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1、2022年考博英语-山西大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The great( )between the teams did not make for an entertaining game.问题1选项A.disparityB.discomfitC.discretionD.dislocation【答案】A【解析】考查词义辨析。A选项disparity“明显差异”;B选项discomfit“使难堪”;C选项discretion“自行决定权;审慎”;D选项dislocation“(制度、进程、生活方式)紊乱”。句意:两队之间的巨大( )并没有使比赛变得有趣。Dislocat

2、ion形容制度等,不能和team搭配,disparity可以和team搭配,也符合生活中因为两个团队的巨大差异让比赛有看点的场景。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题Once upon a time, people believed staying a healthy weight was easy. To lose weight you simply had to practice the reverse of home economicsspend more than you earned. Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly,

3、 it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank accounts.To stay a healthy weight, you need a hormone called lepton to work properly. It sends “Im full” messages from the fat cells up to the brain, where they go, among other places, to the same pleasure centers that respond to drugs

4、like cocaine. Fat people produce plenty of lepton, but the brain doesnt seem to respond to it properly. Last year researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overweight people and found their reward circuit(线路)were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment

5、 they were missing.Theres a lot of evidence for the fact that most, if not all, of us have a set point around which our weight can vary by about seven to nine kilos, but anything beyond that is a real struggle. Making changes is hard, particularly if your body is working against you. So why not reje

6、ct the traditional approaches and try some new method, based on the latest research, that work with your body rather than against it.Several years ago researchers at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore reported that when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed them to eat plenty

7、 the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet. The same goes for humans, according to Dr. James Johnson.How does it work? Besides forcing the body to burn fat, it may also cause hormonal changes. Most people say that the diet takes a bit of getting used to

8、, but is not as grinding as trying to cut back on an everyday basis.Older dieters may remember something called brown fat. Unlike the undesirable white stuff; this was a dieters dream. Instead of storing excess energy as fat, brown-fat tissue burned it off to keep you warmat least in mice. Brown fat

9、 fell out of favor because researchers couldnt find much in humans but now, thanks to the New England journal of Medicine, its back in fashion. The idea is to expose people to cold temperatures. They then make more brown fat and their weight drops.1.The last sentence in paragraph 1 indicates that pe

10、oples understanding of losing weight( ).2.According to the findings of the Oregon Research Institute,( ).3.The method used by the National Institute on Aging can be summarized as “( )”.4.The word “grinding” in the paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to( ).5.It can be learned that brown fat( ).问题1选项A.i

11、s unnecessarily complicatedB.seems rather unreasonableC.used to be limitedD.can be partly justified问题2选项A.Overweight people got less pleasure from eating the same amountB.Overweight people enjoyed eating more than the others doC.People will become overweight if they eat more than they needD.People a

12、re more likely to be overweight if they produce less lepton问题3选项A.No diet at allB.Diet on a daily basisC.Diet every other dayD.Diet permanently问题4选项A.EffectiveB.RealisticC.UnreliableD.Miserable问题5选项A.converts excess energy into fatB.accumulates easily in human bodiesC.works better in warm temperatur

13、esD.burns extra energy to produce heat【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:D第5题:D【解析】1.推理判断题。第一段说到“Once upon a time, people believed staying a healthy weight was easy.(从前,人们认为保持健康的体重很容易。)”;“Unfortunately for many, but perhaps not surprisingly, it turns out that people are rather more complicated than bank account

14、s.(不幸的是,对许多人来说,事实证明人比银行账户复杂得多,但这也许并不令人意外。)”,由这两句可以看出以前人们对减肥的概念很片面、有限,殊不知人体机能是很复杂的,所以最后一句话表明了人们对减肥的理解是很有限的,A选项“复杂难懂的”;B选项“似乎是相当不合理的”;D选项“部分可以被证明的”都不符合段意,因此C选项“过去是有限的”正确。2.事实细节题。the Oregon Research Institute的研究出现在第二段,原文“Last year researchers at the Oregon Research Institute scanned the brains of overw

15、eight people and found their reward circuit(线路) were underactive. They were eating more to try to get the enjoyment they were missing.(去年俄勒冈州研究所研究人员扫描超重的人,发现他们的大脑奖赏回路(线路)是不够的。他们吃得更多,试图获得他们错过的乐趣。)”的意思是胖的人和其他人吃同等数量的食物时,他们获得的乐趣会比其他人少,因为他们大脑中的奖赏回路不如其他人,因此会吃更多来试图获得乐趣。B选项“超重的人比其他人吃得更多”;C选项“如果人们吃得比需要的多,他们就会超重”;D选项“如果产生的瘦素较少,人们更有可能超重”都不是该研究的内容,因此A选项“超重的人在吃同样数量的食物时得到的快乐较少”正确。3.推理判断题。the National Institute on Aging的研究出现在第四段,原文说到“when they gave rats very little food one day and allowed them to eat plenty the next, they showed virtually all the benefits of a permanent calorie restriction diet



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