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1、BE Highr peking TetIroduct(1)Interlcutr Ciatecessr Cadate B() Juingcieria l Ponunciato ad noinl am and ocularl Dicurseaael Intctive cometnce(3) stnpedre1. Ierview 3mini. ersona quesiosii. dqestion2. Minpeenai 6mn ( aut2mn fo ech)i. Asn opi hor sech 1mi -quesion time 3. Cllra k an sson 7ni. A give t

2、isusson 3n quesion tme2 Fixe quetin for Part - IterieI. Cn tel me a littab our okor stdies and1. ht ouin most inestngou yujb or sudi ?2. Yourutue crer plas?3. Wh o decde o ean Enlish?4. Yourida kidfemple?5. Why you coos yoparicar carer?6. Aout he ace wher you wor sdy?II. Could you tel me 1. Wha ou t

3、inkhaveben t most nifiantchane cently in cnsumerbeairs n Chna(inu counry )?2. Himporatnt tink ngh wilbei the fture r usnessin Chia ( you oury )?3. To hat exttyuthin cosumerin Cna( in yurcouny ) ar nflecypclelo pduct?4. Werutink people will wo fom omn hina(i you country) inth futre?5. w you tikaree o

4、potuniis ae likeyto chn i ia(inyur coutry) ?Canyo llmea litl abutr wor or tdis and at yufndmot ntrsetabu our o o ud ? he giicncs of you maor inoet2 ou uture arer pans?(ujective mood) I whI cd /he I wisIuld ru myon sinss. adae ecatio in frthe m tudsin3 Whyyou decieo lear Eish?l Compulsy corsel deyuse

5、d Tfirt langue o itis,ercn The seco laugeIdia he orign lagage o the rs wrl e o hsix wokng langge of th U ad the largst n wothids o th wrlds s meia boadast in Engis is bcaueoits mpotancethte decie to learn it.4Yu ideal kd oeployr? Wie cp ofkolede H oake us ohis eopl Professionallcopent Goo t relation

6、siwith h eople Cnsierate We-cnted i t society (socialonectn)6 Abot e place whe ou work stdy?The ciy, uvit, cmu ,envirment.Could outel m 1 Wayotik ha b the mostsinificancangsrelyin consuerhaviorsi China ( in you countr )? n te ast pis, abilty , quantity Now esigns,tyles ,quity Brndme aouran (op,inten

7、atna brd) - rm qnitativepi ofve o quaitaiepin ofiew -less tenton to * -peoli Chia are mor and o inflence y *2 Hw impoatntyou think nlih ill be i the uuf usiness i Chna ( in you ounry )?- thesus of nglish inia Detomoean feunt coacsbeteen Chinand th re f th world , Engsh wd defielybmornd imprtan frbus

8、ines inCinain the nar fuure, but at te ame ime , with th delopment f ourothelan , ourmotr tone ofoursewll e m wiely d fr buses . ( I dubt h )3 oha etet yu thin cnues hia( inyur country) ar iflece byprc vloprdcts? More a mre iflunce by* Les nlss inlunced by * Inad o *4 hhe youhin ostpolwllwrkomhm ini

9、na(i yo ountry)nthe fuure ? The nsweis ostve . ith futr, communiation . commute Istead o travellng to te Tehnogy ,netwr tehnolog Tasieted Home-baed occtions 5 Hw ohkaeeopportuiesrlelynge n Chi (in yor cuty) ? With the developmen o scinc a ecolog,somof etradinaltresarediapearing,o he herd ,som moentr

10、ads suchas I becming ore andmore opular. kely oftfrom . N,itime or ou o develo our ow dea for art ONECan ytlma ltleabouyur w sudes and 1 Wht o fiot inteeting abotyor ob or stuis ?2 ouurecre ns?3 Wyyouece lar Elish?4 or d kindofelo?5 Whyyouhooeo artcularcaeer?6 Aouttheplac where you work or tudy?old u tlme1 Wht yotnv beenth mst sniia canecenty incosmer beavior iChina ( nourcountry )?2 owimporatnt yutik Eglis ill b h ureor bsis in hina (in your cout)?3 Twh ten yo think consuersinCia( nyo countr ) areifluenced by ric


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