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1、简短的旅游英语口语 我国高等院校纷纷开设旅游英语课程以满足.的需要。这类复合型人才首先必须掌握扎实的专业知识,同时还需要具备熟练使用英语的能力。我整理了,欢迎阅读! 一 办理签证 1.How can I apply for a visa to America? 怎么申请去美国的签证呢? 2.You need to make an appointment with the embassy. 你需要向大使馆预约一下。 3.You should provide your valid passport for your visa application. 申请签证需要你出示有效的护照。 4.When

2、are they going to make an interview with me? 他们什么时候面试我呢? 5.What kind of requirements do I have to meet? 我需要符合什么要求呢? 6.They need you to provide the copy of your passport an original ID card. 他们需要你出示护照的复印件和身份证原件。 7.How long does it take to get a visa? 签证申请需要多长时间? 8.You need to read the application gui

3、dance carefully. 你必须仔细阅读阅读申请指示要求。 9.Please complete this form. 请填完这个表格。 10.Your visa expriy date is next month. 你的签证下月就要过期了。 11.Why do you intend to go to America? 你去美国的意图是什么? 12.I want to apply for a regular tourist visa. 我想申请一个普通的旅游签证。 二 出行安全 1.You have to open your suitcase for safety inspection.

4、 你需要打开你的行李接受安全检查。 2.Please remember not to take any dangerous stuff with you. 记得不要携带任何危险物品。 3.Any explosive and radioactive items are prohibited. 任何爆炸性和辐射性的物品都被禁止。 4.You need to put your luggage through the X-ray scanner. 你所有的物品都必须经过X射线扫描。 5.Do you have any liquid items with you? 你有没有携带液体物品? 6.Pleas

5、e take off your shoes and belts,and stand here. 请脱下你的鞋子和腰带,站在这里。 7.Is it OK if I put my laptop in my suitcase? 我能把笔记本电脑放在行李里吗? 8.I dont feel well today. 我今天身体不舒服。 9.I accidentally sprained my ankle last night. 昨晚我不小心把脚踝扭到了。 10.You need some emergency treatment right now. 你需要立刻接受紧急治疗。 11.Contact your

6、 embassy when you are in need. 需要时请联系大使馆。 三 漂流运动 1.You look very energetic today. 你今天看上支精力充沛啊。 2.We are going to do drifting this afternoon. 下午我们要去玩漂流。 3.This place is funded by local government. 这个地方是当地政府筹资建的。 4.You can smell the fresh air. 你可以闻到清新的空气。 5.You need to handle the hovercraft during the

7、 journey. 整个行程中你需要控制好充气阀。 6.Oars are very important for changing directions. 船桨是用来改变方向的。 7.You should avoid huge rocks and fast current. 你需要避开巨石和湍流。 8.Can you feel the excitement and fear? 你感受到兴奋和恐惧了吗? 9.Now we embark on our drifting expedition. 现在我们登上了我们的漂流征程。 10.This is a man-made river. 这条河是人工河。 11.Hold tight or you will be jolted around. 抓紧了,否则你会被颠来倒去的。 12.We need to keep pollution away from this forest. 我们需要保护这片森林免受污染。


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