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1、话题语言应用发明家与发明编稿:牛新阁 审稿:王春霞语言积累交际用语打电话Which extension . please? 分机号是.?Can I speak to . please? 我能和.说话吗?Hold the line,please/ Hang on,please请不要挂断。Just a moment,please请等一下。Im sorry,but this phone is out of order对不起,但是电话出故障了。I cant get through我打不通。SorryHe / She isnt here right now对不起,他/她不在。Can I ring bac

2、k later? 我能一会再打回去吗?Ill ring him / her up again我会再打给他/她。I must ring off now because. 我必须挂断了,因为.话题语句(1)发现和发明(Discoveries and inventions)1. A discovery is an act or the process of finding out something already existing in nature but not yet known. 发现(discovery)指找到存在于自然界却不为人知的事物的行为和过程。 An invention is c

3、reating something not existing before. 发明是创造出以前不存在的事物。2. The four great Chinese inventions:printing 印刷术 paper-making 造纸 compass 指南针 gunpowder 火药3. Whats the connection (联系) between discovery and invention?Discoveries (发现)Inventions(发明)1. Electricity 电1. Systems of delivering electrical light and hea

4、ting to homes and offices 给住宅和办公室输送电力光和暖气的系统2.Household machines for washing, ironing, keeping food cold 洗涤、熨烫、食物冷藏的家用机器3. Computers, telephones, television 计算机、电话、电视2. The movement of air空气流动1. Airplane jet engines 飞机喷气引擎 2. Air balloons 气球3. The circulation of the blood 血液循环Machines to help people

5、 with serious disease (like kidney failure) 帮助治疗严重疾病(如肾衰)的机器4. X-rays X射线1. Body scanners to see whether you are ill 身体扫描设备检查是否生病2. Machines to treat illnesses (like cancer) 治疗疾病(如癌症)的机器Discoveries often lead to inventions. Inventions are often based on discoveries.话题语句(2)Applying for a patent1. Sta

6、ges(进程)every inventor must go through before it is approved(批准、认可)Finding a problem 发现问题Doing research 研究问题Thinking of a creative solution 想出创造性的解决办法Testing the solution 测试结论Deciding on the invention 确定发明Applying for a patent 申请专利(权)2. Advantages of getting a patentYou are recognized as a real inven

7、tor. 作为发明者得到承认。You can make money if you sell your invention to others. 卖掉发明可以挣钱。You will become famous. 会出名。You are able to prove that you were the first person to make the invention.你能够证明你曾是这项发明的第一发明人。3. Patent office (专利局) plays the role of deciding what is an invention and what is not. And only

8、inventions can get patents and they can be recognized and protected.More inventions1.Electric shoesThe heel of these shoes is a machine that makes electricity with every step you take. You will never need to buy batteries again.2. Inflatable bicycle 可充电自行车You will never have to worry about having yo

9、ur bike stolen again. If you use our inflatable bike, you can simply let the air out and put your bike in a bag.3. Edible chopsticks 可食用筷子Never throw away or wash chopsticks again. These chopsticks are both delicious and environmentally friendly(环保的). Save trees and have a snack(小吃)at the same time

10、they come in five different flavours(味道).4. An amphibious (水陆两用的) car (2003)This is the first car that can travel safely on water and on land. When moving on water, the wheels of the car turn sideways(斜着)and move into the body. The underneath (下面) of the car is strong enough to sail as a boat. It is

11、 a prototype (雏形) and is not yet being produced for sale. This is an interesting modern invention.5. Stephensons “Rocket” (1781-1848) George Stephenson was one of the first men to design engines for the railways which were new at that time. One of the first tracks(轨道)to be laid was between Stockton

12、and Darlington. Stephenson was one of the first railway engineers and in 1825 he drove the first train along the line.6. The Structure of DNAThis was a discovery of Francis Crick and James Watson and published in 1953. These two scientists were the first to show that our genes consist of two spirals

13、 (螺旋式上升或下降) of DNA (called the double-helix 双螺旋). This work led directly to the human genome(基因组)project in 2003, which discovered the Structure of DNA.话题语句(3)【高清课堂:Inventors and inventions 语言应用】Inventions have changed our lives We live in the age of science. People live, move and think in terms of

14、science. Water, air, time and space have been conquered. Man has harnessed(控制)the forces of nature to his own use. Science has helped man to lead a better life than ever before. 要点提示:in terms of 就.而言,从.方面说来,依据 In all walks of life man has made wonderful progress. It has given us very swift means of

15、communication transport. The steam engine, the motor car and now the airplane have conquered time and space. Man can now travel from one place to another in a short time. A journey of weeks and months is now performed in a few hours.要点提示:walk生活方式,社会地位,身分,职业,行业 steam engine 蒸汽机Then there are the telegraph, the telephone and the wireless. The wireless has made it possible to send messages to any part of the world in the twinkling of an eye. The radio has made the dull evenings at home bright. One can he


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