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1、南州中学课堂教学导学案 Unit 5 (Vocabulary)设计者:杜娟 学时:第1学时(高二A组)学习目标:1. Ss are able to read the new words and expression of unit 5 correctly.2. Ss try to recite some of them.3. Ss try to read, write, remember and use them.教学难点:1、Ss be able to read the words and expressions of Unit 4 correctly and try to learn th

2、em by heart.教学与教法:小组合作,练习巩固。教学过程:Step1. 揭示目标,学法指导:(5分钟)Step2. 学生自学,教师巡导。(预习作业) 1. Read the words and expressions of unit 5 in groups.2. The group masters teach the members about the pronunciation of these words. Ss read the words and expressions in unit 5 aloud together.3. Read and try to learn the

3、words by heart in groups.Step 3、学生展示,教师精导;1. 英译汉:1.aid _ 2. injury _3.tightly_ 4.unbearable_5.radiation _ 6.throat_7.ceremony _ 8.pressure_9 mild _ 10.poison _2.汉译英:1).应用;申请;有效 _ 2)治疗;对待 _3)复杂的_ 4)勇气;勇敢 _5)轻微的;温和的_ 6).毒药;毒害 _7)至关重要的_ 8)流血 _9)(使)膨胀;隆起_ 10) 急救_Step 4. Practice and consolidation1. Many

4、 women can only get a part-time or t_ jobs.2. The Sahara Desert is a natural _(屏障) between North and Central Africa.3. There is a clear link between exposure to _(辐射) and some forms of cancer.4. Hes the _(最温和的) man you could wish to meet.5. The heart performs a v_ bodily function.6. Loneliness in a

5、gloomy raining day may be u_ to him.7. The hotel offers its guests a wide _(多样) of amusements.8. Its a _(复杂的) question and her answer was too pat.9. Small quantities of p_ were detected in the dead mans stomach.10. She still suffers considerable discomfort from her i_.南州中学课堂教学导学案UNIT 5(Reading)设计者:

6、刘晓婧 审核人: 审批人: 学时: 第2学时 课题:Unit 5 First Aid (reading) 课型:新授课教学目标:1.Enable the students to master some English expressions and phrases and to know some knowledge of first aid 2.Learn how to give their correct suggestions about first aid when others are in danger.教学重难点:Let Ss learn to use the structure

7、s of giving suggestions教法与学法:Skimming method.,Task-based method,Role-play method一、揭示目标,学法指导:1.Discussion to arouse the students interest.2.Fast reading to let the students get the theme of each section.3. Careful reading to find more details about the First aid.4. To tell the passage by using our ow

8、n words.二、学生自学,教师巡导:Step 1 pre-reading and warming upStep 2 fast-readingStep 3 careful reading三、 学生展示,教师精导:Step 1:Warming up and pre-reading (see PPT)Q:What is first aid?First aid is a temporary form of help given to someone who suddenly _ or _ before a doctor can be found. Pre-reading:1. What has h

9、appened? _2. What sort of injuries will the child have?_Step 2:fast- reading Skimming: to get the basic facts In which order are these topics covered in the text? Number them from 1 to 5. _ the three types of burns _ what to do if someone gets burned _ the purpose of skin _ the symptoms of burns _ h

10、ow we get burnsScanning: to get detailed informationHow many layers are there in skin? What are they?_Step 3: careful reading:Part 1: The functions of the skin:1) Protect you against _, _,and _; 2) Keep you _ or _; 3) Prevent your body from _, _; 4) Give you _.Part 2 : Causes of burnsYou can get bur

11、ned by _, _ ,_, _ ,_, _or_. Part 3:Types of burns: Part 4: Characteristics of burnsfirst degree burns: _second degree burns:_third degree burns:_ Part 5 :First aid treatment:Step1:_ clothing using scissors if necessary._ _ jewellery near the burnStep2: _ _ immediately with cool but not icy water for

12、 about 10 minutes.Step3: Place _, _, _ _ on burns until the pain is not so bad.Step4: Dry the burned area _. Step5:_ the burned area with a _ and _ bandage/cloth. Group Discussion In the following situations, the victims are injured. In groups, discuss the two questions: 1. If you happen to go by, will you save the victim? Why or why n



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