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1、九年级英语教学设计School: Tengqiao Middle School of Sanya city,Hainan ProvinceTeacher: Lin Wei JunTeaching material: Module Ten My Future Life( Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?)Time: September 3rd, 2010Class: Class One, Grade Three一、教材分析 How do you study for a test ? 是人民教育出版(即“人教版” )九年级上册 Unit 1 How do y

2、ou study for a test?这是一课关于同学们通过交谈谈论学习怎样学习英语的学习习惯和学习技巧及方法阐的学习内容展现出在这个阶段的学习是一个相当重要的学习时期,通过这个话题让学生交流各自的感受,回顾以往的学习历程,结合这个话题,让学生扩大知识面及单词量,展开课外阅读,让学生了解抓住好这个教育的契机,培养他们学习兴趣。二、教学设计的理念本和单元是一篇以对话和阅读短文相结合为主的学习内容,为了能够以吸引他们的学习注意力,激发他们的学习兴趣为主,教师要通过有计划的教学活动及合理的课堂设计来进行教学,让学生不断拓宽知识面,灵活运用所学知识,积极地开展思维活动,引导学生们课前积极搜集材料、加

3、工和处理信息;引导学生们努力进行语言实践活动。同时可以通过利用小组赛,启发他们对未来的憧憬展开想象力,利用讨论、表扬及评价等方式来启迪学生的思维能力,培养他们的灵感以激活他们的想象力和创造力,并且让学生能积极主动地进行探究式学习,加强老师与学生,学生与学生之间的情感交流和合作,培养和谐的人际关系,促使学生对怎样学好英语的心情得以进一步的升华。三、 教学目标(一).知识与能力1.通过演讲能够表达自己的感受,能够表示感谢。2.掌握常用的词汇及日常交际用语的用法,掌握英语的构词用法(即合成构词法和派生构词法)。3.通过培养学生视、听、说及阅读分析能力,以训练他们的应变技巧。4.培养学生的语言交际能力

4、:让学生通过演讲来向自己的家人、朋友和老师表达自己对他们的感激之情,并能够运用所学的语言知识来说出自己的感受,表达自己的谢意,畅想自己的未来。(二)方法及过程集教学的灵活性、主动性、自主性、交流性和合作性以及探究性的教学方法于教学之中(三)情感、态度、价值观本课主要是通过Pierre / Antronio/ Mei /boy1/boy2的对话来体现怎样把英语学习学得更好的,同时也通过对话来体现同学们之间的和谐关系,并能够运用所学的语言知识来说出自己的感受,表达自己的意见和看法,更进一步地加强老师与学生,学生与学生之间的情感交流,培养和谐的人际关系。四、教学重点运用多媒体的教学或者可以通过农村远


6、Leading in )和强化技能法(Reinforcement)以及学生的(canning)的阅读技能等,以活跃课堂的学习氛围,提高教学质量、保障教学效果。七、教具:a computer、 a video disk、recorder and tape、pictures or cards八、 教学过程Step1 RevisionShow some pictures about the article of speech, and ask the students to read about it.Step2 Pre-readIn small groups, discuss the follow

7、ing questions.1Who is likely to be thanked?Families、 teachers and schoolmates are likely to be thanked2What is the speaker likely to say?The speaker likely to say is Thank you and Good luck3. Which personal qualities are likely to be mentioned?Good behaviour 、Patience and Good fun are likely to be m

8、entioned通过提问的方式,让学生互相交流或通过各种手段收集有关信息:关于与Betty的演讲稿的相关内容,通过在课前布置的,目的是鼓励学主动、积极地手去搜集相关材料,以培养他们获取知识的能力。Step 3 Reading and writing (附加补充几点说明)Please forgive me if it shows !如果有什么地方说不对的话,请大家原谅!2. Sometimes the friends you treasure most are the friends you see less often.3.A life without old friends is like

9、a day without sunshine.英语中表示“象”时,可以用be like, asas 表示,我们把这种比喻方式叫做“明喻”4. I couldnt say it better myself.当我们想表达“最”时,也可采用比较级的方式,本句就是如此。5Let the students listen carefully again and read after it.(运用多媒体或播放录音的教学方法来进行视、听、说等课文内容的教学,然后让学生跟读,以便提高英语交际水平)Step 4 DiscussionShow the students a form, ask them to dis

10、cuss in class and write down the answers.教学评价及建议听力效果自我评价表(1Worst; 5Best)Item123451.Ican note down Pierre, and Antonios feeling2.I can describe how to study Enlish3.I can describe how they make conversation with a group4.I can tell Pierre, Antoni and Mei about studying for a test5.I can comment on Pi

11、erre, Antoni and Meis feeling二 阅读理解评价(1Worst; 5Best)Item123451.I can answer all the questions in activity 22. I can find all the sentences required in activity 33.I can identify the style features of the speech .4.I can tell the here things and the three kinds of people the speaker mentioned5.I can

12、understand why the speaker feels so grateful.6.I can make similar speeches when Ive learnt this unit.讨论及评价完毕后,再由各组组长代表各组发言。(课文分析采用易于使学生更好地领会课文内容,配合小组阅读技能,使学生便于相互合助,从而体现了一学生为主的合作学习及共同成长的原则。通过训练,进一步加深对课文内容和涵义的理解,提高学生语言表达及交际能力。)三课堂表现评价表(1Worst; 5Best)Item123451.I listen to the teacher carefully in clas

13、s2. I listen carefully when my classmates were reporting3.I was active in group work/pair work.4.I could select my attention in listening5.I could choose the right way to read according to the questions asked6.I am satisfied with my performance in the lesson.Step 5 Conclusion(1). Words: flashcard vo

14、cabulary pronunciation memorize frustrate frustrating , solution, challenge, really impress, influence, unless unfair(2). Phrases: regard to, make mistakes , It doesnt matter , later on, take notes, look up,make up, be angry with, go by ,be afriad of /be afraid toSentences:1、Im very proud that I have been chosen to speak to you all today.2、A life without old friends is like a day without sunshine.3、Sometimes youve been strict with us.Step6 Homework1、Finish off the workbook exercises & recite the text.2、让学生进行一次模仿内容,写一篇演讲稿,通过所学知识完成一份完整的英文书面材料。板书设计:Unit One How do


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