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1、 agree的用法与练习1. They agreed on the project at last.最终他们就这项工程达成了共识。2. We agreed on a price for the car.我们商定了这辆汽车的价格。3. I agree with you =I agree with what you said.=I agree with your words.4. The climate here doesnt agree with me .我不适应这儿的气候。5. Do you agree to that plan?6. He has agreed to the arrangem

2、ent?7.Your story agrees with what I have heard.你说的话与我听到的全都。8. They agreed to help us.9.It was agreed that;We all agree that10.I couldnt agree with you more.思索归纳1. 三个词组的词意是什么?答复:agree with ,agree to ,agree on 都可以表示 _;agree to 一般表示个人同意 ,而agree on 表示 _,达成共识。agree with 还可以表示与(气候或食物等)相_.2.三个词组在用法上有什么不同?答

3、复:agree with 后面一般跟_或是某人说的_;后面还可以跟words。agree to 后面一般跟建议、议案、_、_等。agree on 后面接_等。用agree的正确形式填空I asked him to help me and he _.I quite_ their suggestions.The date for the next meeting was _.I quite _ what you said.I_ the proposal(the plan)Most scientists _ that computers cannot completely take the plac

4、e of human beings.After a short time, the program was _.They _going there the following day.At last, the boss _ that I should do the work.He _ get someone to help us.I dont quite _ their methods(opinions, ideas).Most scientists _ that computers cannot completely take the place of human beingThe verb

5、 must _the subject in person and number.At last, the boss _that I should do the work.He _ get someone to help us.It was_ that another meeting was necessary.Do you _this arrangement?The enemy generals could not _ one another; they quarrelled the whole night.She_ get everything ready before I come.Is

6、he going to_ our suggestion? 答案:归纳思索:同意;协商一件事的人们或单位,就文件、打算、行动等;适合某人,意见、想法;打算、安排;表示详细协议的文件、打算用agree的正确形式填空:1agreed, 2.agree to, 3.agreed on, 4.agree with, 5.agree to, 6.agreed, 7.agreed, 8.agreed on, 9.agreed, 10.agreed to11.agree with, 12.agreed, 13.agree with, 14.agreed, 15.agreed to, 16.agreed, 17.agree to, 18.agree with, 19.agreed to, 20.agree to


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