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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks? section A1a2d (课时1)班级: 学号: 姓名:【学习目标】一、 Key words:socks; T-shirt; shorts; sweater; bag; trousers; shoes; jacket; skirt; how much; small; big; dollar; 二、Main sentences: -How much is/are? -Its / -Theyre三、学会掌握用How much.句型谈论物品的价格,并学会回答。【预习内容】根据句意和提示完成句子。1.How is this book

2、? -Its eight yuan.2. Where are my (短袜)?3. What color is this (T恤衫)? -Its white.4. Those (短裤)?are 18 yuan. 5. I like the red (毛衣).6. The black (裤子) are very nice.7. Those are Tonys (鞋子). 8.The skirt is (小的) for her.9. That (短裙) is too short. 10. Theyre three (美元).【学习过程】一、 由学生们的穿着引出本单元的衣物类和颜色单词,询问的方式引

3、出句型:1. What is this in English? What are these in English? 2. What color is it? What color are they? How much is/are?二、Activity 1a: Match the words with the things in the pictures. Then read these words.三、Listening tasks:1. Listen and circle the things you hear in the picture in 1a.2. Listen and rep

4、eat the words.3. Listen to the conversations and circle the things you hear. 4. Listen and fill in the price tags.四、Pair work:Ask and answer the questions about the things in 2d. Then write down the conversation. A: B: A: B: A: B: 【知识探究】一、How much 的用法:1. How much these socks? =Whats the price of the

5、se socks? twenty dollars. 这条裤子20美元。如:How much this sweater? = the of this sweater? 回答: 60 yuan. 它60元。总结:询问物品的价格用 。How much is /are.? 中的be动词由 决定。如:The shorts are 30 dollars. (提问) the shorts?2. How much+ ,how many + 。如:How food, how students总结:how much + +.是对 的 进行提问。how many + +.?是对 的 进行提问。例如:He has t

6、en pencils.(提问) he ?His cousin has some sweaters.(提问) his cousin have? Anna has much water.(提问) does Anna have?二、仔细观察一下所学的衣物名称,想一想,试着写出哪些衣物是以单数形式出现的?哪些又是以复数形式出现的?单数: 复数: 【课堂作业】一、用所给的词填空。 1. How much _(be )the chicken ? 2. These red _(shoe) are thirty dollars 3. How much are the apples ? _(it ) are e

7、ight dollars .4. His socks _(be )2 dollars 5. How _(many) are your socks ? -Two dollars 二、单项选择。( )1._are the shoes ? Theyre 20 dollars A. When B. How much C. How many D. What ( )2._English books do you have ?- I have two A. How many B. How much C. How often D. How far( )3.My pants _black .- But this

8、 pair of pants _green A. is ,is B. are ,are C. is ,are D. are ,is ( )4.The shoes are 30 _ A. dollar B. dollars C. Dollar D. Dollars ( )5.What color are these _? A. shirts B.T-shirt C. hat D. sweater 三、连词成句(一定要注意首字母的大写和句末的标点符号)1. is, this, much, how, hat ?2. the, sweater, red, much, is, how ?3. is, i

9、t, dollars, 7 .4. socks, these, how, are, much, black ?5. these, dollars, are, 6, shorts, blue .Unit 7 How much are these socks? section A2e3c (课时2)班级: 学号: 姓名:【学习目标】一、Key words:need; look; take; pair; 二、Main sentences:1.Can I help you? 2. I need a sweater for school.3. It looks nice. 三、Learn how to

10、buy things in a clothes store.【自主探究】一、 Read the conversation by yourselves loudly. Then translate the phrases and sentences.1.我能帮助你吗? ?2.需要一件毛衣 3. 什么颜色 4.怎么样 5.多少钱 6. 我要买它。 . 7.给你。 .8.两双三美元。 .二、Read again and answer the questions.1.What does Mary need? 2.How much are those yellow socks? 3.How many pairs of socks does Mary take? 三、Learn the main points.1. 1.Can I help you? ,这是服务行业人员主动向顾客打招呼的常用语,在不同场合又不同的译法。顾客如有需要,可回答: ,如不想购物,则常回答: 。除了Can I help you?,还可以说成: 或 。


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