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1、附件2:Revision for Senior One Unit 2, Book 1编者按:笔者认为这节课的亮点是以“短语-句子-篇章”的顺序进行基础写作的暗线铺垫式教学,各项教学活动有机结合,层层推进,在语言知识和写作技巧方面提出了创新的教学法。教学设计一、设计教材:New Senior English for China Students Book 1 二、设计课型:Reading &Writing三、设计者: 四会中学 刘波萍 四、执教老师:四会中学 刘波萍五、教学内容:Revision. 教学目标1、To develop the students writing skills;2、To

2、 learn how to write a good composition by using some useful phrases and sentence patterns in the text;3、To stimulate the students interest in writing and build up their confidence. 教学重难点1、How to organize the information points and develop them into a passage skillfully;2、How to write a correct and g

3、ood English composition. 教学设计思路Go over the phrases-make the sentences-finish a good writing. 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Greetings.2. The teacher shows students the rules for the competition.Step 2 Revision Go over some useful expressions in the text.because of, come up, communicate with, make use of, play

4、 a part (in), be based on, at present, such as, than ever before, believe it or notStep 3 Instant practicing (Group work)1. Make the sentences with the above phrases. 2. Please share your answers with your group members. Step 4 PresentationThe three groups will read out their sentences one by one.St

5、ep 5 Combination1. Get the students to find and learn how to organize the Chinese information given by the teacher according to a certain logical sequence.2. Combine all the nine English sentences into five sentences.Step 6 CompositionGet the students to write a basic writing orally by using some tr

6、ansitional words and phrases. Step 7 RevisionGo over some important sentence patterns in the text.句型1: even if =even though 即使句型2:more. than. 比更; 与其说不如说句型3:This/It is because.(+原因) 这是因为Step 8 Translation当他接到大学录取通知书(the admission notice from college)的时候, 他父亲与其说是高兴, 不如说是发愁。那是因为即使他家倾其所有也拿不出这么多钱交学费。Step

7、 9 RevisionGo over the whole text by practicing the rational cloze.Step 10 Summary Summarize what weve learnt in class.Step 11 AssignmentPreview Unit3.设计目的:目的:本部分是导入环节。在本环节中教师先让学生清楚竞赛规则。目的:让学生巩固本单元的短语,在限定的时间内进行快速记忆、默写。同时为下一步的讨论和写作做好准备。目的:通过分组,在限定的时间内运用上面的短语,快速造句。是为了让学生明白“词不离句”的道理。目的:让各小组把句子展示出来,老师引导

8、学生判断、评价,并给予点评、总结。目的:要求学生将句子连成一篇基础写作,是为了让学生明白“句不离篇”的道理。目的:让学生口头快速、成功地完成整篇文章,从而增强他们今后对写作的信心。目的:让学生清楚所学的重点句型。目的:让学生学以致用。目的:让学生回顾课文。目的:让学生清楚自己在这节课中学到了什么。目的:课后进一步训练和巩固所掌握的一切,并落实到动笔完成该写作任务。 V. 教学反思 在本节复习课中,本人力求把课本单元复习和高考要求有机地结合起来,把基础知识和运用能力结合起来,让学生通过再学习、再认识,提高语言运用能力。本节课是复习第一模块第二单元短语、句型、课文。本人根据高一学生的特点和高考备考




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