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1、 The second period(第二课时) Part A Lets learn & Write and say 教学内容与目标 课时教学内容 课时教学目标 Lets learn 通过图片、课件等,结合教材中Sarah和小猫在不同生活事件中的状态和情绪,学会听、说、读、写下列单词:feel, sad, angry, happy, worried, afraid 能够结合本板块核心句型表达人物和动物的情绪和心理状态 Write and say 观察图中人物的动作和表情 能够根据自己的生活经验,判断并写出描述人物的情绪和心理状态的形容词 教学重点 能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用下列单词:

2、feel, sad, angry, happy, worried, afraid。 教学难点 能够用所学语言来表达人物和动物的情绪和心理状态。 教学准备 1. 预习本课时的相关内容。 2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频、卡片等。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm-up & Lead-in Teaching purpose 播放歌曲,让学生跟唱,激发学生的学习兴趣。并借用PPT出示图片,师生讨论图片,自然地引出本单元表达情绪的话题。 1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song. Play the song If youre happy, clap your hands.(出

3、示课件) Students sing along with the song and do actions after the video. 3. Free talk. T: What a nice song! How do you feel? Are you happy now? Ss: T: In our life, people have different feelings. Show some pictures of people on the PPT.(课件出示:人物不同情绪的图片) Students try to describe the pictures. Then show

4、some pictures of animals on the PPT.(课件出示:动物不同情绪的图片) T: Look! Animals also have feelings. Students try to describe the pictures. 4. Lead-in. T: Today were going to learn how to describe feelings. Write down the topic “How do you feel?” on the blackboard. Teaching purpose 结合图片,利用问题引导学生学习新单词,借用多媒体教授新单

5、词,通过多种方式帮助学生操练新单词。 Step 2: Presentation 1. Look at Picture 1. Learn the words “angry, afraid”. T: Sam and Sarah were talking about a cartoon. Its about a cat. The cat is a police officer. He chases the mice. Theyre afraid of him. Why? Ss: Because the mice are bad. They hurt people. The cat is angry

6、with them. Show Picture 1 to students.(出示课件) Students look at the picture carefully. Talk about the picture with students. Questions: Who is she?/ What is it?/ What are they doing?/ How does she feel?/ How does the cat feel?/ Why? Lead students to answer the questions. Write down the words “angry, a

7、fraid” on the blackboard and teach them. Help students practice the words in pairs, then in groups like this: Angry, angry, Sarah is angry. Afraid, afraid, the cat is afraid. 2. Look at Picture 2. Learn the words “ill, sad”. Show Picture 2 to students. Students look at the picture carefully. Talk ab

8、out the picture with students. Questions: How does the cat feel?/ How does Sarah feel? Lead students to answer the questions. Write down the words “ill, sad” on the blackboard and teach them. Help students read the word “ill” through the word “hill”. Help students read the word “sad” through the wor

9、d “bad”. Help students practice the words like this: Ill, ill, the cat is ill. Sad, sad, Sarah is sad. 3. Look at Picture 3. Learn the word “worried”. Show Picture 3 to students. Students look at the picture carefully. Talk about the picture with students. Questions: Where is the cat?/How does the c

10、at feel?/How does Sarah feel? Lead students to answer the questions. Write down the word “worried” on the blackboard and teach it. Use sentences to help students compare the word “worried” with the word “worry”. Help students practice the word like this: Worried, worried, Sarah and the cat are worri

11、ed. 4. Look at Picture 4. Learn the word “happy”. T: The cat is in the tree. Sarah and the cat are worried. Who can help them? Look at Picture 4. Show Picture 4 to students. Students look at Picture 4 carefully. Talk about the picture with students. Questions: Whos that man?/How does the cat feel?/H

12、ow does Sarah feel? Lead students to answer the questions. Write down the word “happy” on the blackboard and teach it. Help students practice the word like this: Happy, happy, Sarah and the cat are happy. 5. Read and practice. Teaching purpose 利用单词卡片帮助学生操练新单词,快速认读新单词。 Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P59

13、 Lets learn板块的音频) Students read after it. Then ask students to read the sentences by themselves and act out. Step 3: Practice 1. Flashing cards. Use the word cards to help students practice the words. Students read the words as fast as they can. Teaching purpose 利用游戏、连线并说一说帮助学生在句型中练习运用新单词,活跃课堂气氛。 2.

14、 Play a game. (游戏说明:教师每次选一名同学到讲台前面,请他/她抽出一张单词卡,并做出相应的表情,其他同学根据他/她的表演使用句型“Are you happy/sad/angry?”来猜一猜。猜对后让表演的学生试着说:Im happy/sad/angrybecause) 3. Look and match, then say. Show some pictures on the PPT.(课件出示:人物不同情绪的图片) Then show the words one by one. (课件出示:逐个展示情绪类单词) Students look and try to match t

15、he words to the pictures. Check the answers.(课件出示:答案) Then talk about the pictures with students. T: How does he/ she feel?/ How do they feel? Ss: He/ She is/ Theyre Students practice in pairs. Then the teacher asks several students to show to the class, the other students listen and make evaluation

16、s. Step 4: Consolidation & Extension 1. Write and say. (1)Show the pictures to students. (课件出示:教材P59 Write and say板块的图片) Ask questions and lead students to answer. Questions: What is he/she doing?/What are they doing?/How does he/she feel?/How do they feel? Students try to answer the questions. (2)Students write down the words to finish the sentences. Teaching purpose 通过游戏让学生在情境中合理运用所学词汇和句型,激发学生的英语学习动力,培养学生的语言综合运


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