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1、2010年中考英语复习课本知识整理七年级下 Unit11 What do you think of game shows?【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语1.talk/game/spors show:谈话/游戏/体育节目2.soap opera:肥皂剧;连续剧3.situation comedy/sitcom:情景喜剧4.dont mind/like:不介意/喜欢5.cant stand:不能容忍6.think of:认为 7.agree with sb.:同意某人意见8.in fact:事实上;实际上9.a thirteen-year-old boy:一个13岁的男孩10.sports show

2、s:体育节目11.Animal World:动物世界12.Tell it like it is!:实话实说13.Culture China:中国文化14.Chinese cooking:中国烹饪15.key ring:钥匙链16.ask sb. about sth:问某人关于某事17.colorful clothes:颜色鲜艳的衣服18. English Today:今日英语19. Sports News:运动新闻II. 重要句型1. What do you think of soap operas? I cant stand them. 2. What do you think of spo

3、rts shows? I dont mind them.3. What does she think of Hilltop High? She doesnt like it.4. What does Tony think of Tommy? He likes him.5. What do they think of Amanda? They love her.III. 交际用语(1)What do you think of soup operas? - I love them/I dont mind them/I cant stand them/I dont like. (2)How abou

4、t you? -I do.too. (3)-What do you think of ? -=How do you like? 如:What do you think of the picture? =How do you like the picture? Unit 12 Dont eat in class. IV. 重要语法wh-引导的特殊疑问句惯用语what do you think of?I do too./ I dont either.【课文解析】1. wear (v. 动词) 穿,戴,佩。根据不同宾语,翻译不同的汉语意思。wear earrings 戴耳环 wear a dress

5、 穿连衣裙wear a watch 戴手表 wear a beard 蓄胡子wear long hair 留长发2. think 想,考虑,思索(v. 动词)可以和许多介词搭配,组成新的意思。A:think of 考虑;有.的看法,有时等于think about.What does he think of Beijing Opera?他对京剧有什么看法?My mother always thinks of everything!我妈妈总是想到所有的东西。think highly of sb. /sth. 对某人或某物评价甚高Mr Black thinks highly of his son.

6、布莱克先生对他儿子评价甚高。B:think about 考虑(指计划,观念,看它是否相宜、可行)He is thinking about going to China.他正在考虑去中国。3. too与either的区别too也,表示肯定意义,与肯定的表达方法连用;而either也不,表示否定意义,与否定的表达方法连用。(1)My brother likes to play soccer.我哥哥喜欢踢足球。I do, too.我也是(喜欢)。(2)My brother doesnt like to play soccer.我哥哥不喜欢踢足球。I dont, either.我也不喜欢。also也可

7、以表示也,但一般情况下,too和either放在句子之后,also放在动词之前。We also love talk shows.我们也喜欢访谈节目。4. a thirteen - year - old boy 一个十三岁的男孩此结构中,year用单数形式,且用连字符,这种结构用作定语。a five - month - old baby 一个五个月大的婴儿5.enjoy (v. 喜爱,享受)enjoy后面接名词、代词或动名词,注意与like/ love用法的区别。like/ love还可以接动词不定式(to do)。I enjoy the soap operas.我喜爱肥皂剧。I enjoy w

8、atching the soap operas.我喜爱看肥皂剧。但我们不能说:I enjoy to watch the soap operas.只能说:I like / love to watch the soap operas.6. mind 表示介意,反对的意思时,通常用在疑问句、否定句中。Would you mind opening the window?请你打开窗子好不好?He doesnt mind the cold weather at all.他一点都不在乎寒冷的天气。多用于以下句型:(表示请求或征求意见)后接动名词/名词/代词。Would you mind (doing) .?

9、Do you mind (doing) .?7. stand 表示忍受(多用于否定句、疑问句)He cant stand the hot weather.他忍受不了炎热的天气。Can you stand the pain?你忍受得了疼吗?9. What do you think of .? 你认为.怎么样?(谈论对某事物的喜好程度)可选择的回答有:(1)I like it.(2)I dont mind it.(3)I dont like it.(4)I cant stand it.(5)I like it very much.(6)I love it.(7)Its beautiful.(8)T

10、heyre fantastic单元测试题根据句意和首字母完成单词1I looked at the blackboard(黑板),but saw n_2What do you think of his i_?3I cant s_ the bad weatherIts too cold4She doesnt a_ with me5The girl often wears c_ clothes6I dont have much money in my w_7We enjoyed reading your a_8What do you think of sports shows? I dont m_

11、them9In summer I wear s_ because the sun is hot10Chinese c_ is very popular in the world单项填空( )1What does he think of the game shows? He loves _ Ait BtheyChim Dthem( )2So hot in the classroomWould you mind _ the windows? NoIll do it right now Anot closing Bnot openingCclosing Dopening( )3Are they ta

12、lking _ Jim? Aon BatCto Dfor( )4Why not_ the music club? Im sorry,I cant sing or dance Ato join BjoinCjoining Dto join in( )5I think _ is for morns Awash BwashesCwashing Dto wash( )6I like it_ you? ADo BDoesCWhat about DAre( )7I love the talk showHe _,too Aloves BisCdoes Ddo( )8This is _ Awhat I wan

13、tBwhat do you do Cwhere is he Dhows it going( )9She doesnt mind _ other people think of _ Ahow,sheBhow,her Cthat,her Dwhat,her( )10Thanks _ joining us Amuch of Ba lot of forCa lot for Dyou of( )11I dont like _ she thinks Athat BwhereChow Dwhat( )12There isnt _ in the box Asomething BanythingCnothing Dnobody( )13I think Animal World is the best show I dont _ you Alike it BmindCagree with Dagree to( )14_ of the _ are intere



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