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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑与失败有关的英语名言有关失败的名言 在全部的失败中,想说俏皮话却没有说成是最大的失败,而说得拖泥带水则是更惨的失败。下面我为你共享的是与失败有关的英语名言的内容,盼望你会喜爱! 与失败有关的英语名言最新 全部的创业者应当多花点时间,去学习别人是怎么失败的。 All the entrepreneurs should spend more time to learn how others failed 胜利的人是跟别人学习阅历,失败的人只跟自己学习阅历。 Successful people are learning experiences with other

2、people, people with their own learning experience failure 并非全部的人都能胜利;勇于进取者往往要冒失败的风险。 Not everyone can succeed; Have the courage to motivator tend to take the risk of failure 人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被战胜。 People are not born for defeat, a man can be destroyed, but not defeated 我们从失败中学到的东西要比在胜利中学到的东西多得多。

3、 What we learn from the failure to learn things much more than in a successful 失败对我们是有好处的,我们得祝愿灾难,我们是灾难之子。 Failure is good for us, we have to bless the disaster, we are the son of the disaster 青年时的失败要比壮年时的成功,老年时的胜利更令人满足。 Youth is a failure to victory than when mature, the success of the old age is m

4、ore satisfactory 当你失败了,就把它作为人生财宝;胜利了,就是财宝人生。 When you fail, I put it as the wealth of life; Success is the wealth of life 与失败有关的英语名言精选 自信是走向胜利之路的第一步;缺乏自信是失败的主要缘由。 Self-confidence is the first step on the road to success; A lack of confidence is the main reason for the failure 不要轻视失败者的劝说,他在不应当做什么的问题上

5、是权威。 Dont despise the losers advice, he is the authority on the question of what should not do 多数人的失败,都始于怀疑他们自己在想做的事情上的力量。 Most people fail, began in doubt their own ability in want to do 失败了,你可能会绝望;但假如不去尝试,那么你注定要失败。 Failed, you may be disappointed; But if we dont try, then you are doomed to failure

6、 这个时间是不等人的,它残酷得甚至不能赐予失败者一点怜悯。 This is time and tide wait for no man, it cant even give a cruel to losers a little sympathy 若你能举出一个彻底满意的人,我可以告知你他就是个失败的人。 If you can give a completely meet the person, I can tell you he is a failure 我主要关怀的,不是你是不是失败了,而是你对失败是不是甘心。 My main concern, not whether you fail, b

7、ut you is willing to failure 处在现今这个时代,假如说做不到,你将常常在失败的一边。 In this day and age, if the to do, you will often on one side of the failure 与失败有关的英语名言锦集 人生的光荣,不在永久不失败,而在于能够屡扑屡起。 The glory of life, is not in never falling, but is the ability to repeatedly jump up 不会从失败中寻求教训的人通向胜利的道路是遥远的。 Not seek lesson fr

8、om the failure of the path to success is far away 与其早胜利,不如晚胜利,与其晚失败,不如早失败。 Its early success, late is better than success, failure and its late, early failure 人生最大的光荣,不在于永不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。 The greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall 一个人失败的缘由,在于本身性格的缺点,与环境无关。 The causes o

9、f failure of a person, lies in the character of its own shortcomings, has nothing to do with the environment 一个妻子没有方法把丈夫拴在身边,那是做女人的失败。 Have no way to put her husband a wife tied to the side, that is to be a womans failure 自信不肯定能让你胜利,但丢失信念却肯定会让你失败。 Confidence is not necessarily can let you success, b

10、ut a loss of confidence will allow you to fail 人的聪慧和自己的明智及道路的选择,往往在失败以后。 The wisdom of the people and his own wise and choice of the road, often after a failure 懒散受到的惩处不仅仅是自己的失败,还有别人的胜利。 Lazy punishment is more than just your failure, and the success of others 被人揭下面具是一种失败,自己揭下面具却是一种成功。 Being stripped mask is a kind of failure, their masks off is a victory 人生最大的光荣,不在于从不失败,而在于能屡仆屡起。 The greatest glory in life, does not lie in never failing, but in rising every time we fall 看了与失败有关的英语名言还会看: 1.有关胜利与失败英语名言 2.关于失败的英语句子 3.关于失败的英语名言 4.有关挫折英文名言佳句 5.胜利失败的英语名言第 1 页 共 1 页



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