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1、 新概念英语第二册课文注释Lesson1315 新概念英语其次册课文解释Lesson13 1.The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. “绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。 (1)group的含义是“组”、“群”、“群体”、“团体”。通常用 a group of表示一群或一个团体: On my way home, I met a group of students. 我在回家的路上遇见了一群学生。 You can see a group of islands in the middle of the lake. 你可以看到湖的中心有一群岛屿。

2、(2)pop是popular的缩写形式,主要用于口语,意为“通俗的”、“流行的”、“群众的”: Do you like pop songs/ music? 你喜爱流行歌曲/音乐吗? 2.At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. 目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出。 (1)时间状语at present意义与now一样,意为“目前”、“现在”,是个固定短语: The doctor is very busy at present. Come here tomorrow morning. 医生现在特别忙。你明天上午来吧。 (2)all在这

3、里的意思是“各种的”、“各个”,与它通常的意思(“全部的”或“一切的”)稍有不同: You can find all kinds of shoes in this store. 在这家商店你可以见到各种各样的鞋。 3.As usual, the police will have a difficult time. 同平常一样,警察的日子将不好过。 (1)usual的含义为“通常的”、“寻常的”、“惯常的”,as usual是固定短语,可译为“像寻常一样”、“按例”: On that day, he was late for work as usual. 那天,他像寻常一样,上班又迟到了。 (2

4、)difficult 在这里可以解释为“难应付的”、“费力的”,指麻烦比拟多。 4.They will be trying to keep order. 他们将设法维持秩序。 order常用的意义是“次序”、“挨次”。在这句话中它的含义是“治安”、“秩序”,一般用于 keep order(维持秩序),public order (治安)等短语中。 5.It is always the same on these occasions. 每逢这种场合,状况都是这样。 当用occasion表示在某个/些场合时,它与介词on连用: John has met Mary on three different

5、 occasions. 约翰曾在3个不同的场合见过玛丽。 新概念英语其次册课文解释Lesson14 1.After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. 在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我连续驶往下一个城镇。 (1)表示一个大范围中的某一个地方时要用介词in: Beijing is in the north of China. 北京位于中国的北部。 (2)副词on紧跟在动词后面时可以表示“向前”、“连续下去”等意义: He talked on until everybody

6、had gone. 他滔滔不绝地讲到大家都走了。 I was reading when my friend called. After he had gone, I went on to read. 我朋友来看我时我正在看书。他走了以后我便连续看书。 2.I stopped and he asked me for a lift. 我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。 名词lift的含义之一是“(给步行者)搭便车”、“免费搭车”: Last night, I had to walk home. No one would give me a lift. 昨晚我不得不走回家。谁也不情愿让我搭车。 I w

7、as lucky today. I got a lift soon after I had left the village. 我今日运气好,离开村子不久就搭上了便车。 3.As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. 他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语答复我。 (1)表示时间的固定短语as soon as通常表示“一就”,即两个动词之间相隔时间特别短: Tell him the news as soon a

8、s you meet him. 你一遇见他就把这消息告知他。 (2)表示用某种语言作为交际手段时介词用in,表示讲某种语言时可以不加介词: speak English/ French 讲英语/法语 That book is written in German. 那本书是用德语写的。 He replied the question in English. 他用英语答复了这个问题。 新概念英语其次册课文解释Lesson15 1.The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. 秘书告知我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。 would 在这里不是表

9、示单纯的过去将来时,而是表示“想”、“要”的意思: What would you like to have? 你想要吃(喝)什么? John wouldn”t lend me his bicycle. 约翰不情愿把他的自行车借给我。 2.He did not look up from his desk when I entered. 我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。 在这句话的look up中,look是它的本义“看”、“瞧”。look up一般表示原先在埋头干什么之后抬头看: He looked up(from his book)when he heard a noise. 他听到声音后就抬起了

10、头。(原先在读书) 3.I knew that my turn had come. 我知道这次该轮到我了。 turn在这里是名词,意为“轮番”、“轮班”、“(依次轮番时各自的)一次时机”: I have already asked two questions. Now it”s your turn. 我已经问了两个问题。该轮到你了。 When his turn came, he couldn”t speak any word. 轮到他时,他却一个字也说不出来。 4.Mr. Harmsworth,I said in a weak voice.“哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 weak在这里不是指

11、身体虚弱,而是指声音“微弱”、“无力”,由于怕被开除而感到紧急。 5.Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! 然后他微笑了一下告知我说,我每年将得到1,000英镑的额外收入。 (1)extra 表示“额外的”、“外加的”、“份外的”: On Sundays, I usually get some extra sleep. 星期天我通常要多睡一会儿。 Last month, he was paid an extra hundred pounds. 他上个月多得了100英镑。 (2)a在这里可译为“每一”: I went to London once a month. 我每月去一次伦敦。 Jack telephoned Pauline four times a day. 杰克每天给波琳打4次电话。


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