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1、高中英语必修5第单元教案 英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第二语言,也是欧盟的,最多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅少于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。下面是我为你带来的高中英语必修5第5单元教案,欢迎阅读。 Teahng Ais ndDmand 教学目标1、Kow the classfiction oburns、Learn something about thesymtomso buns. 3、Let th Ss learn he readingskills of getighe ai idea f eah prof h passage .

2、 4、Enable theSsto arn howto uswhat teyve learnttoo fist aitreatmet forunscorectly. Teahig imprtatpoints and dificul oints 教学重点和难点 1、Imprve the studntsreading bil,et thm Sim r neaideas.、Form blity to give firsaidburns 3、To maser th imrtat wd and epressios thrug ts perid.Tahing Methos 教学方法 、Task-setod

3、. 、Branstm 、 skimig、 sning、Competition 、diussnetc.Tehigad教学手段 Mlti-meda.Teacin rocures 教学过程Stepe Introcion:Frst ad ireltedtoour lives. It cn hel s deal wih emergencs.thestudentsto tl teir own bued exprieces, meanwhile, eachhem smenewword: bandage、 bulac、 pful、blster、mild etc. Stp twoPrading ow thSs

4、tepicture ofPreredn on3 and askthem th foin qustns:What ha ppend hat sortof inue thehild il hav What kid o first aid woud yo perforSte hree Fas reaig Thisas isto ch h Ssimmng ability.Let he S get th ain idea ofthe passge . Ecse1 n hich ode arthse topics covere th txt umer tem fro 1 o 5. _ the three

5、ypes of buns _ what to doif sonegts ne _the functionsof sin _ t ymptsfurns_ how we get burns Ste ur taildreadin et he Ss read and lsten to th pasfst adhen n outthe nwrs to the esio. Iwilvid te S int grop. f studentc awehe quesiocorrecly, then his/her groucan ge one point. And thegrou which gts he mo

6、st pinisthe winner.Onl through cpraon cathe studenstast e jf success Rad nd ste to the1st Part, Fill in the anks 、Oubodys largetorga:_ 2、We ha _ _ ofthe skin 3、You skin _yu _ r _. 4、 _our od _ _ _5、t ives ouor_ _ Rea nd listen to he ndPart. Anwer th qson:Can yu el us the auses o burn Readndsten tote

7、 3d Pr. Answr e qston: Ca you tel us th typs of urnRea and listeto e 4th art Anwee questio:Canyou ellus taractistcs of burns Red and listen te tat( Firt temen). sumry: We canall it (C、W 、D、C 、S) metod. Acorig tthe las pt ,il n te blanks. 1. _ lothinga jewlry ne the buns. 2 _thburnswith ol ter. 3. _c

8、ol, can wtclths on eburns 4 _theburneraently. 5. _ theburd rea wit a dryclean bandge. _the burned area _ tanthe hart, ifossble.mmary of fit aid atent(W cacal it CDCS mthod) Coolthe rea o sin Waitunde thecol a Dry te buned area Cove the area o the burn with bandag /ry cea othSe dcor f nssarStep five

9、nguagpont1idn.&.帮助; 援助;资助;rs aid 急救aidb. o do sh.帮助某人做某事; wth te i of在的帮助下; eg: ith the id o o teahr, I md at progress 2.senef tuch触觉 其他表示各种感觉的词还有: sns of sight视觉; ense of ern听觉; snseof tste味觉e of mel嗅觉; es ohumr 幽默感 sese of direction 方向感 eleri 与 eectria 区别 lctric 用于两种情况()可发电的东西 (2)靠电力工作的,通电后能工作的。 g

10、 :an lecic station n electri fan an electricketeelectrical 与电力相关的物品或人员 E : electricalegin 4. ol bns idielwth l but not icy aer.立即用凉水给伤口冲凉,但不要用冰水。 gren略呈绿色的 pc辛辣的 wooy树木茂密的 qeee v & vt 榨; 挤;压榨;sueeze ou 榨出;挤出; g: ws so fttha he ould oljut quze houghth or他太胖了仅能挤过门。 hesqezedoutsomorngeic她挤出了一些橘子汁。Step

11、ix Howr 1.Ke th words & exesons in ind & try to lrn theet y heart. .Finih of te reated wokok exercies.Stesven SummryFrm the passa ,the stutentswillhae aclar idea about is Adr br an ty ndo First Aitreatmetfruns orecty.Chek togethe.For uagepots ,wewill makeacopetiionThe ask s soeasy tha l o h Ss will

12、sow inres i .hikingafe tahn 教后反思ot ofhe tuden ca larn simple nwled of frst i,but asareslt f usng English,iniviastuntsan not reach thoal.Tis assage doetcntn enouhinfmtion for so do ist aid r hrs. Ples ern or after class. y是个形容词后缀。如:wndy有风 hi多小山的 sleep困倦的第 1 页 共 1 页免责声明:图文来源于网络搜集,版权归原作者所以若侵犯了您的合法权益,请作者与本上传人联系,我们将及时更正



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