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1、 高考熟词生义考前必背 A1. absent(熟义:adj缺席的) He looked at me in all absent way(adj茫然的,恍惚的)2. abuse(熟义:v滥用;漫骂)She is quite a successful career woman,but actually shes much abused at home(v虐待)4. ache(熟义:vn疼痛) He was aching for home(v渴望)5. act(熟义:vn行动) lt takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act(vi起作用)6. add

2、ress(熟义:n地址v写地址) It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting(vt向发表演说; 直接向说话) 8. across(熟义:prep越过) The two roads cut across each other(prep与交叉,与成十字)9. advance(熟义:vn前进,推进) She asked for all advance on her salary(n预付(款) Share prices showed significant advances today (n增加) 10. advise(熟义:vt建议

3、) Please advise us of the arrival of the goods(vt通知)ll. against (熟义:prep逆着,反对;倚,靠;碰) The picture looks nice against the white wall(prep映衬) 12. age(熟义:n年龄) Worry aged him rapidly(v(使)变老)13. air(熟义:n空气) Dont air your troubles too often(v抒发;倾诉;播送)There was a comfortable air about her room(n样子,神态,气氛)14.

4、 alive(熟义:adj活着的) The streets are alive with people(adj充满(活的或动的东西)15. alone(熟义:adv单独地,一个人地) She alone was able to answer the question (adv仅仅,只有)16. amount(熟义:n量) The cost amounted to$200(v(to)共计,达到) What you have said amounts to a plain refusal(v相当于)17. announce(熟义:宣布) A warm sunshine announces the

5、coming of spring(vt显示,预告)18. appreciate(熟义:v欣赏;感激;感谢) I appreciate that I may be wrong(v意识到(realize) 19. arrival(熟义:n到达) All stood up to welcome the new arrival(n到达的人或物)20. attend(熟义:v出席;参加) The nurse attended to him day and night(v看护;治疗)21. arrest (熟义:vt逮捕) The new medicine arrested the spread of t

6、he disease(vt停止,阻止)22. absolute(熟义:adj完全的;绝对的) The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer(adj有理由的;确切的)23. accompany(熟义:vt陪伴;伴奏) Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain(v伴随)24. alike(熟义:adj.adv相像地;相似的) Teachers should care for all the pupils alike(adv同样地)25. allow(熟义:v允许) This diet allow

7、s you one glass of wine a day(vt使可能) 26. all(熟义:全部,所有) He drove somewhere once and he was all, “I love this car. Its like a rocket.”(口语:某人所说的,所做的)27. approach(熟义:vt靠近;接近) I approached him about filling the managers job(v接洽;建议;要求)28. arrange(熟义:v安排;整理) Ive arranged with the neighbors about feeding th

8、e cats(v商量)29. arrest(熟义:vt逮捕;拘留) Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease(vt阻止;中止)30. aspect(熟义:n方面) a man with an impressive, aspect(n样子;外观;外表) 31. ask(熟义:问) When placing an ask, be sure to specify a price and a time limit.(n. 最低出价)32. available(熟义:adj可得到的;可找到的) The worthy profe

9、ssor is now available (adj. (人)有空的) B34. balance(熟义:n&v平衡) I must check my bank balance(n差额,余款) The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects(v权衡)35. bar(熟义:n棒,条;吧间) Poor health may be a bar to success in life(n障碍)36. become(熟义:v变得,变成) Her new hat certainly becomes

10、 her(vt适于,适合)37. behavior(熟义:n举止;行为) The behavior of this computer is moderately good(n性能,特点)38. blank(熟义:adj空白的n空白) The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look(adj没表情的;空虚的;没兴趣的) I call Pt think where Ive left my umbrella;my minds a complete blank!(n.记忆中的空白,遗忘)39. blue(熟义:adjn蓝色) His songs a

11、lways make me feel blue(adj. 忧伤的)40. beside(熟义:prep在 .旁) Beside your earlier work this piece seems rather disappointing(prep. 与相比)41. build(熟义:建设) The athlete has a solid build(n身材;体形)42. bare(adj熟义:裸露的) He likes to bare his heartsoul with his close friends(vt. 向某人袒露心声)43. bear(熟义:vt忍受;容忍) He was ba

12、dly wounded in the war and still bears the scars(v. 显示;带有)44. bitter(熟义:adj苦的;痛苦的) Why was she so bitter against Mr. Smith?(adj. 强烈的) 45. blanket(熟义:n毯子) The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow(vt. 以厚层覆盖)46. build up(熟义:增强的体质;建立) The noise is building up until she could not stand it(增高;加强)47

13、. burst(熟义:v使爆炸;破裂) The storm burst and we all got wet(v突然爆发) 48. bond(熟义:v使牢固结合) Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children,(v发展或建立信赖和亲切关系)49. burning(熟义:adj炽热的) She is burning to tell you the news(adj感情等强烈的)50. bound(熟义:adj一定会) I dont like being desk-bound all day(adj. 受约

14、束的) C51. capital(熟义:n首都,首府;资本) Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down(adj极严重的,根本的)52. cause(熟义:v致使) We are struggling for revolutionary cause(n事业)53. celebrate(熟义:vt庆祝) He celebrated her for her courage(vt称颂,赞扬)54. check(熟义:vt检查) We should check the spread of the disease(vt阻止,制止) 55. choice(熟义:n选择) Some of his remarks are really choice(adj斟酌得当的)56. civil(熟义:adj公民的,国内的) He is a civil person(adj彬彬有礼的,


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