Everyone has to start somewhere, and plaining about having to make copies or stuff envelopes is not likely to get you to the top of the list for more intere

10、sting assig_ents.即使做得都是小事也要保持积极的心态。每个人都是从底层做起的。就算你一直抱怨自己只能做复印文件或者粘信封的工作,你也不会因此而被分配到更好的工作。8.Seek constructive criticism. When you plete a task or project, ask for feedbackon your performance and ways that you can improve. Actively looking for learning opportunities creates a positive impression, and

11、helps you continuously improve over the course of your internship.寻求有建立性的批评。当你完成一项任务或工程时,对你的表现和做事方法寻求有利于你改良的反应。积极地寻求学习时机可以给人留下好印象,有利于你在实习期间更好地工作。9.Volunteer for extra projects, and seek opportunities to expand your experience. Dont wait for someone to tell you what to do; if you finish your work, ask for another assig_ent instead of wasting time.主动要求多工作,找时机扩展你的经历。不要等着别人来给你布置任务,假如你完成了手头上的活,那就去恳求别人给你新的工作而不是浪费时间。参加公司的活动或非正式的聚会。你可能觉得年度高尔夫巡回赛没什么意思,但是这可是你在高级行政人员和商业伙伴面前露脸的时机,而且你可以借此打造你的人脉网络。即使是在公司厨房举办的一个小型生日聚会,也会让你认识到一些平常见不到的人。第 页 共 页



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