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1、一、 选择题1、“Excuse me, sir. _ you help me, please?” “Certainly.”A. Could B. Do C. Will D. Are2、 What club does George want to join? The art club. _ I think so.A. Can he paint well? B. Does he paint well or bad?C. What can he do in the club? D. When does the club open?3、 Good afternoon, Mr Brown. _ Yes,

2、 hes at home. Come in, please. Thank you.A. Where is Jim? B. Is Jim in?C. Are you Kates mother? D. Does Kate like to go out?4、Have you read todays newspaper? No. _ there lots of sports news in it? A. Are B. Is C. Was D. Were5、 there a supermarket near your school? Yes, theres one on Long Street. A.

3、Are B. Does C. Do D. Is6、_you_ have dinner with me this afternoon? Yes, Id love to.AWould, like BDo, like to CWill, like to D. Would, like to7、_ a new building _ in your school last yearA . Is; built B .was; built C .Does; build D .did; build8、_ there any living things on other planets?I have no ide

4、a. Maybe we can know more about that in the future. 9、 your friend like English? Yes, he does. A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Has 10、Only in this way . A. you can succeed B. can you succeed C. you will succeed D. can you succeeded11、Hes never read the book The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, _ he? _. He told me it

5、s very interesting. Hed like to read it again. A. is, No, he isnt. B. is, Yes, he is. C. has, No, he hasnt. D. has, Yes, he has.12、-_you _play football? -Yes,you are right.using to BDo.use to CDid.use to DWill.use to 13、They have never been to NewYork,_?A.havethey B.haventthey C.dontthey D. didnt th

6、ey14、- _ your parents like watching TV at night?-No, they _. A. Does; doesnt B. Do, dont C. Does, do D. Do, do15、_ Peter and Jim _ hamburgers?A. Does, like B. Do, like C. Does, likes D. Do, likes16、- _. -Yes, please . I want a T-shirt for my daughter.A . What do you like? B. Do you like a T-shirt? C

7、. Can I help you? D. Can you help me?17、_ he_ at this school last term?Yes, I think so.A. Did, study B. Has, studied C. Was, study D. Did, studied18、_you often late for school?A. Do B. Does C. IsD. Are19、_ Peter and Jim _ hamburgers?A. Does, like B. Do, like C. Does, likes D. Do, likes20、_ he _ many

8、 good friends?ADoes , have B. Do , have C. Does , has D. Are, have21、 _ we go to the zoo tomorrow afternoon? Good idea.A. AreB. Shall C. Do D. will22、_ she _ well? Yes, she can ADoes, dance BCan, danceCIs, dancing D. can, dances23、there lots ofon the hill? A. Is; sheep B. Is; sheepsC. Are; sheeps D.

9、 Are; sheep24、_ you Mingming?_, Im not.A. Are; Yes B. Am; No C. Are; No D. Am; Yes25、_ pandas from China?A. Are B. IsC. Do26、-_ he _ breakfast at home? - Yes.A. Dose, have B. Does, have C. Does, has参考答案一、选择题1、A2、A3、B4、B5、D6、D7、B8、B9、A10、B11、D 12、C13、B14、B15、B16、C17、B18、D19、B20、A21、B22、B23、D24、C 本题由语境可知考查be动词及对一般疑问句的回答。在需要be动词的情况下, 第一人称单数(I)和第二人称(you)分别用am, are。对一般疑问句的肯定回答用Yes, ; 否定回答用No, not. 故选C。25、A26、B



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