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1、师大二附小2014届青年教师巡课教学设计姓名徐晓萌年级五课题Unit 5 Lesson 27学科英语教材版本人教版三年级起点五年级上册教学目标1. 通过创设教师带领孩子们参观手工作品的真实情境,引出并学习目标语言:Is that your ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. What a big zoo! We made all the animals. I made it.2. 让学生通过感知、模仿和表演操练,最终达到让学生能够用目标语言询问用品所属,与同学进行交流的目的。3. 通过参与教学活动,使学生在日常生活中运用所学语言,锻炼动手能力,培养学生爱护小动物的品德,从而获

2、得积极的情感体验。教学重点1. 感叹句What a big zoo!的学习与使用。2. 单词made以及句子We made all the animals的理解与运用。教学难点学习并使用目标语言:Is that your ? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.媒体手段幻灯片 图片 电子白板教 学 过 程意 图1. Warm-up.(1) Talk about the zoo and animals with students.(2) Play a guessing game with students. Let them review the words about animal

3、s.2. Presentation.(1) Show some animal pictures to students. Let them guess教 学 过 程在新课导入环节,与学生打招呼,进行自然的交谈,从而引出本课的情境,这样既设置情境,又激发了学生的兴趣,活跃课堂。意 图whose animal that is. - Is that your bird? - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.(2) Play the video Miss Liu and the students will go to a special zoo.(3) Make a fish wi

4、th a piece of paper. Let the students understand “made”. (4) Talk about the animals made by the students.- Is that your bird? - Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.(5)Share their animals with others. Talk about their animals. - Its our zoo.- We made all the animals.- This is my fish. I made it. - Its blue. It

5、 has big eyes. I like it very much.3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(1) Is the zoo big?(2) Who made the bear?(3) Whose fish is that?(4) Is that Peters elephant?4. Practice.(1) Read the dialogue and act it out in groups.展示图片让学生猜一猜是谁家的小动物,从而引出本课的目标语言。通过难度递增的方式让学生逐渐理解、运用目标语言。整体呈现课文,使学生初步感

6、知所学知识。教师用一张纸现场制作一条鱼,通过语言的描述让学生理解made的含义,接着通过与学生的交流让学生熟悉并能够正确的使用made表述。带着问题听对话的环节对学生本节课的学习成果做初步的检验,同时培养学生良好的听的习惯。教学过程意图(2) Read the dialogue, then fill the blanks with the correctwords.(3) Talk about their own zoos in groups. 5. Homework.跟读、首字母填空、编对话的练习,综合考察学生对本节课知识掌握的情况,对本课知识做一总结与提升。作业的设置分出梯度,让不同能力的学生发挥自己的能力去练习语言。作业设计Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.梯度作业设计Make some animals, talk about them with friends or parents.板书设计Unit 5 Lesson 27Is that your bird? What a big zoo!Yes, it is. I made it.No, it isnt. We made all the animals.


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