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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!2006-2007学年度聊城市莘县第二学期期末考试八年级英语试题I听力部分。(20分)(一)单句理解:听录音,选出你所听到的句子。每个句子朗读两遍。1AHow do you like Hunan?BWhat do you like about Hunan?CWhat do you think of Hunan?2AWhat do you usually do on Sundays?BWhat did you do last Sunday?CWhat are you doing now?3AI think the shop is closed nowB

2、I think the shop is open nowCI think the shop is on business now4ACan you give me a hand?BCould you help me, please?CCould you come and mend it for me?5AI have an English-Chinese dictionaryBI have a Chinese-English dictionaryCI have an English-English dictionary(二)情景反应:听录音,选择正确的答案补全对话。每个句子朗读两遍。6AIts

3、 cloudy BIts July 12thCIts not bad DIts well7AHe is next to the window BHe is playing gamesCHe is tall and thin DHe is very interesting8AThats OK BHave a good timeCNever mind DIm going there, too9ANo, I dont BYes, I wantCMy pleasure DYes, Id love to10AI like Beijing very muchBThe people and the buil

4、dingCI like Beijing a littleDI dont like the weather in Beijing(三)对话理解:根据你所听到的对话内容,选择最佳答案填空。每段对话朗读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11和12题。11Ann is from _Athe USA BEngland CFrance12_ wants to learn ChineseAAnn BHarley CTheir teacher听第二段对话,回答第l3至15题。13The man wants to buy _Aa shirt Ba bag Ca jacket14The white shirt is a

5、little _Abig Blong Csmall15The man bought the _ at lastAwhite shirt Bblue shirt Cyellow jacket(四)短文理解:根据你所听到的短文内容,完成第l6至20题。短文朗读两遍。16What does Mr. Smith do?AHe is teacherBHe is a workerCHe is a doctor17Where does he come from?AHe comes from BostonBHe comes from New YorkCHe comes from China18What did

6、 he want to do in China?AHe wanted to live in ChinaBHe wanted to work in ChinaCBoth A and B19Where is he living now?AHe is living in New YorkBHe is living in Gum TreeCHe is living in Beijing20Where is he working now?AHe is working in New YorkBHe is working in a school in ChinaCHe is working in a sch

7、ool in America选择填空。21-Where is Lily?-She _ to NanjingAwill go Bhas been Chas gone Dhad gone22When you have finished _, dont forget _ on “close”Ato read, to click Bto read, clickingCreading, clicking Dreading, to click23- _ do you send e-mails to your friends?-Twice a weekAHow long BHow soon CWhen DH

8、ow often24Most of the books _ mineAam Bis Care Dbe25My brother feels like _ some flowers in the gardenAplant Bplants Cplanting Dto plant26This is a big factory, and _ of the workers are womenAthree quarters Bthree fourthCthird fourths Dthird fourth27-_ the population of Australia?-About 17,800,800AH

9、ow is BWhats CHow many are DHow much is28I cant buy the dress because I have just _ moneyAlittle Ba little Cfew Da few29To _ the ocean means to go _ the oceanAacross, across Bcross, crossCcross, across Dacross, cross30-Where is Mrs. Brown now?-She is talking with her daughter _ the phoneAon Bof Cfro

10、m Dto31-Hello! _ NancyIs that Sue speaking?-No, she is outAThat is BShe is CIm DThis is32Brains report is _, and all his classmates are _ in itAinterest, interest Binteresting, interestingCinterested, interesting Dinteresting, interested33-Is baseball the same _ basketball?-No, it isntBaseball is di

11、fferent _ basketballAas, from Bas, as Cfrom, from Dfrom, as34We should try _ TV every dayIts bad for our eyesAto not watch Bnot watch Cnot watching Dnot to watch35-This city looks beautiful!-Yes, People have planted lots of trees and grass on _ sides of the streetAeach Bevery Cboth Dall36-Dick, is Nick your twin brother?-Yes, and Im thirty minutes _ than himAfatter Btaller Cheavier Dolder37My brother is too young, I have to _ him at homeAlook for Blook like Clook after Dlook at38This pair



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