【300字英语美文摘抄精选】 英语美文短篇摘抄.docx

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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑【300字英语美文摘抄精选】 英语美文短篇摘抄 英语学习在我国已轰轰烈烈地开展了几十年。英语学习书籍各种各样。从学校,学校,高中到高校不断贯彻英语教学,可以说英语学习已成为一个热门话题。我整理了300字英语美文摘抄,欢迎阅读! 300字英语美文摘抄篇三 You want to know the secret to success? Here it is: 你想知道胜利的秘诀吗?下面我就告知你: Believe in yourself so much, that no one else can tell you otherwise. 要足够信任自己,这样就没有

2、人能对你指手画脚了。 Also doubt yourself so much, that you feel like no matter how hard you work nothing could ever get you to your goal. 也要足够怀疑自己,总是感觉无论自己多么努力,似乎也永久无法实现目标。 Work so hard, that your friends think youre crazy. 工作要足够努力,让伴侣都觉得你疯了。 Be ridiculed, be shunned, be ignored, be told no. Get shut down so

3、many times that you become immune to it. That it drives you, and gives you energy. 被称赞、被回避、被忽视、被泼冷水、被阻挡的次数多了,你就习惯了,这些都是你的动力,能给你力气。 Set boundaries for yourself. IE dont spend your money going to every show. 为自己设定界限。也就是说不要花钱把全部演出都看了。 Also, go get inspired. Take yourself out of your work cycle, remind

4、yourself why you are working yourself to the bone. 而且要查找启发。从日复一日的工作中抽出身来,提示自己舍命工作是为了什么。 Give EVERYTHING to your craft. If theres someone in your life or something you do that prevents you from working 25 hours a day, get rid of it. 全身心投入工作。假如生活中有人或事阻碍你一天工作25小时,就把他们赶出你的生活。 Ingrain the idea in your mi

5、nd that NOTHING will get you where you want to be other than hard work. 头脑中要有一个根深蒂固的想法,那就是只有努力工作才能帮你实现目标。 Keep working so hard, that eventually what you are doing isnt work. Its who you are. And now people are taking notice. Your parents believe in you; your friends support you. 坚持努力工作,最终你不是在做工作,而是在

6、做人。人们都会留意你,家人会信任你,伴侣会支持你。 Keep doubting yourself. Always know that theres something else better out there that you have to keep working harder than you did yesterday to achieve. 要始终自我怀疑。你要知道前方总是有比你昨天已经实现的目标更好的东西等待你去为之努力。 Enjoy yourself. Be happy. Be grateful, be humble. 享受生活。要快乐、感恩、谦卑。 Keep working your ass off so you can make every single day of your life as good as this one, and better than the day before it. 舍命工作,你才能使每天都这么美妙,每天都比前一天更美妙。 看了300字英语美文摘抄的人还看了: 1.英语美文观赏300字精选 2.300字英语美文摘抄赏析 3.200到300字英语美文摘抄 4.200到300字名人英语美文摘抄 5.250到300字英语美文摘抄第 1 页 共 1 页



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