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1、五年级上册小学英语教学设计Unit 4 Part A Lets talk一、教材分析 本节课是人教版PEP小学英语五年级上册第四单元Part A Lets talk的教学设计。在设计中主要从以下三方面进行教材分析。首先是基于本课的教材分析,本课以对话的形式呈现语言:What can you do? I can 其功能是:简单介绍自己能做的家务劳动并询问对方能做什么事情;其次是基于本单元的教材分析,本单元话题是What can you do? 教学重点是有关家务劳动的表述方法,主要句型是:What can you do? I can sweep the floorCan you set the

2、table? Yes, I canNo, I cant最后是基于学生已有的知识储备的教材分析。五年级的学生经过两年多的学习已经储备了一定的语言,有了一定的学习热情并且掌握了一定的学习方法。在第一课时的学习中,学生已经学习了cook the meals, sweep the floor, clean the bedroom, water the flowers, empty the trash有关家务的五个动词词组和句子Im helpful! I can.二、教学目标:基于以上三方面的教材分析,结合学生对已学习过语言的掌握情况及学生的接受能力,我对本课的目标定位是:1. 能够理解对话内容。2.

3、能听懂、会说: Are you helpful at home? What can you do? I can sweep the floor. Youre helpful! 并能在情景中运用。3. 能够正确的模仿、朗读对话。4. 教育孩子要养成讲究卫生和热爱劳动的好习惯,培养乐于助人的优秀品质。三、教学重、难点教学重点:1理解功能句 What can you do? I can 的意义及其使用的语言环境,并尝试迁移到新的语言环境。2. 创设情景,为学生搭建语用平台,使学生运用语言真实交流。教学难点:语言 Are you helpful at home? 的理解与朗读以及在实际情境中正确运用。

4、四、课前准备1教师准备录音机和录音带。2为每个学生准备一份采访记录3教师准备课件和单词卡。五、教学过程1. Warm-up and previewT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Wang.T: How are you today?S: Im fine. Thank you!(走近个别学生与之问候,拉近距离,为本节课的开展做好情感、心理铺垫。)T: First, lets enjoy a chant. (看光盘课本44页的小歌谣,师生拍手同唱,迎合不同学习类型学生的需要,进一步调整学生的情绪,活跃课堂气氛,并激发学生已有

5、的与本课相关的知识、技能,为本课的学习做好语言、知识上的铺垫。)T: From this chant you can see: Dog can run after you. Panda can eat so much bamboo and Mike can draw animals in the zoo. They can do so many things. Sarah can also do some things. Now look at the screen , speak out the phrases as quickly as you can. Are you ready?Ss:

6、 Ready.T: Lets go.设计意图:大屏幕中依次出现Sarah做家务的图片,学生看图说出英文词组,让学生通过这个游戏快速在脑海中呈现与本节课有关的关于家务的动词词组,唤醒学生已有的与本课相关的知识储备,同时激发学生参与课堂活动的兴趣。提高注意力,为本课的学习做好了准备。2. Presentation and practice最后在大屏幕中出现一张被遮盖住的人物图片。T: Please look at this picture. There is something that you cant see. What do you want to know when you see the

7、 picture?(鼓励学生根据图片给出的信息提出问题,老师可以随机板书到黑板上,如:Who is she? Where is she?.)T: Here are your questions. Now lets watch the video and find the answers.Watch the video.(第一遍看完光盘后,解决学生提出的问题,同时课件中被遮盖的部分被打开,呈现杨怡做家务的画面。)T: I have a question, too. Is Yang Yi helpful at home?(课件中出现老师提出的一个新的问题,让学生带着问题看第二遍光盘。课件中出现问题

8、的时候,教师出示单词卡helpful并领读单词和问句。)Watch the video again.(看完第二遍光盘,解决问题,引导学生回答Yes, she is. 当学生回答完此问题后老师再进一步提问:How do you know that?)T: This time take out your books and listen to the tape. Please underline the key sentences.Listen to the tape.(让学生专心听,并且画出重点句子。让学生读出重点句子的同时,教师板书 What can you do? I can sweep t

9、he floor. I can cook the meals.)设计意图: 初步感知、理解新知,策略性的处理认读句子的教学重难点。落实教学目标一。T: Look! Yang Yi can sweep the floor and cook the meals at home. How about you and your classmates? Ask each other.(学生小组活动,利用新学习的句型自由问答 what can you do? I can并找同学展示。)T: Boys and girls, you can do so many things. Youre helpful!

10、Now lets listen to the tape.Listen to the tape and follow it.(跟录音读-自由读-分角色读。)设计意图: 充分的感知和必要的练习相结合,策略性的处理朗读、运用功能句的教学重难点,内化所学知识。落实教学目标二、三。3Consolidation and extensionT:YangYi can sweep the floor and cook the meals at home. You can also help your mothers do housework. You are helpful! How about them? N

11、ow lets guess what she/he/they can do?(课件中呈现一组半遮盖的图片,让学生利用新学习的句子what can he/she/they do? He /she / they can 通过猜谜的形式,让学生进一步运用所学句型来提问回答,既激发了兴趣又练习了新知。巩固教学目标二。)T:(猜谜活动结束后老师指着课件上的一些图片说)Look!They can dance. He can play basketball. How about you and your classmates? What other things can you do?(小组活动,让学生相互

12、询问除了家务彼此还能做哪些事情。并在课件中提示学生注意替换课文中的重点句子,并关注对话的语篇词汇。)设计意图: 利用身边的楷模能给学生真实的感受即榜样的力量是无穷的,通过和其他学生的交流,学生可以获得除知识以外的很多别的东西。面对面的问答也体现了对话课的特点,在真实的情境中培养学生综合运用的能力。落实教学目标四。T: Boys and girls, we know a lot about them after talking with them, Now please say something to them. You can write them down.Hello, _. Im_. I

13、m_ years old. At home you can _.At school you can _. You are helpful!You can also(也) _. You are great! I want to learn from you (向你学习). Can you be my friend?T: Boys and girls, today we have learned a lot about the things that you can do, I hope you can help your mothers do housework as often as poss

14、ible and try your best to help others. All of you have done a very good job today.Thank you very much !设计意图: 引导学生把所学语言与生活实际相结合,并渗透德育教育,落实教学目标五。4. Homework(1) 听录音并读 47页对话。(2)用英语谈论自己能做的事情。设计意图: 将本课学习的知识通过作业的形式延伸至课堂外。Bb designing: Unit 4 Part A Lets talkWhat can you do?I can sweep the floor.I can cook the meals.



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