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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、The Chinese Poetry Conference(中国诗词大会)on CCTV is a great .You are rightMore and more peo

2、ple begin to enjoy the beauty of the poetryAprojectBsuccessCchanceDexperiment2、To make our city more beautiful, rubbish_into the river.Aneednt be thrownBcant thrownCmustnt be thrownDmay not thrown3、Mr. White became _ because the plane couldnt take off on time.AnervousBangryCgladDcareful4、Tom, the ba

3、by is sleeping. Please the radio a bit.Aturn onBturn offCturn upDturn down5、- - My backpack _. - Dont worry. Lets go to the Lost & Found.Ais missing Bhas found Cis broken Dis forget6、-Lucy, the task must be completed before Thursday!-Oh, we cant _ to waste a single minute.AdecideBmanageCaffordDstick

4、7、 prize for the winner of the competition is two-week holiday in Paris.AA; theBA; 不填CThe; aDThe; 不填8、A notice was in order to remind the students of the changed speech time.Asent up Bgiven up Cset up Dput up9、-Hey, we help you with your space and you teach us chemistry, all right?-_.ASo do IBThe sa

5、me to youCThats a dealDIts a pity10、 Did you watch the movie Amazing China? Yes. Its one of most popular films this year.AaBanCthe. 完形填空11、 My school dayHi! Im Alex Greenall. Im thirteen and I study in Park School in Oxford, England. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday or 1 .This is my s

6、chool day. I 2 at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. My school is next to my house. I go to school at half past eight and see my friends. Classes begin at nine oclock. We have three lessons in the 3 . My favourite 4 is art. We have a break at eleven oclock. Some of my friends p

7、lay football in the 5 .We have 6 in the dinning hall at half past twelve. I have meat and rice vegetables, or hamburgers. I 7 juice or water too. The school lunch is very delicious! We start our 8 in the afternoon at half past one. We have two lessons in the afternoon. Then we go home at half past t

8、hree.In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my 9 . I do my homework and then go to 10 at ten oclock.1AMondayBWednesdayCFridayDSunday2Asit upBget awayCget upDwalk away3AmorningBnoonCafternoonDevening4AteacherBbookCclassmateDsubject5AplaygroundBlibraryCclassroomDoffice6AbreakfastBlunchCsupper

9、Dtea7AeatBdrinkCmakeDsell8AplayingBhomeworkClessonsDsleeping9AbooksBfriendsCteachersDfamily10AschoolBstudyCbedDwork. 语法填空12、阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。When you were young, who 1 (ride) you around on the back of his bike? Who played football and flew kites with you in the

10、park? Who helped you with your 2 (one) difficult maths problems? Who taught you the difference 3 right and wrong? Your dad. Now it is your turn to do something for him. This year, June 16, is Fathers Day. So why not do something 4 (thank) your dad?The idea of Fathers Day came from an American lady 5

11、 (call) Sonora Smart Dodd in 1909. She wanted a special day to honor (纪念) her father. He raised (抚养) six children after his wifes 6 (die). Dodd thought there needed to be 7 day to honor great and loving dads. Her father was born in June, 8 she chose to hold the first Fathers Day celebration on his b

12、irthday in 1910. In 1924, US president Calvin Coolidge liked the idea of a national Fathers Day. 9 (final), in 1966, the third Sunday in June was made Fathers Day. There are many ways to show your love and thanks to your father. Sending him a 10 (greet) card or a small present can make him happy. Or

13、 you can just say “I love you, Dad.”. 阅读理解A13、Every boy wants to find treasure. And Tom was no different One summer day Tom told Huck about his idea.“Where can we look for treasure?” asked Huck.“Its hidden on islands, under dead trees, but mostly under the floors in haunted(闹鬼的) houses.” So, one Sat

14、urday afternoon Tom and his friend went to look for treasure as the haunted house on Cardiff Hill. It was a quiet and lonely which made the boys feel very frightened. They entered quietly, and explored downstairs. There were cobwebs everywhere and everything was old and broken. Then they threw their

15、 tools in a corner and walked upstairs, but there was nothing there. They were just about to go downstairs and start digging when Tom stopped.“What is it?” whispered Huck, going white with fright.“Keep quiet! Theres someone downstairs.”The boys lay down, looking through the holes in the wooden floor. There were two men down



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