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1、公共英语3级精讲班第11讲讲义DialogueDialogue1:Dave and Mary are talking about news they read on the Internet.1. Swiss singer Gil was named the 2005 winner of the Polar Music prize for his contributions to music.瑞士歌手吉尔因为对音乐的贡献而赢得2005年极地音乐奖。contributions to 对-的贡献The signing of such a treaty would be a major contri

2、bution to world peace.2. I know Gil is already 79, and he is Switzerlands culture deputy minister now.我知道吉尔已经79岁了,现在是瑞典文化部副部长了。3. It was founded by Thomas Anderson, manager of Swedish pop group ABBA, through a donation.它是瑞典时尚集团ABBA的经理托马斯安德逊通过捐赠成立的。4. Gil will receive about 137.000 U.S. dollars and h

3、e is expected to travel Sweden to collect the award on May 23.吉尔将接受137,000美元的奖励,并于五月二十三号去瑞典领取奖金。collect the award 接受奖励,领取奖金Dialogue 2:1. Nathan Robertson and Gail Emms, the Olympic silver medalists, will have to beat the double Olympic championships at the National Indoor Arena in Birmingham next we

4、ek.1) the Olympic silver medalists 奥运银牌获得者2) double Olympic championships 奥运两次金牌获得者3) the National Indoor Arena 国家室内运动场2. The University of North Carolina will offer an academic course about the show to promote it.北卡罗琳那大学提供促进这种运动的学术课程。3. All the students can earn three credit points for the class.所有

5、的学生都可以为班级赢得三分。4. It is an elective course created by Jay Grymes, an assistant professor.这是一位叫做吉格林姆斯的助教发明的选修课程。Dialogue 3:Steve and Jane are watching CNN, a TV channel they both enjoy.1. I just finished my paper for the course so I am not guilty of not doing anything.我刚刚完成了我这门课的论文,所以我不会因为我什么都没做而感到愧疚。

6、be guilty of/about sth 因为某事而感到愧疚I feel guilty of/about visiting her so rarely.2. Do you know that CNN will shut down its financial news network in December?你认为CNN十二月会停止它的金融新闻吗?shut down 停止、歇业、关闭The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed.Theyve shut down their factories.3. They said in

7、stead of repeating 30-minute newscast they will offer some prime-time programs.他们说他们不再重复30分钟的新闻,而会提供一些黄金时段的节目。prime-time programs 黄金时段的节目4. Actually both CNN and CNBC failed to gain popularity.事实上CNN 和CNBC两个电视频道都没能赢得观众。Dialogue 4:Tom and Lynn met in the swimming pool. They are talking about who is g

8、oing to be the direct general for Swimming Canada.1. When will they appoint the director general?什么时候他们选定总裁?appoint sb (as) sth挑选某职位、任命、委派They have appointed Smith.We must appoint sb to act as secretary.Who shall we appoint (as)chairperson?2. The new director general will decide about the head coach

9、.新总裁将决定总教练。3. He was fired shortly after the Athens Olympics because there were no medals.雅典奥运会后因为他们没获得奖杯他被解雇了。PassagePassage1. The Maltwood Art Museum Gallery, located in the main lobby of the University Center, features local, national, and international works.梅尔伍德艺术博物馆展览馆座落于大学中心的主厅内,以当地、国家与国际艺术而闻

10、名。1) locate 座落于A new factory is to be located on this site.The company has located on the West Coast.2) feature v. 以-为特色2. The McPherson Library Gallery located on the main floor of the library, features art produced by UVic students.麦波逊图书馆的展览馆座落于图书馆的一层,主要是维多利亚大学学生的艺术品。3. This unique campus radio st

11、ation offers a diversity of programming, which includes alternative rock, folk, classical and jazz music as well as news, public affairs and multicultural programming.这个独一无二的校园电台提供了各种各样的节目,另类的摇滚、民族、古典、爵士乐和新闻、公共事件以及多种文化的节目。alternative 1) 可替换的、其他的five alternative means of transport2) 另类的the alternativ

12、e society 另类群体,不遵循传统社会准则而生活的人们4. CFUV also features Victorias only regular rap, rhythm and blues, electronic experimental, and womens programming.CFUV以维多利亚的说唱乐、节奏蓝调音乐、电子实验和妇女节目而闻名。5. Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Cinecenta always offers an excellent choice of movies from alternative, foreign, in

13、dependent, documentary films to Hollywood blockbuster.为了庆祝30周年庆,西尼山大电影院提供了很多种类的电影 从另类电影、外国电影、独立电影、记录片到好莱坞的流行电影。6. Movies are only $ 4.75 for students with a valid student ID or buy a 10-film pass and pay only $ 3.75 each.学生持有效学生证值需要4.75美元,或者买十张电影的月票,每张只需要3.75美元。7. To start up a club, all you need is

14、 at least ten members, two thirds of whom are UVic undergrads, and five of whom are executive members and a club constitution.开始一个俱乐部,你需要的是最少十个成员,其中三分之二是维多利亚大学的毕业生,其中五个是管理成员还要有俱乐部章程。非限定性定语从句:two thirds of whom ExerciseExercise:Passage 11. 第二段最后一句“They pay 150 million dollars to see rock stars in per

15、son”。2. 第三段“According to one theory, rock music has a special appeal because no real training is needed to produce it. There is no gulf between the audience and the performer. Every boy and girl in the audience thinks, “I could sing like that.” So rock has become a new kind of religion, a new form of worship.”。3. 第四段“Luck is a key word for explaining the success of many rock stars.”。4. 第四段倒数第二句“Like most performers, McLean writes his own music, so he earns an additional two cents on every single record of the song.”。5. From the whole passagePassage 26. 第一段第三句



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