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1、role的用法总结大全role的用法总结大全role的意思n. 作用,地位,角色role用法role可以用作名词role作“作用,职责”解时,后面常接介词“inof,for+名词或动名词”。role也可作戏剧、电影等中的“角色”解。表示“的角色”可用“the role of .”,一般不在其后面所接的名词前加冠词a/an。He will appear in the role of mediator.他会出庭,充当调停者的角色。role用作名词的用法例句The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.巴拿马运

2、河在运输上起到了非常重要的作用。The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.老师在学习中的关键作用是不该无视的。The role of the railway declines in the transport system.在运输系统中,铁路的重要性逐渐下降。role用法例句1、The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will play a constructive role.首相承诺以色列将发挥积极的作用。2、The UN would

3、play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.结合国在监视停火方面会发挥重要作用。3、Jennifer responded with anger and played the martyr role.珍妮弗做出愤怒的反响,开场大倒苦水。“发挥作用”除了“play a role”还有别的译法吗?国的控烟禁烟工作开展的比拟晚,但通过立法来施行公共场所无烟化已是大势所趋,并得到社会和公众的共识。译前分析p :1.词语翻译:“控烟禁烟”: 控烟和禁烟意思重复,翻成”tabaco/smoking control“即可。“化”“性”这类词的处理,首先,看看是不是可

4、以变动词;第二,不能变动词时变形容词;第三,都不行的话才选名词“施行”,动词隐词法,删掉,可以改写为“通过立法确保公共场所无烟化”2. 句子翻译:“中国的控烟禁烟工作开展的比拟晚”:Chinas tabaco/smoking control work started very late.“但通过立法来施行公共场所无烟化已是大势所趋”的句式:“sth/doing sth has bee 大势所趋”。“通过立法确保公共场所无烟化”:to ensure that public space is smoking-free 或者to “得到社会和公众的共识”,注意社会和公众意思重复,社会就是公众:the

5、 public has reached a consensus on仍然选择带有生命力的词做主语,并采用“拟人化”:While China is a late-starter in tobacco control译文:space through legislation.注意:“already“ 隐藏了转折,但表达了这个意思。大器晚成:late-bloomer第二句Studies indicate that intestinal worms, which have been all but eliminated in developed countries, are ”likely to be

6、the biggest player“ in regulating the immune system to respond appropriately.译前分析p :句子构造:studies indicate that intestinal worms are likely to be the biggest player in doing sth.”all but“ =” nearly“几乎”be likely to be“:可能翻译技巧:我们知道中文翻到英文会采用“拟人化”,那么英语中拟人化的词,翻到中文,怎么处理呢?把名词转为动词,player的动词play:the biggest p

7、layer就是play the biggest role in doing sth.“在调节免疫系统作出适当反响方面发挥最大的作用”,转译为“最有利于”更简洁。补充:中文“发挥作用”,一定是“play a role”吗?例句:中国在推动全球经济复苏方面发挥很重要的作用。1. play an important role in doing sth.(普通版)2. China is an important player in facilitating global economic recovery. (采用拟人法)3. China contributes significantly to gl

8、obal economic recovery. (contribute to 有利于,实际上就是发挥作用 )再来看从句局部,”which have been all but eliminated in developed countries“:从句是事实背景,“在兴旺国家几乎已经被消灭了的”这局部可以放在“蛔虫”的前面,作前置定语;假如太长,也可以选择单独成句。译文:研究说明,在兴旺国家几乎已经被消灭的蛔虫,可能最有利于调节免疫系统,使其做出适当反响。第三句themselves posing next to Mercedes cars parked on the street, the kind of pictures that Mr. Jallow says he fell for so many years ago.译前分析p :“call home with the truth&; : 在这里不能直译,要根据语境措辞。“though”: 不过;注意用法,“,though”常常放在句末。“fall for sth.”:被骗译文多用四六格,表现出语言的张力。译文:不过,他们在给家人打 时报喜不报忧/不以实情相告。他们寄回家的光鲜照片,都是站在街上停着的梅赛德斯车旁拍的,就连贾洛(Jallow)先生自己假设干年前也曾对这样的照片信以为真。第 页 共 页



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