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1、初三英语下册module5测试题及答案 Module5 Rules and suggestions 、单项选择 1. My father was very tired after work. he fell _ soon. A sleep B asleep C sleepy D sleep ing 2. _ the nex t 10 days, I had a great time. A In B On C At D For 3. Now, where is my school bag ? - _ ! We will be late for school. A Just a moment B

2、Take it easy C Don t worry D Come on 4.our classroom is very dirty, let s _ it _ . A tidy up B take up C pick up D put up 5. If you reach _ , you can touch it. A up B in C out D over 6. he sat by the win dow quietly, _ an in teresti ng Novel. A read B to read C read ing D reads 7. you needn t worry

3、about the _ of the children .they are all right. A safe B safely C safety D safer 8. Youd better _ late n ext time. A. not to be B. not be C. wont be D. dont be 9. -Must we do our homework first? -No, you _ . You may have a rest first. A. must nt B. n eed nt C. may not D. cant 10. - _ I take the n e

4、wspaper away? -No, you must nt. You _ read it only here. A. Must; can B. May; can C. Need; must D. Must; must 11. Eve n the top stude nts in our class cant work out this problem, so it be very difficult. A. may B. must C. can D. n eed 12. _ you like to have ano ther try? A. Could B. Will C. Would D.

5、 Do 13.If some one asks What rules do you have at home? , you may an swer _ . A. I often watch TV. B. I m not allowed to go out on school nights. C. I don t like to stay at home. D. It s a good question. 14.1 hear some one _ at the door. Please go and see who _ is. A. kn ock; some one B. knocking; s

6、he C. knocking; he D. knocking; it 15. - Let s go to the Museum of Natural History, shall we? - _ . A. All right B. Yes, we shall C. That s all right D. You re welcome 16. Can we go and have a drink now? -A drink? There are twenty more trees _ ! A. to pla nt B. to be pla nti ng C. to pla n t them D.

7、 to be pla nted 17. Which sign can tell you not to turn left? A 0 18. _ He walked me and the n turned back. A through B past C across D over 19. _ why not your mother to go with you ? A ask B to ask C asked D ask ing 2O.whe n you visit the Great Wall, you must _ the path. A walk B climb up C keep to

8、 D run 三、理解( 10 分) A In England , if people need some help , they can go to Help the Aged , Shelter , Child Line , Weight Watchers and Relate for help . Help the Aged helps old people . Shelter helps the people with no place to live in . Child Line is a teleph one help-l ine for childre n to call wh

9、e n they have problems . Weight Watchers helps fat people to be thinner and Relate helps people with problems whe n they cant get on well with others . In universities , students have their own counsellors . Jan Murray is such a woman . She works in a university as a counsellor . Students can come a

10、nd see her if they need help. I asked her when her office was open and what kinds of problems students had . In my office , rm here every day during the week , and the other person is here in the evenings and on weekends . Students can find either of us in the office at any time . Theres also an eme

11、rgenc (紧急情况) telephone number at night . People come to me with all kinds of problems . A lot of them are worried about their lessons and exams . Some worry about their money . Some need help with finding bedrooms . Sometimes they are ill and they want to talk about see ing doctors . The biggest pro

12、blem is that though uni versities are won derful and in teresti ng places , a lot of students find it difficult to make friends . They miss their families and friends and feel lost in this new place . My work is to liste n and try to un dersta nd what theyre feeli ng . But of course I also give them

13、 some ideas whe n its n eeded . Ive had a visit from a young student today . I asked him what the matter was . He told me that he was Ionely and unhappy . He asked me if other students felt the same and he asked me where he could go to meet people . 1 . Mrs Hill is about sixty . Now she wants some h

14、elp . She can go to _ . A . Weight Watchers B . Relate C . Help the Aged D . The uni versity 2 . Look at the four people . Who should often go to Weight Watchers ? 3 . You can find Jan Murray in her office _ . A . on any day B . on Tuesday morning C . in the evening D . on Saturday after noon 4 . Wh

15、at does a counsellor do ? A . A counsellor does important and helpful work for students . B . A counsellor solves all the problems of the students . C . A coun sellor gives stude nts less ons and helps them to pass the exams. D . A counsellor gives money to students when they need it . 5 . Students feel it difficult to make friends because _ . A . they miss their families and their old friends very much B . the coun sellor cant give them good ideas C . they worry about their less ons very much D . they are new at the uni versity B Useful Information in Australia Useful Numbers



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