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1、阅读提速练(二).阅读理解A(2017东北三校二模)Hong Kong Biking TourHong Kong Biking Tour includes a visit to an ageold walled village, a mysterious tree house and a worldclass bird reserve. You will cycle to the south of the Mai Po Reserve, where thousands of migratory birds spend the winter. Then it is on to Yuen Long

2、 Restaurant for lunch. The full version of the tour continues through more wetlands around Deep Bay and the Lau Fan Shah fishing village. The day concludes with an optional two or three hours visit to the Hong Kong Wetland Park.FrequencyEvery Wednesday and Saturday from January 2017 to August 2017Ti

3、me/Duration 9 am to 2 pm/5 pm (58 hours) for full version9 am to noon (3 hours) for short versionLanguage English (French/Spanish/Chinese on request)Tour Price HK $ 700 (full version) per personHK $ 550 (short version) per person (minimum 4 people)Cycling Time Approx. 4 hoursCycling Distance 28 km m

4、aximumDifficulty EasyEnquiries 【文章大意】本文是一则广告。作者向我们介绍了关于香港骑行之旅的一些信息。1You can choose to go on this biking tour on _.AThurs, August 10,2017BTues, April 11,2017CWed, September 6,2017DSat, February 18,2017解析:D细节理解题。根据Frequency部分的“Every Wednesday and Saturday from January 2017 to August 2017”可知,四个选项中只有D项在

5、时间范围内。故选D项。2If four adults go on the biking tour, they will pay at least _ in total.AHK $ 2 200BHK $ 2 800CHK $ 700 DHK $ 550解析:A推理判断题。根据Tour Price部分中的“HK $ 550 (short version) per person (minimum 4 people)”可知,四个成人去旅行花费$5504$2 200。故选A项。3Who will most probably sign up for the tour?AA young couple who

6、 are fond of fashion.BAn old man who likes fishing and hunting.CA college student who is fascinated by nature.DA high school girl who is interested in transportation.关键句:Hong Kong Biking Tour includes a visit to an ageold walled village, a mysterious tree house and a worldclass bird reserve.(第一段第一句)

7、译文:香港骑行之旅包括游览一个古老的围村,一个神秘的树屋和一个世界级的鸟类保护区。解析:C推理判断题。根据关键句可推知,香港骑行之旅倾向于走进大自然;再结合文中“28 km maximum”可知,骑行之旅较适合体力好的人。故那些对大自然着迷的大学生最可能报名参加。故选C项。长难句分析:You will cycle to the south of the Mai Po Reserve, where thousands of migratory birds spend the winter.(第一段第二句)分析:本句是复合句。where引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是the south of the

8、 Mai Po Reserve,关系副词在从句中作地点状语。译文:你将骑车到Mai Po保护区的南部,有数以千计的候鸟在那里过冬。B(2017安徽师大附中高三阶段性测试)Whenever something looks interesting or beautiful, there is a natural desire of us to capture (捕捉) and preserve it which means, in this day and age, that we are likely to reach for our phones to take a picture.Thoug

9、h this would seem to be an ideal solution, there are two big problems associated with taking pictures. Firstly, we are likely to be so busy taking pictures that we forget to look at the world whose beauty and interest encourage us to take a photograph in the first place. And secondly, because we fee

10、l the pictures are safely stored on our phones, we never get around to looking at them, so sure are we that well get around to them one day.The first person to notice the problems was the English art critic (评论家), John Ruskin. He was a keen traveler who realized that most tourists make a poor job of

11、 noticing or remembering the beautiful things they see. He argued that humans have a natural tendency to respond to beauty and desire to have it, but there are better and worse expressions of this desire. At worst, we get into buying souvenirs or taking photographs. But, in Ruskins eyes, theres just

12、 one thing we should do attempting to draw the interesting things we see, regardless of whether we happen to have any talent for doing so.Ruskin said, “Drawing can teach us to see: to notice properly rather than gaze absentmindedly. In the process of recreating with our own hands what lies before ou

13、r eyes, we naturally move from a position of observing beauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts.”Ruskin deplored the blindness and hurry of modern tourists, especially those who prided themselves on traveling around the whole Europe in a week by train, “No chan

14、ging of places at a hundred miles an hour will make us stronger, happier, or wiser. There was always more in the world than men could see, if they ever walked slowly; they will see it no better for going fast. The really precious things are thoughts and sights, not pace.”【解题导语】本文主要讨论了旅游中如何享受美景以及游客普遍

15、存在的问题。【难句分析】In the process of recreating with our own hands what lies before our eyes, we naturally move from a position of observing beauty in a loose way to one where we acquire a deep understanding of its parts.分析:本句是一个复合句。what引导宾语从句,在从句中作主语;where引导定语从句,在从句中作状语,修饰先行词one,此处的one相当于one position。译文:在用我们的双手重塑眼前事物的过程中,我们自然地从一种随意地欣赏美的状态转换为一种我们深度欣赏其各个部分的状态。4According to Paragraph 2, when taking pictures, people tend to _.Aforget to appreciate something attractive on the spotBfind it hard to learn skills of taking good picturesCfind a good way to keep things in t


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